
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 32: You Killed My Mother

Jade's POV: Oh my god! Is all I could say and think while I ran up to my mother, ignoring Talia, and pulled the chair legs out of her body that pinned her against the wall. Once my mother fell into my arms from the wall I nearly fell until Charles supported me and lifted me back up. I quickly sat my mother on the chair and tried get her to wake up. I asked Charles if there was anything he could do and he said, "I'll see if I can do something. Do you have a syringe?" I nodded and went into the bathroom where we had plenty of those, Talia injects herds into her body sometimes, I gave the empty syringe to Charles and he stabbed himself in the arm with it. Charles drew blood from his arm and then poked the needle into my moms arm, injecting his blood into her system. Then I realized, vampire blood cures people from injuries and stuff like that, my mom will be okay! She has to be...

Charles' POV: We all waited to see if my blood had worked, almost half an hour past and had to say something, I said to Talia and Jade, "My blood didn't work...she's dead." I tried to be sensitive, but death never really bothered me, no matter who died. Talia started tearing up again and Jade just sat in silence. Talia started saying, "We need to start planning a funeral, and a cover up story for her." I responded, "I think she'd like that. What do you think Jade?" Jade lofted her head up and with no facial expression she said, "Sure. Why not." I told Talia that I was going to bring Jade up to her room to talk. We went upstairs and when I shut Jade's door she said, "Don't even think about trying to comfort me. I'm fine." I took a deep breath and answered, "I know you Jade, you say you're fine when really you're in pain. Just let me be there for you!" Jade was starting to scare me. She was sitting perfectly on the edge of her bed with her arms in her lap as she turned her head, once again emotionless, and said, "I said I'm fine." I noticed Jade digging around her suitcase for who knows what. I tapped her shoulder and I said, "I've never done this before, cared about someone so much that's when their loved ones die I actually care, but I do. Just let me help you and we can get through this together, you and Talia will get through this. I promise." I backed away knowing Jade probably didn't want me that close to her right now. She was still digging through her suitcase and suddenly she pulled her hand out. Jade had the glass hair comb in her hand and she started chanting a spell. As soon as Jade was done she said, "I said I'm fine!" And she turned back around, I knew she just took in the magic that was inside the comb, I could see the trail, but I expected there would be more pain to her. I watched as Jade walked back into the kitchen so I followed her. As soon as she got in there she grabbed a knife from the counter. Jade held up the knife in front of herself and said, "I'm fine." Before stabbing herself in the stomach with it! Talia went running over to her, along with me. We caught her before she fell to the ground and Talia said, "What did you tell her? Why did she do this?" I noticed Jade still had on the bracelet I gave her earlier today and I told Talia, "This bracelet Jade's wearing was made by my mother, Jade will be fine, but for now let's get her upstairs until she's back. As far as why she did this, I have no idea, but we'll know soon enough." Without any other words being spoken, I pulled the knife from Jade's bleeding stomach, then Talia and I took Jade into her bedroom and layed her down. We went back downstairs and I said, "What should we do about your mother?" Talia looked at me and said, "I'll call the police and explain to them that someone broke in while we were all gone and they murdered her. But you need to take Jade out of here, take her to Ashtons house." I looked confused and said, "Who's Ashton?" Talia turned to a desk and wrote down an address then handed it to me and said, "It's her best friend, he knows about all of you so Jade will be safe there. Just get her out of here now and I'll take care of the wall and the police. Okay?" I nodded my head and took Jade from her bedroom to my car. Then I drove to the address on Talias note. I knocked on the door with Jade's body in my hands. Someone answered and said, "Oh god! What happened to Jade?" I said, "She stabbed herself. But don't worry, she'll be fine. She just needs to stay here while some business happens at her house, can I come in?" The man I presumed to be Ashton said, "You're Charles aren't you. Jade told me a lot about you two." I gave a half smile and said, "Yeah. But seriously, can I come in?" Ashton smiled and said, "Come on in buddy." I smiled and brought Jade inside. I explained to Ashton about the bracelet and how it's spelled to keep Jade alive, then I told him about her mother and Jade's reaction to it. She stabbed herself. After that I said, "And right now Talia has the police at her house explaining to them that a murdered broke in and killed their mother. That's going to be our cover story for what really happened." Ashton raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, what really happened?" I replied, "We aren't completely sure yet, but I'm going to have a chat with all of my siblings to see if they did it. You see, Jade's mother wasn't just killed, she was stabbed in the chest, both legs and arms, her neck, and her stomach in two places, all with chair legs. Someone wasn't just trying to kill her, they wanted to send a message. And no human would be able to stake someone hovered against a wall, this was definitely a vampire. I just need to figure out if it was one of my bastard brothers, or someone else. Which is where I'm going right now!" Ashton replied, "Wait wait wait! You're leaving? What about Jade?" I answered, "Keep her entertained so she doesn't come looking for me, she'll end up dead, again! Just make sure she's okay when she wakes up and that she doesn't do anything stupid!" Ashton nodded his head and I left...

Jade's POV: I woke up gasping for air and confused. I killed myself, how the hell was I alive? I noticed a familiar face next to me with a tray full of food, a drink, and some ice. It was Ashton. I asked what happened and he said, "Well, you killed yourself and that handy little bracelet on your wrist brought you back to life." I sighed and rolled my eyes as I looked down at my wrist to see that bracelet still on. Ashton continued and said, "Why the hell do you seem angry? You're alive!" I mumbled to myself, "Sure I'm alive, doesn't mean I want to be." Ashton grabbed my hand and said, lIm your best friend Jade, and as your best friend you need to tell me...why'd you do it. Why'd you kill yourself?" I couldn't even look at him when I answered, "I walked into my house with Charles after being in Prague, and London, I missed Christmas with my family and it ended up blowing in my face! My mother died because I wasn't there to protect her. I know who killed my mother, and I know why too! You can understand why I'd be upset about it." Ashton looked at me and said, "I know that's not the reason. So tell me the truth, please." Tears ran from my eyes as I sobbed, "Nathan killed my mother. He did it because I survived the ritual and he didn't want me too, it's because Charles and Daniel are in love with me and Nathan hates it. He wants to send a message to me...he's coming for me!" Ashton looked confused and said, "But Nate got his power, why would he still want to kill you just because you're in cahoots with his brothers?" I gulped and said, "Nathan won't let his family have a moment of happiness, and I want that to end. I know how to make it end too! You can't blame me for wanting to take my own life, I won't give Nathan the satisfaction of taking my life away from me! And honestly I think I'm going to do something really stupid in order to stop him! But you can't say a word about this conversation to anyone, especially Charles, if he knows I'm planning my own thing he'll stop me." Ashton nodded his head and said, "I may not be a supernatural, vampire badass, but I won't let anything bad happen to you either!" I smiled sincerely and replied, "I know Ashton, but what I need you to do is stay as far away from all of this as possible, everything will be back to normal as soon as Nathan's gone for good. But until that day comes, promise me you won't get involved." Ashton said back, "I can't promise that Jade! I'll die for you. You're my best friend and I would sacrifice myself for you any day!" I smiled again and replied, "I love how much you care Ashton, but I need to be in the danger zone, I need to be on the verge of death at all times, that'll ensure that everyone is kept safe! So now will you promise me that you'll stay out of it?" Ashton laughed and said, "Fine. I promise! Now you need to eat something. After all you were just dead for the second time in like two months!" I laughed and Ashton and I started eating the night away while I wondered what Talia and Charles were up to!