
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 3: I’ll Take It To The Grave

I was so confused. Nathan just gave in like that, I figured I'd have to like force it out of him. He told me to sit down and led me over to the couch, I noticed another person there, it was a man who looked a few years older than me, oh well I'll ask about his family later. Nathan starred into my eyes as he did the first day we met, then he grabbed both my hands. His touch was warm and gentle where as yesterday it was cold and rough. I looked into his eyes and said, "Nathan? Hey! What's going on? You can tell me. Whatever it is, I can keep a secret!" He got another nervous look on his face and I could tell he didn't want to say whatever was on his mind that he was keeping from me, but he spilled anyway. Nathan said, "I need to warn you. Knowing what I'm about to tell you is dangerous, people will try and hurt you...I might try to hurt you. So if you want to back out now and forget that you were here and that we had this conversation I'd understand perfectly. But if you choose to stay and listen than you'll be in for a crazy life. Can you handle that?" I replied a little frightened, "Yes." "Jade...I wasn't in that parking lot, but I heard the car from across the school. I ran. I couldn't bare the thought of something bad happening to you..." he trailed off. "But you ignored me the entire day and wouldn't say a word to me. Why would you car if a car hit me?" I said. Nathan spoke out, "Jade. Listen carefully to the words I'm saying...I heard the car while I was across the entire school, then I ran to you. Our school is huge, no human could hear from that far away, nor run from all the way over there in time. Think about it." I was so confused until he said, "I'm not human Jade...I'm a vampire!" WHAT THE-

It's been two hours since I heard Nathan say that he's a- uhm, a v...vampire. How? Vampires are just made up fairytales and tv shows for people's entertainment. There's no way vampires are real. That's impossible! Nathan finally let go of my hand and while I was still freaking out and processing this I realized, I'm dreaming. This isn't real. I said aloud, "Now I understand. I've been dreaming, this entire time it's just been a long nightmare. I probably didn't even leave my dads house in California! Thank god!" Nathan gave me a concerned look, I know I sounded crazy, but it couldn't be real. I won't believe it. This is just a bad dream that I can't wake up from. That's all. Nothing else, I'm fine! No vampires or dumb school at all! Then I told Nathan to pinch me and I'd wake up, I heard him murmur under his breath, "Whatever will get you through denial..." and he pinched my arm. Ouch! I figured I'd be awake by now, out of this nightmare, but I wasn't. Nathan was still sitting right in front of me and I whispered, "No! But that's impossible. Right?" A tear ran down my face and that soon turned into 2 tears and then I lost count. I was basically crying a river. I was terrified and felt lost because everything I believed was a lie...

Nathan's POV: "Jade. Jade! Jade, look at me!" I said concerned. She's in denial, but that's reasonable, when my witch of a mother told me she turned me into a vampire I was in denial for an entire day, then I had to drink blood or I'd die and I came to the conclusion that I was really a vampire. And that was over 3,000 years ago. Jade wouldn't look at me, I needed to calm her down before everyone in the house woke up, but she wouldn't budge. She was just sitting there, crying and trying to figure out what was going on. I understand why she's crying, I just wish I knew how to make it better, or at least stop. If my family wakes up and finds out that I've told a human about us then they'll probably desiccate me for another hundred years as they did a little over a century ago. I hated seeing Jade looking so upset and confused. I wanted to make it better, I had to make it better. I looked deeply into her eyes and said that everything is okay. She believed me and said, "Nathan...why is this happening? Why do vampires exist and how are you one?" I answer all of them, I didn't want to be rude and say to her that it's because she couldn't keep her nose out of my business, but instead I said, "Jade? I have no idea why this is happening. Vampires exist because someone who I used to call my family betrayed me and my siblings. That's person in particularly put this curse on me 3,000 years ago but failed and turned my entire family to blood sucking roaches. We have to live with that everyday you know!" She looked sorrowful, like she felt bad for me. Nobody feels bad for me, I'm the bad guy, the old one that everyone hates. However Jade managed to get through her tears and sobbing and said, "What's going to happen to me? What if your family finds out I know? What will they do to me?" So many questions. I stayed quiet knowing that my answer would either have to be a lie or something she'd hate. I couldn't do either so I didn't even bother answering her questions until she blurted out, "They're all going to kill me aren't they. I'm going to die and- and I'll just be dead forever! They won't take pity on me as you have, they'll kill me for my knowledge of you all, that's why you wouldn't answer me, because that's what your answer would be?" She started panicking and freaking out. "Jade! Listen to me very carefully! I will not let anyone touch you, do you understand me? Nobody will cause you harm, not as long as I'm here. I'll protect you, you have my word on that!" I said with a half decent smile. Jade seemed to calm down a little bit, but I still had to ask one thing of her. I said, "Jade, do you promise to never tell this secret, that you will take it to the grave?" "I'll take it to the grave!" She replied...

Jade's POV: I couldn't just idly stand by while Nathan and his family just roams as vampires and suck the life out of people, but of course I couldn't do anything about it either. I heard Nathan say him and his family became this way over 3,000 years ago! That's pretty old for a high school student! No matter how I felt about them, I promised I would take their secret to the grave and as I said that a voice popped up behind me and said, "Yes! You will be taking it to the grave..."