
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 2: Aquatinted

I got in the steaming hot shower. Nobody was home so I could take as long as I wanted. I finished showering and decided I deserved a little extra time to just enjoy the hot water. I haven't ate all day and with all the steam I started to feel a little faint. My head was spinning. I hurried and got out of the shower, put my hair up, and layed down on my bed in just my towel. I closed my eyes hoping I'd never wake up, but when I did wake up I remember what I dreamt about. It was Nathan. It was him pulling my out of the way from that car like he did a few hours ago, except it was in a different perspective, like someone else in the parking lot watching. It showed no sign of Nathan, then like he popped up out of thin air he was standing next to me yanking my arm. Was this trying to tell me something? Was my dream more of a vision thing? No, maybe I'm just going crazy. I think I'll just talk to him tomorrow instead. Until then, I'm eating my dinner and going to bed...

I got out of bed this morning feeling more drowsy than I did yesterday. I couldn't sleep without figuring out what my mind was doing. It's like it was playing tricks on me about Nathan. That's why I'm shaking off the bad sleep and going to talk to him once I arrive at school. I put on a little more makeup to hide the bags under my eyes, I straightened my hair, and put on a pair of jeans with just a regular t-shirt. I ate breakfast this morning since I was up earlier than normal. Then I grabbed my backpack, hopped in my car, and drove to school...

Finally, it felt like that drive took forever. It's probably because I'm eager to find out what's going on with Nathan. Anyway, I walked all around the school up until the bell rang, no sign of him anywhere. I asked Tessa if he was here today since she has access to attendance and she said he was unexcused from school today. Huh? That's weird. He's definantly hiding something because before he left me in the parking lot yesterday he said, "No one will believe you if you say anything." So what was he keeping a secret that he didn't want anyone to know about. I told Tessa that (no questions asked) she needed to pull up Nathan's address so I can go snoop. She was totally in agreement because she knows that family is strange. Tessa gave me an address to somewhere weird. It was up in the mountains actually. That's an odd place for a house. I decided I'd go check there after school today, my excuse would be that I noticed he was unexcused from class so I wanted to make sure he wasn't dead or something, and then I'd get straight to the point and get him to tell me what happened yesterday...

Thank god! The day was finally over. I feel like school is such a waste of time, I already know every basic part of being an adult, plus I already know I'm getting into college on a scholarship for medical school. It's not like I need the extra boring school time! Oh well, I guess it's like a law or requirement or something. Anyway, I drove up to where the address took me to. That was a huge house. Like really really huge. These people are totally loaded! I walked up to the front door and knocked, when it opened I saw a young girl standing there, she had long blonde hair and when she spoke it was in a French accent. I asked if Nathan was home and she said she'd go get him and that I could wait inside. I walked into the doorway and soon enough Nathan appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He said, "What are you doing here Jade?" I replied, "I asked Tessa for your address so I could check on you. You were unexcused from class so I just wanted to make sure you weren't like dead or something." I was nervous being here. Nathan looked at me, took a deep breath and said, "Okay Jade, now what is it that you really came here for?" I was shocked, he could see right through my little scam. "I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday!" I said. "There isn't anything to talk about, you almost got squished by a car and I pulled you out of the way. There isn't anything to talk about." Nathan looked scared, he's definantly hiding something. I scolded back, "Yes there is and you know it. Yeah, you pulled me out of the way from a speeding car, but you were inhumanly fast about it. You weren't even in the parking lot and then within a second you were yanking my arm to get me out of the way." He looked concerned and said, "Did I hurt you when I grabbed your arm?" He gestures down to my bruised arm. I hadn't noticed it before until he said something. "It's nothing. Just a bruise. All I want to know is how you did that? How was that possible?" Nathan sincerely said, "Jade, if you really want to know what's going on you have to promise on your life that you won't say a word to anyone, not your mother or sister, not Ashton or Tessa or anyone. You must keep it to yourself or it won't end well for you! Do you promise?" I replied, "Yeah, uhm yes, of course. Yes, I promise. Just tell me what's going on?" He looked at me up and down and said, "You're going to want to sit down for this Jade..."