
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

The Ancient One

Some time later, when Nick Fury and the other agents leave, Asher has time to analyze the S.H.I.E.L.D. identity card. - Special Advisor, along with a generous amount of money courtesy of Nick Fury when he left, Asher couldn't help but smile.

"The feeling of deceiving people... It's really good."

Asher, who had completed his purpose, muttered with satisfaction.

But that's when he said it....

"Your behavior is funny."

The unfamiliar voice made Asher's body tremble involuntarily.


Almost at the same moment, Rayquaza, who was calm, began to roar lowly as if he sensed something, completely ready for combat, Celebu also flew to Asher's shoulder, ready to defend his master.

The next moment, Asher saw a circle of sparkling orange energy appear in front of him.

And from that circle came a woman.

The woman had a striking bald head, wore a yellow robe, and sported a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth.

She just stood there, with a deep mystical presence, intertwined with a sacred nature, exuding wisdom.

Before Asher could react, she took the initiative to smile at him, "But what you just said is wrong - Sorcerers began studying dimensions more than 1600 years ago."


Looking at this woman who suddenly appeared, Asher felt a bitter taste in her mouth for a while.

He had just dealt with a paranoid bald guy, and in less than a few minutes, another even more complicated one arriving at her door?

Furthermore, this one is not easy to cheat at all!

"Hello, Elder."

Supreme Wizard of Karma Taj "The Ancient One", the true guardian of the land.

She has lived for at least 600 years, even throughout the universe, she enjoys a respectable name, and her strength is so strong that it is difficult for a powerful existence like Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, to invade the earth in a frontal attack. .

Not to mention that he still has control over the Time Stone, one of the most complicated if not the most complicated to deal with, of all the Infinity Stones.

To put it bluntly, in Asher's judgment, the Ancient One is basically the ceiling of combat power on earth.

"Ahem, Elder..."

Although he knew that most of his nonsense had now been heard, Asher still coughed twice and was ready to apologize.

But at this moment, the Elder waved and said with a smile.

"The stability of this pocket dimension is perfect - if you didn't voluntarily open your passage, even I wouldn't have been able to detect it."

She looked at this space, and there seemed to be some respect in her words.

"Among the dimensional spaces I've been to, the stability of this pocket space of yours and its compatibility with the main dimensional space are enough to rank it in the top three."

The elder has also been to more than one pocket space in her long life.

After listening to the Elder's words, Asher also didn't know what to say for a moment - perhaps this is just an unassuming visit.

However, the Ancient One quickly finished her analysis of the dimensional space, and got straight to the point.

"Lord Asher, I originally came to find you and your partners."

She smiled and gestured to Celebi on Asher's shoulder, and pointed to Rayquaza in the sky not far away.

And when she spoke, Celebi also looked at The Ancient One with her big eyes, and there was a rare hint of vigilance in the dragon's eyes that had always been proud and fearless.

Both Pokémon obviously felt the power emanating from the human in front of them, of all the humans they had encountered before, this one was obviously of a different magnitude.

"Did you hear the conversation I had with the director?"

Asher's face didn't change: "They are creatures in another dimension."

"No, you're not telling the truth."

The Ancient One looked at Asher with a smile: "Dimensions are also part of the universe, a part of this universe, and even creatures from the dark dimension cannot hide that they belong to this universe."

"But they... No!"

She pointed to Celebi: "It has the power over temporal energy."

"But... The power of ''time'' is not easily taken, as it belongs to Eternity."

As the holder of the Time Stone, the Ancient One is very sensitive to the power of time, so she also felt the power of time in Celebi's body at first sight.

The eternity she speaks of is one of Marvel's five greatest gods, a god who symbolizes the concept of cosmic time.

Then she also looked at Asher and paused: "They are not the lives of other dimensions, because they are not the lives of this universe, not even this multiverse."


After hearing the Elder's words, Asher didn't know how to respond.

"And you, Asher."

The Elder's words obviously didn't end at that point.

She looked at Asher calmly, and her voice was very flat: "After what happened not long ago, I watched you!"

"Your past is covered in fog, your future is completely uncertain, and even the future that I 'observed' has undergone indefinite changes."

"So... Who are you Asher Oak's?"

And as this question was asked, an enormous pressure instantly pressed into Asher's body.

Asher replied in a low voice, "Does it matter who I am?" "

And having said that, Asher's heart was really panicking.

This is the first time since he came into this world that anyone has seen through him.

Basically, except for the existence of the system, no one knows that he is not from this world, but the person in front of him has already seen that his origin does not belong to this world.

But even so, Asher still tried his best to remain calm.

It's true - in this separate space, it's not impossible for Rayquaza and Celebi with combined combat power to team up against The Ancient One, allowing the escape.

Asher knew that it was basically impossible for a person who had the Time Stone to die.

So when he makes a move, the chance that his situation will become extremely complicated, and practically certain - at least many of the plans he made on Earth will basically be scrapped, and he will have to be careful of the Sorcerer Supreme's attack. whenever he comes out in the future.

Therefore, he was not willing to go to war with Kamar Taj.

At this point Asher was confused - in keeping with the character in the original work the Ancient One was obviously very strict with extra-Dimensional invaders.

''She... Is she testing me?''

Therefore, he trusted his own judgment and chose to face The Elder directly!

And of course....

"You're right, it doesn't matter who you are."

After a brief silence, with such a sentence, the Sorcerer Supreme's attitude seemed to change completely in an instant: "I have observed you - there is no evil and madness in your thoughts and actions, and it seems that you are still preparing for the future disasters what land will face."

She smiled at Asher: "As long as you are harmless to the earth, Kamar Taj is not your enemy."

"You're qualified, Asher Oak's."

As Asher expected, she seemed to be just testing him now.

"The Elder really likes to joke."

Then Asher breathed a sigh of relief.

But when Asher felt the matter should end here...

"I have one more thing to ask you here."

The Elder suddenly looked at Asher seriously, and then pointed to Celebi on Asher's shoulder, "I want to ask you to go to the Karma Taj with this guy... There are a few things we could use your help with."


Asher couldn't believe this Sorcerer Supreme's reasoning - a few seconds ago it looked like they were going to fight to the death, and now she actually asked him to help?

Although he knew that The Ancient One was just testing her character and attitude now, this undoubtedly made Asher very uncomfortable.

How he got to this point, Asher would never understand!


The Ancient One's more than 600 years of study is no joke, at this moment, with a wave of the hand the atmosphere in the place changed, becoming serene and calming.

"If you are willing to help, you can ask for whatever reward you want in return."


Asher, seeing a good opportunity, responded immediately - Yes!