
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Secret Plans and Unexpected Visits

One month later....

S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion Headquarters.

"Have the plans been approved yet?"

Inside Fury's office, there was another man.

He is Alexander Pierce, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the man who passed the position to Nick Fury.

"Well, after this incident, the military side seems to be under pressure."

Nick Fury took a sip of the coffee in his cup.

There is no doubt, politicians don't feel the pain until they are whipped - but this time, the appearance of the two Asgardian princes, the invasion of the frost giants, and the overwhelming power displayed by Asher, made the ''whipping'' that much more. painful!

"Are there already candidates for the Avengers initiative?"

Pierce asked casually.

"Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, plus Natasha and Barton."

Nick Fury nodded.

"It's not enough, Fury."

Pierce frowned.

"I know, they're just preliminary candidates."

Nick Fury sighed, "It's a shame, if the Council would let me pressure him in advance, maybe there would be a chance to pull him into the plan." "

Of course, it's clear who he's talking about.

"You're thinking too much, Fury."

Pierce shook his head: "Asher Oaks is too strong to be controlled, rather consider him a candidate for the Avengers - it would be better to find out where he stores these creatures."

"Well... You're right."

Of course, Nick Fury knew that Asher's Pokémon were usually in the pocket space in the backyard of his house, but he obviously wouldn't tell Pierce that little secret - even if it was an old friend, Nick Fury didn't say anything, after all in this medium of work, no one is 100% reliable.

The conversation about the Avengers ended at that point, and the two did not continue to discuss other members.

"Was the ''Cube'' plan also approved?"

"Yes, the project approved."

"Everything is already ready – it's really urgent that we get started."

Speaking of which, Pierce looked directly at Fury, and questioned, "What about the research candidates?"

After hearing this question, Nick Fury frowned, since Pierce left S.H.I.L.D, - this former director rarely cared so much about S.H.I.E.L.D., to the point of asking so many questions.

However, after so many years of friendship, Nick Fury left his usual paranoia a little aside: "I'm not sure yet, but probably Dr. Selvig and his team..."

"Toot toot!"

Before the words were finished, Fury's communicator rang.

And when he prepared to answer, Pierce also consciously got up and left the office.

And Nick Fury wasn't surprised by Pierce's attitude either - Secrecy is the most basic thing as an agent, so Pierce leaving the office was a courtesy.

"Nick Fury, speaking"

"Boss, we found something in the ice, near the Arctic..."

And with the news on the other side, Nick Fury's expression gradually became serious, and his attention was fully focused on the news.

But he didn't know after leaving the office.

Reaching a dark corner, Pierce narrowed his eyes.

"Set the target, Asher Oak and Dr. Selvig."

Pulling a small transmitter from his coat pocket, Pierce sent a message.

"Dr. Selvig, researcher, the high priority target can be controlled."

"Asher Oaks, high priority target, uncontrollable, can summon powerful creatures to combat, means still unknown, suggested ''eradication plan".

"Message finished."

"Hail Hydra!" "Hail Hydra!"


At the same time, inside Asher's Pet Shop...

"The weather is good today."

Sitting in the chair and muttering to himself, Asher wondered when he would just close his pet store - anyway, his store hadn't sold pets in a long time, and the dogs and cats that were left had basically been sent off to live freely. in the forest of Celebi or in the garden of Victini.

Thinking about some random things, Asher enjoyed the rare leisure time.

However, it was a shame that every time Asher enjoyed this relaxing time, someone would always appear to disturb him.

"Ding, ding!"

With the sound of the door opening, Asher also got up to see who was arriving.

Then, his eyebrows were raised with interest.

At the door of the store, a man with a strange visor pushed a bald old man in a wheelchair.

First Nick Fury, then The Ancient One, and now this – Asher almost wondered if he'd signed up for a bald club.

After entering the store, the man stood directly next to the old man, and the bald old man looked at Asher with a gentle smile: "Hello, young man."

"It's really presumptuous of me to come and disturb."

At the old man's greeting, Asher smiled mischievously, "It's much better than the previous way of greeting, professor."

The person in front of him was the mutant leader and telepath, who he met when he gained his first ability, right after summoning Celebi - Charles Xavier - Professor X.

"Since your kind young advice, I have also changed a little in the way I greet the people."

The teacher was still smiling, "This is my assistant Scott, maybe I can ask his name?" "

And with just this sentence, Asher could deduce that Professor X had no knowledge of the recent series of events.

But it's okay to think about this carefully - mutants basically live in hiding, and Professor X's academy is closely monitored by several organizations, essentially isolating them from issues that don't involve mutants.

"My name is Asher Oaks."

Asher opened the door and invited them in: "Teacher, did you come to me for something?"

Professor X, on the other hand, remained the same: "Actually, I came to find your mentor." "


Then Asher was stunned.

"It was the one who had extremely powerful psionic power around him the last time I communicated with you."

Speaking of which, Professor X's expression also became a little embarrassed: "Last time it was a mistake on my part, but this time... I have something very important to ask him."


However, Professor X discovered that after he said this, Asher looked at him with a very strange look.

And then....

"Celebi, come out."

At Asher's whispered call, Professor X and Scott saw a small figure suddenly appear.


Celebi, who was playing with the kittens and puppies, and was suddenly summoned, became quite curious as to why his master called him and with doubtful eyes he looked around.

"... You may not believe. "

Then Asher hugged Celebi, and looked at Professor X and Scott beside him, and with a serious face said, "The person you are looking for... It must be this little guy here!"
