
Hypocrite WORLD

When he's borned, there are no crying, no emotion and no movement. Only stillness. Bryan called genius by people have a differents thought ' What mine is mine and whats yours will belong to me '...

Sung_Jin_Woo_2783 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Although, both of them knows Lord Rex from his kneeling in front of the vilage, and in front of them, direspecting a ruler of extreme south is not good. When Rex kneeled in front of them, they too, laying on the ground when knowing they ruler do that for them.

But, when they do that, Rex said this to them " I m Bryan true father ". Making them stunned, but recovered after a while. But deep inside they thoughts ' So that the reason...genes never lies '. Thingking about Bryan figure and face same as the man in front of them, they no longer suprised, with the constant learning from Wesly, they knew a bit of conspiracy in higher power and a politic diversion.

After existed the hall, Bryan imediately walked toward a two storey tall black tower, with a lone sword flag atop it. Two guard in gold amour coldy standing there excuding an aura of expert, but after seeing their lord only son, they bowed and open the metal door. They are the private army trained by Rex, and all of his order have been executed by them. Of course they know, aside from Garry, Lord Rex have an another son, but they know it after been informed by their lord.

Seeing the interiors of the tower, Bryan wait for a while, waiting Sam and Alex come. After they arrived, the group of three without further thoughts entered the tower, clossing the door Sam and Alex remarked at Bryan. " Bryan, what is this place? ".

" Entrance to a secret library ". Bryan said, he slowly walked toward the center of the tower, where an diagram of lone sword inscibed. Taking a small sword same as the inscribed on the floor, he let go of it, letting the small sword fall.

! Ting!

But, suddenly the small sword vanished without touching the hard floor. Making a sound of metal clingking, a small black hole appeared on the ground big enough to fit a ground size mens. Looking at the black hole without any light,  Bryan said to Sam and Alex. " Jump "

Without saying anthing else, he jump, making the still amazed persons taken aback. With a sighed they bot noded at each other, the first person to jump are Alex, followed by Sam. After no other person in vicinity, the black hole closed itselft.

Inside a big room adorned by stone light, a woman in his thirty with long brown hair, and wearing a dress, said to a maid at his side.

" Secret library?...that bastard son...if not for his master, Garry will still alive!! ". Although, she just calmly standing, a furry still appeared at her face. The beautifull maid at her side with still bowed head said. " Madam, Bryan is Theresa son..." but hers word interuped with a slap in her face.

" Scram ". The Madam said, but without any further instruction, the beautifull wearing maid outfit, with still bowed head slowly walked bacwards afterward closing the door.

In the silent room, only the woman still standing, suddenly a voice reached her ears. " What happen dears? a beautifull face of yours will be ruined by that temper ".

A man wearing black suit emerged at her side, embaracing her intimately. The woman released her sour mood, and intimately hughing and kissing with the men...

" Kurk....can you kill that kid? ". With naked body, and still in the man embrace she said.

" Can't..Lord Rex is protecting him ". Kurk said to the woman beside him.

" So why you come here ? ". The woman asked with a frown, dissatisfied with the answer she heard. After a while, Kurk said to her. " Selena...i m sorry ". With a blur at her sight, Selena fell something in her chest, letting go of Kur left hand, she touch the chest area. Only to feel a warm liquid coming out and a felling the arm size hole inside her chest, she looked at the men beside him.

" Why.." that the last word she said afterwards, the light in his eyes faded.

Kurk, on the other hand, slowly melted his outer figure, replaced with a Silver Humanoid robots.

> Beep! mission excetuted ! <

Bryan inside a room full of book floating, smirk.