
Hypocrite WORLD

When he's borned, there are no crying, no emotion and no movement. Only stillness. Bryan called genius by people have a differents thought ' What mine is mine and whats yours will belong to me '...

Sung_Jin_Woo_2783 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Bark City

Inside the secret library, Bryan and the others calmly reading on the table, after finished, they will throw the book at the air, and it will float. A round blue rock at his hand, with a flash of lights, a new book appeared at his hand.

" This one is Great Barrier Formation 'basic' ". Bryan looking at the book, muttered, he's  curiosity increases. Opened the thick book, a simple intruduction appeared, ' Only cultivators '.

" Restriction toward the norm...i see ". With his full attention on the book, he began to read it,  sheet after sheet...

At the surface area, inside Rex's castle, in front of him were cold corpse. Without any care Rex remarked, " Burn it and  sprinkle hers ash at the Black Sea ". Saying so at the mens beside him, he began to walk toward his own room.

" Yes Lord ! " the gold amored men said, but a fear still visible in he eyes. ' Madam Selena is he first wife...why Lord is cold toward hers? '. Despite having this thoughts, all he can do is, follow the order.

Inside his room, wearing a simple night gown, Rex writing calmly. ' What a ruthless son i have...sigh...'. He siged while thingking about his son's work. Despite still inside the secret library, making people perished without using his own hand is...woresome for him.

' Give me the most filtered information you get from this book '. Bryan asked the A.I inside his mind. Without any pause, a voice resounded.

> Beep! Great Barrier Formation

( An elemental shield, created by the first human emperor, Sanjin. A cultivators in Demigod realm. He's used his Super Barrier Innate Spell, to created a simple formation. Using this formation, the ruler of land inscribe it below the ground, making any unexpected situation to be controlled. With this Great Barrier, any land that can afford to inscribed this formation, can have a peace for a thousands years, no wars from other neighbouring kingdom, county, province....but only internal power will be happening. This is also the reason, only cultivators is respected, cause any normal humans or beasts can't not passed through this barriers. <

" A simple yet, full of holes information...i think this book is not the full knowledge for this barrier things, and its have ' basic ' in it ". Bryan sighed and remarked.

At his side, Alex reading book the title of ' Body Heat conversing '. Bryan already read it, conversion calories to a simple life energy, although it usefull for Alex with his plump body, but it not entirely useless to him, if he managed to change it like ' Life force conversion '. New breath techniques will be made.

Sam on the other hand, mediate with his eyes closed. Despite inside underground bunker, the density "Mana" in vicinity thick. Seeing Sam like this, a proud smile emerged in his face.

> Beep! discovering a high level energy at the north city, the only passageway through extreme south. With the energy wave released, conclusion level 6 or higher Official Warriors <

Even though, Bryan with his current tech can extract Rex's memory, but he didn't do it. His reasoning were " Wait a little bit more, if there are no other ways to passed through the Great Barrier we have to use him, but its a pity ....." This his words when voult full of knowledge in front of him.

After the voice faded, Bryan closed the book he currently reading and said to the two guys. " Lets go, an envoy from Bark City is comming ". After that, the groups, slowly floating and like flying, move upwards.