
The proclivity for gallop.

"Boyfriend!!"Anthony said raising his eyebrow.

"Yes.Sorry James.I forgot to inform you!!"Sia said.

"No problem I was just worried!!Isn't he Anthony!!Hello I'm also your big fan!!"He said.

Anthony nodded and said him to sit down.

"Why were you not in home??What.."James stopped when notification came in the phone.

"Excuse me.I will receive this call!!"Saying this he left the place.

"You didn't say you had a boyfriend!!I wouldn't have said her that you are my girlfriend.You can get in trouble!!"Anthony said.

"No,No it's not a huge problem.Don't worry!!"Sia said.

On the other hand James was talking in the phone.

"Oh the work is done!!Great!!I will move from here soon!!James said with a smirk.

"Sia I have to move now."He said.

"But where are you going Sia asked.

"I talked to you about my new job right!!For a task I have to move to Canada.I will do packing I have flight after 3 hours."He said.

Sia nodded.

James left.

After eating they went back to office.

"Anthony there is the shooting for your new movie in Paris so you must move there from tomorrow."Maria said.

Anthony nodded and moved to his room.

"Is there something between you and Anthony?"Katasumi asked in a low voice.

"No,Why??"Sia asked.

"Oh.He looked protective towards you so!!Ok let's get to work."Katasumi said.

It was already pretty late.

Sia decided to go to talk about novel.

Saying Maria to inform she has left she went out.

After sometime Maria informed Anthony.

"What!!How can she leave alone at this time!!This area is filled with bad guys at this time!!She mustn't have gone too far.I must "Saying this Anthony left.

"Hey babe!!Wanna come with us!!"A group of boys said approaching Sia.

"Don't come near.Help!!Help!!"Sia screamed in fear.

"Shh!!Don't make noise girl!!Not good for you!!"A guy said holding her wrist tightly.

"Please leave me!!Please!!"Sia said.

"Oh!!Such a pleading girl!!But we've got no mercy girl!!"The guy said moving close to Sia touching her waist.

His hand was approaching her shirt buttons.

But he got a punch.

Anthony hit him and fighted hard with every one.

At last all of them ran apologizing.

Anthony went near Sia and wipped her tears.

"Thanks a lot!!If you weren't here..."

"Shh!!!It's my responsibilty.Don't worry nothing will happen to you as long as I am here!!"Anthony said.

"Where were you going??You could have taken me!!Let's go now!!"Anthony said taking the car.

Sia said him the place.

Reaching there she went on the third floor;the place for discussion of authors.

"Sir!!Please stay out.We don't allow anyone to be in."A girl said.

Anthony nodded.

"Oh!!Sia!!Come in!!Sit here!!Did start the novel!!You are the best author here.This time you must bring out a really influencial novel."The women said.

"I think I won't be able to write it down!!"Sia said.

"But why??And why were you late??"The women asked.

Sia told her the whole event.

"Oh!!Sia!!Why don't you write it as a novel!!It's gonna be preferred.Spend more time with him and write the novel.It will provide with a very nice novel.Add few fantasy also if possible."The women said.


"For your career as a novelist!!"The women said.

Sia nodded.

"How can I do this!!"Sia came out thinking.

"Sia!!Sia!!"Anthony called her but she was lost in her thought.

"Sia!!"Anthony said little loudly.

"Huh??Yes.Let's go my work here is done."Sia said.

Anthony nodded and they went home.

"Pack your belongings.We're going together tomorrow."Anthony said to Sia.

Sia nodded as she had to be with him for few time for the novel.

Wow!!They are gonna come pretty close probably for the novel!!

But will it last for the novel!!

Will they fall for eachother?

Will this condition allow them to?

Will they be successful to do something that is really difficult in this time?

What will happen next??

What moments are coming?

What secrets and facts are coming further?

To know it all.

Keep reading!!

Hope you are enjoying it!!!

ShristiAdhikaricreators' thoughts