
The heinous drift.

Next day,They went to the airport.

After few hours they reached Paris.

Sia thought for sometime and said,"Anthony,Can I come with you !!"

Anthony said,"Ok!!if you want to.You can assist me."

They freshened up and went to the shooting destination.

"Anthony!!Take the script.We will start the shoot for advertisement soon."A guy said giving the script.

Anthony nodded.

After few takes they got a break.

The shoot was of diamond jewellery and the scene was Anthony helping the actress to be ready and the atmosphere must be filled with love.

But the actress was trying to be too clingy.

She got near Anthony and pretended getting bumped by stone.

"Ouch it hurts!!"She said pretending to be wounded.

"What happened mam??"Sia asked her caringly.

"Just get lost.I don't want your concern."She said pushing Sia.

Anthony saved her from falling by trapping her in between his muscular arms.

"What the hell were you doing?What if she was hurt?"Anthony said angrily.

The actress said,"Why are you caring so much?"

Anthony said,"You have nothing to do with my personal life madam!!"

"Do you think I am here just for observing it all.I am leaving.Director get an actress for it.I'm not interested anymore."She left.

"Whom do we search now!!"The crew started disscussing.

"Sorry!!Because of me your shoot stopped!!"Sia said facing downwards.

"No problem.It's not your fault actually.She wasn't here for shooting.It's good we knew it soon."Anthony said lifting her face up.

Director called Anthony.

They had a conversation.

He came near Sia with a smile and said,"Sia.Director want you to do the shoot."

Sia said,"Can I?"

Anthony said,"Believe in yourself.You will for sure."

Sia nodded.

After few minutes,They started the shoot.

Sia was trying to put on the necklace but couldn't so Anthony helped her get ready.

At the end he kissed her on cheek saying the last script the shoot was successfully ended.

They went back to the hotel room.

And went back to own country.

"Ok.Rest well!!You can take rest if you want tomorrow."Anthony said after reaching home.

"No no,It's fine.Let me cook for you.You maybe tired."Sia went in the kitchen.

She made curry.

And started making dough.

She forgot to tie her hair so her hair was coming again and again hindering her to do her work.

Anthony saw it and took the hairband in table and tied her hair.

He also removed the short hairs in the forehead.

Their eyes met.

Not know what it was but both of them could feel their heart racing in this silent moment.

They came back to senses and got apart.

Anthony broke the silence saying,"What have you made as curry??Such a good smell."

"It's my special dish.Wait for few minutes I will bring it."Sia said.

Anthony went back to sofa and sat.

Sia brought him food and he tasted it.

"How so delicious!!How did you make it!!"Anthony said.

"My mom said we must make things my heart then the food becomes tastier."Sia said.

Anthony said,"Great!!"

They went back to their room.

Notification sound came when they reached the room.

Sia's eyes widened seeing the message she got.

Wow!!Sweet moments are coming right!!

But what about their life condition;Sia's boyfriend?

Who is he actually?

What is he doing?

Won't he be an obstacle?

What will happen next?

What message came to Sia making her shocked??

Many facts to know.

Many moments to see.

Keep reading!!

Hope you are enjoying it!!

ShristiAdhikaricreators' thoughts