
Chapter 3

Bishop and I continued to see each other a lot over the next few weeks. He walked over to my house almost every night. On the nights he did not come to see me my wolf was hard to handle. She wanted him.

After a month of the flirty dinners, Bishop came to my door in tears. “We need to talk,” he said.

I let him in and kissed him on the cheek. “Whatever it is, it’s okay,” I told him.

“I want to ask you something,” he said.

Bishop got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

“It would be the greatest honor in my life if you would marry me and be my wife. I love you, Miya. I have always loved you,” he said.

Bishop placed the blue diamond on my finger that I recognized as my mother’s ring. He had asked my brother for permission to marry me. He went to my family and got the ring of a queen to ask me to be his wife.

“Yes,” I said.

“You do understand everything if we marry. You understand we will have to be careful. Some people will never want this to happen,” he said.

“Yes. I do. I am willing to take the risk to be your bride,” I answered.

Bishop was so happy at that moment. He kissed me. For the first time since he told me who he was, he really touched me. He caressed my body. The way he felt touching me brought out my wolf.

“Keep her under control,” he said.

“We will have to release her at some point,” I said.

“You need to take your wolf form and let her run. It is the only way to control her. She needs a release. I want to be able to make love to my wife without worrying she will lose control and kill me,” he said.

“I will lock myself in my chamber and take my wolf form tonight,” I told him.

“I will stay here with you tonight in case you need me,” he said.

“I need to call my brother and tell him,” I said.

There was a knock at the door. I kissed Bishop and went to open the door. The knocking was hard and loud. I knew who it was.

“Waylen is that you?” I said as I opened the door. It was my brother. I leaped into his arms.

“I have missed you, sis,” he said.

“Of course you have. I am your favorite sibling,” I said.

“Is Bishop here?” he asked.

He grabbed my hand and smiled. “I see you said yes,” he said. I nodded.

“I am so happy for you sis,” he said.

“Did you bring Maggie and the kids,” I asked?

“No. We have things to discuss. I thought it was best if it was just me,” he said.

Waylen walked into the kitchen. “The three of us need to make some decisions. We have to make them tonight,” he began. “You know this union will be frowned upon by some. Not your family. We love all creatures. I married a witch. She is the love of my life. I would never deny anyone happiness. But you both need to know that you will have to be careful. You can’t flaunt who you are. You cannot have a big wedding. This has to be a small family affair or just elope as we did. Go to New Orleans or Las Vegas. Go somewhere no one will pay attention to you getting married. But keep it quiet. Do you understand?” he said.

We both nodded.

“The other thing is your wolf. You have to release her so you don’t kill your mate. Bishop and I talked about her being so aggressive toward him. I knew you had stopped taking wolf form a long time ago. Now it is going to be a pain to control but you have to figure it out. I know it’s hard but you need to let her out. She has to have a release or you could hurt yourself or him or both of you,” he said.

“I thought it was best I stop taking my wolf form. I was afraid to do it here all alone. I set up a chamber in the basement but I was just afraid,” I said.

“That is why I am here. It is best if Bishop is at a safe distance while you practice taking your wolf form a few times then we will go from there,” Waylen said.

“I understand. I love him. I do not want to hurt him. I want to be his wife. I want to be able to touch him without killing him,” I said.

Waylen had always been the best brother a girl could ask for. We couldn’t see a lot of each other. He and his amazing wife Maggie kept their lives very private since having children.

Maggie was a witch from Savannah so they choose to live within reach of her family. Waylen was happy. There were very accepting of him. I was happy for my brother. I always wished I could be around my nieces and nephews but it was dangerous.

Our entire lives had been dangerous since the war. We were ousted for having a belief that everyone was equal. My parents were such kind loving wolves. They raised me and my brother to be kind-hearted like them.

Now my brother was on my doorstep risking everything to make sure I could be happy like him. The world was a dangerous place for a wolf that mixed with someone other than a wolf.

My brother and his witch wife and me with my soon to be vamp husband. Why couldn’t it just be that simple? Why couldn’t we just be happy people with happy lives? Why the other wolves couldn’t let us be, I do not understand. It cost us so much just for happiness.

Waylen stayed a week with me while I let out my wolf. I know he missed his family. Listening to him telling his kids goodnight every night and how much he missed them made me long for a family of my own.

There was the other problem the only way I would be able to have children with Bishop was with the help of a witch. Lucky for me my brother married one. Unlucky for me she did not like using her magic unless it was necessary.

Before any of this could even be talked about I had to figure out a way to control my wolf. I did not understand at the time. Other wolves and vamps married with no issues, but my wolf bond to Bishop was developed when I was very young, and then she was deprived so she was furious and wanted to be pleased.

The man was risking his life to be with me. He had waited on me. I had waited on him even if I had not known at the time who I was waiting on it was him. I had refused my arranged marriage and chosen to be alone. My wolf must have known he was out there. Now she wanted him.

The turning every night was hard. I managed by thinking about his touch. I thought about being able to make love to my husband. I thought about our life together. It was agony but I did it for him. I did it for my wolf I had suffered. I had not been good to her. I deserved this pain. She should not have been silenced all these years.

The last night my brother was with me. I took my wolf form and he let me run. Every other night I remained in my chamber. Waylen felt it was important for me to run. He hoped I could control myself. If I succeeded in staying in control I would be ready to marry Bishop.

I ran and ran. I went to the lake. I swam. It felt liberated. Then I saw him. It was hard for me. I ran to his window and peered in at him. I did not know if he saw me at first. Then his eyes met mine. He saw me in my wolf form. He came to the window. I could tell he was afraid. He examined me. Looking at my beautiful silver fur, peering into my deep blue eyes. I could tell he was pleased with my form. I howled loudly. I howled so loud my brother came.

As I stood outside his window my wolf was calm. We were meant to be and my wolf knew it. My brother motioned for Bishop to come outside.

“She won’t hurt you,” Waylen called to him.

I knew Bishop was nervous but he came. He touched my fur. It was exhilarating to feel his hand running through my fur. My wolf remained calm. I was so proud of her.

“You think she is okay now,” Bishop asked my brother.

“I believe so. I think we did it,” Waylen said.

“I am proud of you sis,” Waylen said.

Waylen left the next day to be with his family. Bishop and I started planning our wedding. Our perfect life was within reach. We were about to be the happiest people on earth.