
Chapter 2

I knew I was in trouble the moment I walked into my house with him. I took him to my home office and called Lance to tell him the house was sold. He was even happier I sold it at the full asking price. I did not really give him time to congratulate me. I had paperwork to do.

“Miya, I am an attorney. I can help you with the paperwork so you can finish quicker,” Bishop said.

“Trying to run from me I see. Are you afraid to be in the big bad wolf's house?” I asked.

“Not at all, but I would love to take you out to celebrate,” he said.

“No worries. I have a template to make all this go quick. I just need to fill in your information and I will be done with my part. My secretary will handle the rest. If I can be honest I am not into partying. I would be happy to build a fire and hang out in my backyard,” I said.

“Sure. While you’re doing all the paperwork, can I see the creepy basement?” he asked.

“Sure, but you do know my personal chambers in down there. Please don’t mess with it,” I said.

Bishop walked out of my office. I knew he was snooping. He was trying to figure me out. I did not care. I had nothing to hide.

Bishop came back with a picture of my parents. “I knew them. They were so kind to me when I was growing up,” he said.

“Yes they were kind to everyone,” I responded.

“I have to confess something Miya. I asked you to show me the house. I asked Lance to send you. I wanted to see you. I am sorry if I was devious in going about this. I had to see if you were still beautiful,” he said.

“Bishop I do not remember you. If you were with us when I was young, I do not remember,” I said.

“You were 16. I was much older than you but I told your father when you became old enough I wanted to be first in line to be your mate. But then everything fell apart,” He said.

“Most of the vamps in our village were orphaned. You have parents. I am very confused,” I said.

“My parents helped start the alliance. The countess was my mother she married the King after the queen died. He adopted me and changed my name to hide me,” he said.

“Barlow?” I asked.

“Yes,” he responded.

“That is why you can read my mind, which is why I am so attracted to you. We were supposed to be mates,” I said.

“Yes. I wanted to reach out to you sooner, but I did not want to disrupt your life,” he said.

“You are not disrupting my life. I need answers. I think I need answers. I am not sure what I need,” I said.

“Miya, why don’t we just hang out tonight and see what we remember,” he said.

“Okay, let me email all this to Allison. There is wood on the patio. Why don’t you build us a fire and I will cook us a meal. Wait. You don’t eat regular food. I think I have something in the wine cellar. I cannot think,” I stammered over my words.

I was in such shock. I thought Barlow died when I was young. He was standing in front of me. The man I was first promised to. The man I was supposed to have a life with. I did not know how to handle it.

I quickly emailed all the documents. I called Allison. I turned off all my phones. I wanted to concentrate on Barlow for the night. I wanted to see if I was still in love with him.

As I tried to put all this in a neat little box Bishop grabbed me and kissed me.

“I never stopped loving you,” he said.

I said nothing. I did not know what to say at that moment. I like everything nice and neat and my life in the matter of one afternoon was a hot mess.

“I can still read your thoughts,” he said.

“Good. Do you know what I am thinking now,” I responded?

“Yes, but I think there are some things you need to know first,” he said.

“I know everything I need to know. I have waited my entire life for you to come for me. I have waited for you in every way,” I said.

I had waited. I was a 28-year-old wolf virgin. I thought my mate was dead. I thought my family was going to make me mate with some idiot. I had spent the last few years avoiding everyone so I could stay single. My goal was to stay alone long enough I no longer had to mate. Here he was in front of me. He was a sexy beast and technically he was mine.

“It could be dangerous for you. I could be dangerous for you. I am not sure you want this,” he said.

“Yes. I want this,” I said.

I could feel my inner wolf. She was growling for him. “I cannot control her,” I said.

“I know. You’ve waited too long. You could seriously hurt us both,” he said.

I went to him. I placed my hand on his chest. I immediately felt this wild urge to have him. My entire body became like a raging fire.

“You need to calm down. How long has it been since you released your wolf?” he asked.

“Months,” I responded.

I was on him. I kissed him. I scratched at him. I could not stop I wanted every part of him.

“Come back to me Miya,” he demanded.

“I cannot. I have to have you now,” I said.

My desire for him was overwhelming. I could only think of giving myself to him at that moment.

“Miya, Listen to me. We have to do this right. Your wolf is very strong. If you bite me I will die,” he said.

The thought of something bad happening to him brought me out of the trance.

“ I …. I …. I am sorry,” I said.

He held me so close at that moment. I had to silence my inner wolf. She was furious. She had been without for so long. She wanted him. He knew how strong my desire was for him.

“Why didn’t I know when I saw you,” I asked.

“Your wolf has been asleep for a long time. She recognized me when you spoke my name,” he said.

“I am so embarrassed. Let me get off of you and straighten myself up. This is no way for a lady to behave,” I said.

He laughed.

“What should I call you Bishop or Barlow?” I asked.

“Bishop is fine. Let’s not get your inner wolf a reason to try to attack me,” he said.

“I would never rape a man. I am pretty sure you were a willing participant,” I said.

“Yes. Right up to the point I thought your inner wolf was going to bite me,” he said.

“What now?” I asked.

“Well, tonight let’s build that fire. We will be neighbors soon. Unless you don’t want me to move into the house now,” he said.

“I would love for you to be close by,” I said.

“Remind me tomorrow to have the house wolf proofed. I don’t need you wandering in and having your way with me,” he said with a laugh.

“I would never. I am a lady,” I said.

“You might be. But your wolf is a wild woman,” he said.

Bishop and I spent the night on my patio talking about my family. It was the first time in years I was able to openly talk about my home. It felt so good. There were only a few times I wanted to release my wolf on him. I knew that night I had to find a way to let her out so I could have Bishop without killing him.