
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


19 Waste

Marcus continued with his tour on the plane after he had done cooking for Netero and the judges meals.

Plane with good facility

After a few hours of walking around, he decided to go back to his room.

Suddenly he saw a boy was walking with a dark face.

"My, my, look at this. Who else if not the angry Killua." Vince smirked as he spoke to Killua.

He knew very well why the kid was in bad mood. He might have been offended by that playful old CEO.

Walking with a bad mood, when he saw Marcus was smirking at him, his killing intent suddenly peaked.

Without any words, Killua suddenly attacked Marcus with his sharp hand.

Facing with sudden attack, Marcus immediately parried the hand and knocked Killua's head.

"Oi oi, calm down a little bit can you. I'm just joking." Facing with the fast reflex, Killua was shocked how casual Marcus reaction was.

Killua felt that if Marcus had a bad intention, he would be in trouble at the moment. Seeing that Marcus still acted casually with him had calmed Killua a little.

Feeling the killing intent had gone, Marcus squatted in front Killua

"Say, aren't you with Gon?" He asked

It didn't take long before Killua pouted and complained about the ball games with Netero.

"Pftt. So, you have a thought about killing him, aren't you? Hihihi. Don't even think about it. Even leader of your Zoldyck family won't take the chance to do it." Marcus laughed.

Killua was stunted when he heard Marcus spoke his family's name. As far as he remembered, he never told anyone except Gon about his family.

"What? Surprised? It's not that hard to know about your origin." Marcus smiled.

"Uh, whatever. It's not like I kept its secret from anyone. Now I have calmed myself down I'm going for sleep. Thank you." Killua said his gratitude and left for his bed.

Following Killua direction, Marcus also went for his bedroom for a good night sleep.


On the next morning, they arrived at their destination.

After the contestants got off the plane, they saw a wide flat high land without anything else there.

Then, Bean came out. "Everyone, the third phase exam will begin here, at the top of Trick Tower. To pass this phase you need to reach the tower's base in 72 hours.

Without further instructions, Bean boarded back into the plane and left the contestants.

Walking to the cliff, they saw a a straight steep cliff.

As Gon and others were discussing how to reach the bottoms, they heard Marcus voice.

"Well then, see you guys later."

They turned towards Marcus and saw him jump straight from the tower.

Along his shortcut to the bottoms, there were several creatures tried to attack him.

However, Marcus knocked them all with his fist.

Several minutes later, Marcus saw a flat land not far from him. He immediately reached for the cliff and did a few maneuvers and landed safely.

Seeing no door anywhere in front of him, Marcus immediately run around to find it.

A few minutes later, he still didn't find them and decided to go through the wall.

Using his En, Marcus found the thinest wall and decided to crash into the tower.

As Marcus was about to punch the wall, a voice was heard calling for him.

"Wait, Marcus san. You can't do that." A girl run toward him and shouted.

"Huh? Who are you?" Marcus turned and asked.

"Greeting, contestant Marcus. I'm Lisa, the committee staff for the Hunter Exam." Lisa introduced herself.

"Owh, Staff? Why can't I enter through this? That green Bean only told me to reach the tower's base. He didn't say anything else." Marcus frowned.

"Uh, Err. I don't know sir. I was told to come here and stopped you." Lisa was panic when he saw Marcus frowned.

Suddenly an intercom sound from Lisa's back. Taking out her intercom, Lisa heard an order to give her intercom to Marcus.

"Hello, contestants 406. As the judge of the third phase, I'm hereby regrettably telling you that the only entrance to complete the third phase was through the top of the tower." A voice came out from the intercom in Marcus hand.

"Owh really? Why didn't you tell me sooner huh. That green bean just left us without any further instructions except for reaching to the tower base. Now I'm here a few steps away from the base, you are telling me that I have to start over from the top?" Marcus scolded to the intercom.

"Not my problem. The plane will arrive in 10 minutes to take you back to the top. You are to follow my rules to pass this round." The voice calmly spoke before the communication line was cut off.

Marcus crashed the intercoms to the wal with frustration.

Although he knew about the top secret enterance, he thought he can pull off a shortcut with the maze game. And now it turned out he was wasting his time.

A few minutes later a hot air balloon arrived to bring Marcus back to the top.

Before boarding the balloon, Marcus took out some muggy balls and threw it to the wall.

BOOM!!! A huge explosion happened and created a huge hole through the wall.

Lisa who was standing not far from Marcus was shocked by the sudden attack.

"Humph, take that as your compensation for wasting my time." Marcus turned and boarded the air balloon.


It tooks half an hour for the air baloon to reach back to the top.

Arriving on the top of the tower, Marcus saw there were a few more contestants who didn't find their enterance yet.

His eyes immediately locked up to a silhouette that was crawling to find the enterance.

"Lucky!" Seeing Tonpa who had found the enterance, Marcus immediately dashed towards him and kicked him flying off the cliff.

"Let's see if you can survive and come for the 36th time." Marcus said as he walked to the floor that Tonpa checked just now.

Marcus jumped to the enterance and found the group was waiting for the last person to enter.