
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


33 Joke

As Marcus took his steps forward, Canary looked at him.

"The one who went through the fifth level?" She suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Why? Did I get any permission because of that?" Marcus asked.

"Dream on. You are not the first one who passed it." Canary said with cold tone.

"I see. You had opened the fifth level too. Let me see how strong you are." Marcus grinned as he dashed towards her.

As soon as Marcus steped inside the gate, Canary immediately attacked him.

Evading the incoming rod, Marcus land a punch to her gut.

Receiving the blow, Canary step back a few steps before straightening her body again.

"Nen huh. Can't stand a single blow without it?" Marcus smiled

Without responding to Marcus, Canary face turned cold as she released her Nen.

"4000? Hmmm... Almost 5000unit, I guess." Feeling Canary's Nen, Marcus muttered as he estimated them.

Standing not far away from Marcus, Gon and his group suddenly felt a cold sweat out of no where.

Their sense alarmed them that going further would be very dangerous.

"Did you feel that?" Leorio asked.

"Yeah, same as we felt against Hisoka." Kurapika replied.

"Conjurer right? As soon as I step across the line, my sense immediately warned. And you also had never cross the same line." Marcus grinned as he figured out the trick.

Canary didn't respond to Marcus words as she immediately step forward and attacked him.

Receiving Canary attack, Marcus only dodge it and land another punch to her arm.


The rod on her hand fall to the ground as her arm had been broken.


{Challenge has been completed}

{You have received 10 points}

{100 million Jeni had been credited to your account}

Hearing the notification, Marcus smiled.

Suddenly his sense was intrigued with danger.


A kick was arrived to his head as Marcus defended himself with two hands.

Dispite using Ken, Marcus was still sent flying backwards with huge force.


A tree was immediately destroyed as Marcus crashed onto it.

Slapping away the dust on his clothes, Marcus stood up and walked to the gate.

"That's hurt granny." Marcus wipe up blood on his mouth.

"Kukuku.. youngster nowadays is tough. Normal people usually died after that kick." Tsubone laughed.

"Tch. Am I going to fight you next?" Marcus asked.

"I don't want to fight with Killua-chan's friend. You can wait the house over there. Killua-chan currently in confinement, If he is really going to see you, he will see you there." Tsubone pointed to a house on the hill before picking Canary up.

"That's the last line we would tolerate. Crossing it again, we won't show you any leniency." Tsubone said with cold tone before disappearing from their sight.

Marcus turned to the group behind him.

"Well, that's as far as we can go. Let's just wait."

"But, I only have 10 days left." Gon said stubbornly.

"Then do whatever you want after 10 days. For now let's wait. I'm quite sure Killua already knew about our arrival." Marcus walked straight to the house.

Arriving in front of the house, a line of butlers including Canary had been waiting for them.

"We have been informed about your arrival. Master had instruct us to welcome you as our official guess." Gotoh bowed and spoke.

They immediately escort Marcus and his group to the living room and invited them to sit.

"Please make yourself at home." Gotoh spoke once again.

Then they stood up watching Marcus as his friends without a words.

After a few minutes, the living room was still in silent.

"I don't know if my home is this quiet and so awkward." Marcus yawn and lied on the couch.

"If it is possible, can you contact Killua once again?" Leorio asked.

Gotoh smiled and sat down in front of them. "That wasn't necessary. Young Master is already on his way."

"Really?" Gon asked.

"Yes. Please wait for a little while." Gotoh smiled.

"Inactivity seems to make us feel longer. How about playing a game?" Gotoh asked


"Yes." Gotoh immediately flicked a coin and catch with two hand simultaneously.

"Which hand?" Gotoh asked.




"..." Marcus closed his eyes and ignore the game.

Looking at Marcus was ignoring him, Gotoh eyes suddenly turned sharp.

"You know what? I saw Killua young master birth.If I am allowed, I will say I had the paternal feeling towards him. You people who tried to take Killua from us, I really hate you." Gotoh tones suddenly turned cold.

"I can't accept this. I'll judge you my way. Before Killua is here we will settle this." Gotoh spoke again.

Suddenly the other butler appeared behind Canary and put a pistol on her head.

"Refuse to answer, she will die. If you are wrong you will be eliminated. If three of you is eliminated, then I will tell Killua you have left and you will never see Killua again." Gotoh proposed.

"Three?" Leorio asked.

"Yes. He isn't included. He didn't came for the same reason as three of you." Gotoh pointed to Marcus.

"But Killua is our..." Gon replied

"Shut up. It's not your place to refuse. You only alive until now is because we let you. Stop your idiotic thinking." Gotoh cut Gon from finishing his words.

"See. I told you. Without strength, your words are only jokes" Marcus suddenly said with his eyes still closed.

"That's include you. Don't think your mere skill could stop us from killing you." Gotoh added.

"Well try it. I really want to see the power that could kill me." Marcus opened his eyes and grinned.

A short silence with cold air happened, as Gotoh suddenly change the discussion.

"Back to our business. Kill her if any of them refuse to answer." Giving his order to the attendant, Gotoh flipped the coin and showed his fast hand.

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio was shocked with the fast hand as they can't see the coin anymore.

Meanwhile, Marcus just leaned on the couch and close his eyes as if he didn't care.