
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


32 Zoldyck series 2.0


{New challenges have been issued}

{Zoldcyk Series 2.0}

{Defeat the Zoldyck Employees}

Zoldyck Employees

1. Zebro - 2 points

2. Seaquant - 2 points

3. Canary - 10 points & 100M Jeni

4. Amane - 10 points & 200M Jeni

5. Gotoh - 20 points & 1B Jeni

6. Tsubone -20 points & 10B Jeni

'Hisss. That old granny is as strong as Silva?' Seeing the rewards, Marcus was shocked with Tsubone's strength.

Closing his challenge chart, Marcus walked towards the gate.

Standing in front of the gate, Gon Kurapika and Leorio who were discussing something.

Hearing Marcus's steps were closing by, they turned and surprised to see Marcus appeared.

"Marcus! You are here to see Killua too?" Gon asked.

"Yeah. Probably for different reason than you. I'm coming here on Hunter Association task." Marcus stated his business.

"Association task?" Kurapika asked.

"Yup. This is Killua license. I need to send this to him. By hand." Marcus took out Killua's license and showed it to them.

"You should be the gate keeper. Can I speak to the person in charge?"Marcus asked Zebro.

Asking him to wait, Zebro went into his office and made a call.

A few minutes later, Zebro came out of his office.

"Sorry Marcus kun. We can't allow you to enter the resident. If you need to pass something, you can leave it to me." Zebro apologized.

"Well, that I can't do that. If this license is suddenly get lost in the process, Killua can't get the new one for the rest of his life." Marcus shook his head.

"Then give it to us. We are going to meet Killua." Gon suddenly asked for the license.

"You? It has already been two weeks since the exam and you still standing here. Haizz forget it. I'll have to find other way to send this myself." Marcus once again shook his head.

"No. We are going to enter the Testing Gate today." Gon pointed towards the gate.

"Enter the Testing Gate?" Marcus pretended that he didn't understand.

Shortly after, Kurapika explained about the legal entrance to the Zoldyck estate.

"That easy?" Marcus asked again.

"Easy? Do you know how much the gate weights? The first level gate is already 4 tons and it doubles the weight on every level." Leorio added to the explaination.

"4 tons? 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 127, 256. Hmmm that's quite heavy." Seeing the total 7 level, Marcus calculated the total weight on the spot.

"Does the level matter if I want to enter?" Marcus asked Zebro.

"No. It doesn't. The level is simply the tools to calculate the visitor's strength." Zebro answered.

"Okay. Who's going first?" Marcus asked.

"Me." Gon straightened his body and move forward.

Gon pushed the door with all his might until the first level slowly opened in front of him.

Then, Kurapika also did the same and opened the first level door.

When it was Leorio turn, surprised Zebro when level 2 door was opened.

Succeeding open the second level door, Gon cheered for Leorio with enthusiasm.

"It's my turn huh." Looking at the door, Marcus put his hand on both side and pushed them.


As the door was opened, everyone watched Marcus with shock.

"F-fifth level?" Leorio was dumbfounded seeing the big door was opened.

After Marcus entered, the door automatically closed it self.

"Sigh, this is the limit for my physical without Nen huh. It seems I need to train harder." Marcus mumbled as he watch the door slowly closed.

Even if Marcus only mumbled quietly, Leorio who stood nearest to him, had heard his last words.

'Train harder? 64 tons isn't enough?' Leorio was shocked with Marcus words.

After saying good bye to Zebro, the group slowly walked towards Zoldyck residence.

After a few minutes, they reached at a small gate.

"Leave!" A girl suddenly stood in front of them.

"You are intruding into private properties" she said again.

"But we passed through Testing Gate." Gon spoke.

"That doesn't mean the attendants will let you enter the private properties." She replied.

"So, how does we enter with permission?" Leorio asked.

"Doesn't matter. Simply because there was never any permission given before, nor will we give you now."

"So we can only enter without permission." Gon said.

"Enough! This is as far I will tolerate you."

With a rod in her hand she pointed to a line in front of her and said, "Take another step, I'll use all my strength to kill you."

With that being said, Gon immediately stepped on the line. The retribution didn't wait for any seconds as Gon was immediately and sent flying backward.

When Kurapika and Leorio took out their weapons to help, Gon shouted out for them to not interfere.

After Gon was sent flying for the third time, Marcus appeared in front of him as soon as he stood up and about to step forward again.

With a single strike, Marcus sent him even further into the woods.

"Marcus!" Kurapika and Leorio shouted in shock.

"I had enough of this. If that girl have any intention to kill you guys, you would have been dead.

It's time for you to learn that without strength, you big words are simply joke.

'I want to save my friend'

'I want to take my revenge'

Before you uttered that kind of words, learn to have the strength to back them up. Or else, sooner or later, you will face disaster." Marcus spoke as he walked towards Canary.