
Hunter Of War. {Hiatus.}

The main character gets reincarnated into the world of solo leveling with a few powers. He's ruthless, cunning, and not afraid to use the power he was gifted with. But, is he there alone? Read and find out. Btw, This is a joint fanfic so you can read the other perspective in his book Top Predator. {A solo-leveling fanfic} Disclaimer: I do not own Solo Leveling nor do I own the profile picture.

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Yong-sun slowly nodded as the leader of the two men took off his sunglasses and introduced himself.

"I am Woo Jin-Chul, an inspector from the Korean Hunters Guild, as you can infer from my badge. We are here today because we suspect that you and your brother might be double awakened. Your brother was already checked and it was deemed that he was...unfortunately still weaker than the weakest recorded E-Rank hunter. He broke that record so hopefully, you don't break his."

Woo Jin-Chul was very direct and a bit harsh in his choice of words but Yong-sun preferred it this way. He disliked people who beat around the bush in an effort to sugarcoat the truth. It was extremely annoying so Woo Jin-Chul's honesty was a breath of fresh air.

Yong-sun then said curiously, "Alright, fair enough. But isn't this inspection a bit...off? We are still two E-rank hunters so our survival in the collision of two semi-trucks is not that far-fetched. Albeit a bit lucky, I don't think it's impossible. Couldn't this be an overreaction on the guild's part?"

As Yong-sun was talking, Woo Jin-Chul collected a strange device with a purple crystal embedded on its top from his assistant and took it towards Yong-sun.

"Mr. Park, it's my job as an inspector to investigate any anomaly that may happen regarding hunters. To tell you the truth, this case isn't much of a priority but I still decided to follow it up regardless. We never know what might happen."

Yong-sun nodded understandingly as Woo Jin-Chul pulled up a wooden chair and sat beside his bed with the strange device in hand.

"Mr. Park, this is a magic detector. We use it to gauge your magic power and use that to assign a specific rank to you. I'm sure you already know that since you went through this process before so I'll just ask you to put your hands on this purple crystal. Your last recorded magic level was 70. You're in the bottom tier of E-rank hunters. If your magic power is higher than that this time around, then it's safe to say you've been double awakened."

Remembering what the system had shown as his stats before, Yong-sun was at least confident that his magic power wouldn't be as pitiful as his brothers'. He put his hands on the crystal and it shone with a bright light that made him feel even more confident about the result.

As the light dimmed, Woo Jin-Chul read the number that appeared on the device and his expression became...awkward. He cleared his throat and said in a low tone, "I've never seen a case like this before. Your magic power has dropped to 5. This is the first time I've ever heard of a hunter getting this much weaker."

Woo Jin-Chul sighed, rubbed his orange slicked-back hair, and got up from the chair with his assistant. They were both heading towards the door as this operation was a failure and they had more important things to do. As Woo Jin-Chul was leaving, he turned back and said in a serious tone, "Mr. Park, I don't recommend you continue life as a hunter. It will only bring death to you and sorrow to your family. We're sorry for the inconvenience and have a speedy recovery."

The man then quietly closed the door and left Yong-Sun to his own devices. To him, Yong-sun was just barely stronger than an average person. Nothing to write home about. Well, except for his new record for the lowest magic power ever documented.

As one would expect, Yong-sun was flabbergasted when he heard the news. He was too taken aback to even respond to Woo Jin-Chul as he spoke. Frankly, he even felt a bit embarrassed.

'Hm, there has to be a reason my magic power is that low. Could it be that I'm weakened for some reason?'

Yong-sun was about to check his system for the answer until he realized that the nurse who came with the men earlier was looking at him with an awkward expression. Guessing that she probably saw his test, Yong-sun looked at her in the eyes, wondering what she was about to say next.

Clearing her throat, the nurse said in a slightly nervous tone, "Um, Mr. Park, don't feel too bad! You're still stronger than little old me so I wouldn't judge you. Plus, your injuries are mostly healed so by tomorrow you should be able to move around with no problems at all! Isn't that great?"

Yong-sun raised an eyebrow and smiled a bit when he heard the woman's reassurance. He was expecting her to say something disrespectful or look at him with pity/contempt but this was unexpected. It was a nice surprise.

"Thank you for the kind words, Nurse. Don't worry, I don't feel bad about what just happened, I'll be fine."

"Yes, Mr. Park, that's the spirit!"

The nurse cheered him on and the two of them talked for a bit more before she left to continue her work. Yong-sun immediately called up the system and looked all over his status until he noticed a particular red-colored word located under his name. It seemed like it was some sort of debuff.


"This...this can't be right. Is this the cause of my magic power dropping to five? I don't even feel slightly hungry. Hm, I'll give it a bit of thought for the rest of the day and after dinner tonight, if it remains the same, I'll solve the problem tomorrow."

[A/N: I changed the Helios dragon slayer magic part in his status from chapter 1. Now, I'm using a different type of dragon slayer magic and I didn't make it too obvious about what he has to do. He doesn't even know he has dragon slayer magic at this point.]

[One day later]

Yong-sun just finished eating his breakfast and he pulled up his status once again just to see the debuff unchanged. It was starting to annoy him at this point.

"Well, it's obvious that I need to eat something special to get rid of this debuff but what could it be? My only lead is that I find myself being able to eat and digest food much easier. Even the hardest bones are like marshmallows in my mouth. Hmm, maybe I need to eat some type of metal? If that's even possible..."

Yong-sun shook his head and decided to save that ridiculous notion for his last resort. If all else fails, then he would try to bite the closest bit of metal around him. As for now, he got up out of his bed and unwrapped the bandages around his face/body, revealing a chiseled body.

He had golden hair that fell over his face, long thin eyebrows, a sharp jawline, and deep yellow eyes. He was the spitting image of his father, only much younger and less wrinkly.

Yong-sun got up and from his bed and walked towards the door with pajamas on. He intended to go ask the nurse for more food as he still wanted to keep trying normal methods before venturing off into the unknown. As he opened his door, the patient next to him opened his door at the same time revealing a young man with long white hair, red eyes, and similarly to him, a divine jawline.

From his memories, Yong-sun immediately recognized the young man. It was his younger brother. As he was just about to greet him, the young man said something that shocked him to the core.


Tears immediately started to fill Yong-sun's eyes as he replied, "Smith?"