
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The genin arrived

Naruto walked through the village he abandoned with his chest puffed in pride. He managed to escape this shit hole and now he's here to publicly humiliate their child soldiers. That shouldn't sound like an accomplishment but to him it is.

Shura and Junko stayed at his sides not willing to let him run off like he did on numerous occasions. Anko however had adopted a similar expression to Naruto. She's worshipped in Kumo for her interrogation techniques and fire jutsu prowess. Not to mention all the rumours about her being a sage.

Anko slowed her pace and spoke to Naruto "I'm gonna send out some familiars and see if we can meet up with the girls tonight at a bar."

Naruto replied "the rusty Kunai is a gay bar so I'm not being tricked into going there again. The smouldering fire had shit stuff and was filled with beta males trying to get with some emotionally wrecked kunoichi. What about the hidey hole?"

She shook her head "civilian councillors shut that one down because they suspected that the clients were planning an assassination against some of them."

Naruto scoffed "I would have if they tried sticking an alcohol tax like that on my drinks. Not that if would have changed much for me."

Anko put on a distraught face "oh yes, woah is me! I'm a jinchuriki so everyone overcharges me! All my meals are poisoned to high heaven! The women try to seduce me so they can gut me! Squirrels are the scariest summon!" She then resumed a normal face and smiled mockingly at Naruto.

He pointed a finger at her and ignored her sarcasm "exactly! Though I'm up for debate on the whole squirrel thing. They basically manipulate the economy but then there are the geese which are unholy abominations."

Junko spoke up "Naruto-sama it is well known that Avian summons are insane. The only usable ones are coined by the Uchiha clan because they are just as crazy."

Some of the villagers heard her statement and were aghast. Insulting their Uchiha lord and saviour?!? They began to glare at her which she promptly ignored.

One of the leading Kumo shinobi called Naruto and his squad to the front. "All right brat which way to the leaders office? I'd expected it to be at the highest point but all I see is some ugly earth jutsu."

"Ah it's that tampon looking building with fire carved into it. It's right next to the school so the old fogies can watch some kids sweat when they exercise."

The Kumo shinobi chuckled whilst the villager and passing ninja scowled at Naruto. The lead ninja smacked him on the back "alright brat! Go explore and see what the competition is like. Junko! Shura! With me, your the only ones who can track this asshole when he disappears."

One of the other jounin spoke up "but what about sticking together as discussed."

The leader jabbed his thumb at Naruto "the brat lived here and came out semi sane. Not to mention he pointed out all that crazy shit we mistakingly thought was conspiracy. Do you have any idea how much money I just lost because of the bet going on back home?!?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow "what bet?"

Shura cackled "echidna started a betting ring based on your conspiracies, bet on which is right and which is horse shit. There's a collective bet on the Konoha stuff that has a massive payout. Personally I bet on the plant people that can shape shift."

"Junko bet on all your conspi— all your intel to be correct Naruto-sama".

Naruto slumped his soldiers "at least one of you has a brain cell." He then scurried away into the village leaving a trail of crocodile tears which made the Kumo people laugh.

{Naruto POV}

Ah it's good to be back, all the killing intent blasting towards me feels slightly cathartic. It's got nothing on Kurama though, I met that asshole a while back. He demanded to see my memories because he could occasionally hear my thoughts about future plot and it scared the shit out of him.

Either they were true or this kid was having some scary fucking dreams was what the fox probably thought. I bartered with the guy and earned myself some access to his chakra Inexchange I'd let him read or watch some memories.

Side effects did occur, I'd basically converted the fuzzball into my own Veldora tempest. He became a major Otaku, now if he wants to read a series or watch a new anime he's gotta contribute for it. It's hilarious watching a massive fox with tiny reading glasses carefully flip to the next page.

He's very careful not to let any of the books or the TV I made from my memories hit the ground. The sewer water ruins them and he isn't allowing me past three tails worth of chakra. When he broke the TV I charged him with letting me use three tails without a loss of sanity.

He agreed I'm exchange for JJBA, I had to give him the manga as well but it's a worthwhile deal. Kurama came to the conclusion that a tail of chakra wasn't worth one story so he allowed me to access his kekkei genkai.

Fucker did have one in canon but Naruto couldn't use it, Kurama could produce illusions through some weird fire release. It was how he remained so well hidden until Madara came and found him. The uchiha could see through the illusions with his mangekyo so he nabbed Kurama when he was being intimate with the fox summons elder.

Oh he's not just pissed that he was sealed away, he's pissed that Madara blue balled him and made him fight Hashirama instead of going back to a fox harem that he'd made for himself. I'd tried negotiating for the contract but he just told me they didn't have one and that I'd need to go find them in the illusion barrier that they had set up somewhere in the world.

He confirmed that they'd left the land of fire after Madara found them. He's been teaching me a few of the illusion jutsu but he's not that skilled, the fox clan however are much more skilled but lack power.

I sighed thinking about how I'm going to have to either try reverse summoning myself or go on another training journey.

{{Oi Naruto! I smell a tanuki nearby. Your probably going to end up fighting it so give me more Nurahiyon stuff and I'll allow you some chakra during the fight.}}.

A vein bulged in my forehead, condescending asshole chimes in every now and again offering deals like that. Stuff like he smells a summon creature nearby or knows where an exotic plant is growing.

"Kurama! We've been over this. I have you the manga and you allow upto three tails. You don't cut me off when you feel like it and then open up again for more manga."

{{ your blue balling me for more! You don't use my chakra that often and when you do it's to spar with gyuuki and that rapping asshole! Seems fair to me that you have to pony up each time.}}

"Yeah but I'm not using your chakra right now am I!"

{{it's called paying in advance Gaki~}}

I growled as I was led towards the tanuki scent he pointed me towards. "Alright I'll offer you a good deal. You allow me control upto four tails"

{{Not a cha—}} I cut him off "I'll give you the entire of Nurahiyon with anime and manga included along with Kemono Jihen and kitsune spirit!"

He was silent {{kitsune spirit?}}. Heh horny fox, that caught his attention.

"Yeah it's a manga about a fox demon who was unsealed by an old man. Becomes a romcom day with them in there house and her destroying other demons. She even beats up a tanuki Yokai."

{{ fluff?}}. "Oh there's fluff alright along with her occasionally showing ahegaos!"

He didn't reply for a few seconds {{deal no takebacks!}}.

I then felt a load increase in my stomach, he increased the chakra density so it means I can go upto four tails without feeling my skin peel off.

Kumo's sealing department tweaked my seal a little so I can communicate more easily with Kurama. They've done the same with the other jinchuriki in the village.

"Hey put him down! Do you have any idea who that is?" Screeched some girl. Ah that sounds like my que.

I blitzed over to the noise casually, to the others who flinched at my appearance it looked like I teleported but to me it was just a sprint. If I used my shunshin or godspeed they'd barely register a white blur.

"What's up? Oh shit is Suna about to kill the Hokage's grandkid! Man I knew this trip was gonna be wild."

""What?!"" Called our several people, the Konoha people were freaked because of my appearance whilst the two Suna siblings were shocked about Konohamaru's origins. Kankuro tossed the monkey boy away and took a step back.

Temari stared at me with shock in her gaze whilst I turned to the tree. "What's up number one? You look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

I questioned to thin air making the leaf kids look around and wonder if I'm crazy. Some sand rose from the ground and next thing I know I'm staring down an insomniac ginger.

He said in a raspy tone "Nine? Mother really wants to crush you."

"Hoho? Kid you look like you need some coffee? Here have a brew~" I then shoved a thermos filled with coffee into his hands. He blinked in shock as the sand didn't lash out. I have a few hot drinks stored away in some storage seals.

I patted his shoulder "I'll be seeing you at the chunin exams, gotta go~ I smell angst and envy approaching." I then disappeared from his face.

Gaara stares down at the thermos and ignored Sasuke who arrived at that moment to expunge his arrogance onto Suna shinobi. Temari flashed her killing intent at Sasuke and unnerved him, it wasn't as bad as Gaara's but she is his big sister so she has a kill count.

She nudged Gaara and started escorting him to the hotel. Gaara just kept staring at the thermos debating with the voices in his head. Eventually he unscrewed the top and tilted the thermos allowing the cup to fill with steaming hot coffee.

Gaara stared at it before sniffing, Suna shinobi are one of the best poisoners in the world and Gaara has some experience with poison himself. He'd tried infusing his sand with poison in the past but didn't have success.

He sipped the bitter drink and hummed, he felt it slide down his throat and transfer some energy into his system. Energy he normally lacks due to being constantly tired. His non existent eyebrows rose as he found he liked the drink. The voices in his head dulled almost as if they were processing the coffee themselves.

Gaara kept sipping until eventually he finished the thermos. He then turned to Temari "Temari... do we have coffee in Suna? Can we get more?" His sister was shocked at the question.

"Uh yeah Gaara we do though I don't know if it'll match the quality of the stuff you drank. Or if it'll be the same blend."

Blend? Quality? It seems there is much he has to learn about coffee. Scouting the completion can Wait this is more important. "Let's go find some more coffee!" He said with a slight excitement in his tone that Temari compared to when he was on a killing spree. Did the nine tails just make her brother into a coffee addict? She didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Come on Temari! Where can I find more?" She smiles a little, he's going to be spending time with her without killing people so it's obviously good. "Coming Gaara" She said as she sauntered after him.