
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Queen is back

<<Anko Pov>>

I hummed to myself as the Kumo delegation approached the tampon/Hokage office to register our arrival. In my humble opinion that's pretty redundant because every ninja in the village would know we're here by now. I can hear the disgruntled cries of the whiny villagers because of Naruto in the distance.

Their salty tears probably give him sustenance I thought to myself as I stifled a chuckle. Several of the Kumo boys eyed me from the corner of their eyes. The majority watching my tits jiggle while the minority wondering what crazy notion I've come up with now.

Kumo has been a blast, all the resources I could want! No judgement about my teacher! Praise for my hard earned skills! People I could consider equals! The list goes further and further, Naruto is much the same. The brat lit up when he bonded with the Uzumaki chicks and ranted about seals. Some of the shit they'd developed is spine tingling.

Konoha on the other hand has been the complete opposite. The only people I could consider equals in this dump are three women and my ex senpai in T&I Ibiki who might want to interrogate me right now.

*nudge* "hey Anko, we've arrived" said Shura my fellow snake user. Heh fellow snake user~ having someone who shares the same burden of scaly pals and poison problems who doesn't want my body (at least in the stealing it sense) was really helping my mental health. I didn't even know Mentality had a health system, modern medicine is a miracle.

*smack* "Ahh~ what was that for Shura-chan?" I moaned. The sunsetette gave me a dull look and snarked "you looked like you were thinking stupid shit so I smacked some sense into you."

I raised a finger to argue but we'd arrived at the Kage's office. I swung my neck around to try and see how we got here so fast. Some fat whale of a receptionist shook her jowls at us and told us to wait five minutes. Tch~ stupid power play. The Kumo nin didn't really give a shit though, they just pulled out some books that Naruto has written to pass the time.

Having a clone army at your beck and call seems really useful. We'd met Jiraiya of the Sannin at one point, didn't go down well with him being some peace preaching wackjob who flipped between being a sex offender to a condescending relative throughout the encounter. Naruto didn't take that well at all, I'll skip the details but basically Naruto decided to release some "real literature" after he stomped all over Icha Icha.

His first series called Hunter X Hunter blew up and made him a fortune. Our squad liked to take shots at him for making himself a main character. Self insert stories normally don't do so hot but he proved that stereotype wrong.

After that Kumo went through a cultural revolution, gone were the days where a woman would be judged by the genre of music she prefers. Now her favourite fandom is an excuse to shanked and spat on.

Oh i monologued again, what did Naruto call it? Syndroming? We entered the Kage's office and were met with a heavy cloud of ash and Smog. The elderly monkey sat there puffing away at his pipe. He raised his eyes to meet us and widened them like he wasn't expecting us.

"Oh ho you must be the Kumo delegation, I'm so glad you could make it!" He said in a cheerful old man persona. I spotted his eyes scan each member in the room like a hawk. This routine would fool a fresh genin but not us.

I turned out the conversation as I analysed the surroundings. At least 9 Anbu present in the room with one being Shikaku Nara, one of the shadows is casting shade at an unnatural angle.

"Hello to you Anko-chan!" Greeted the sandaime Hokage. Wrinkly old fucker looks SOoooo happy to see me.

"Greetings to you too Hokage-dono. JONIN Mitarashi Anko at your service." I said in a polite tone. He puffed some more smoke but the pace of his exhale was faster showing his annoyance? at my polite tone. Stressing my title as a jonin may have annoyed him a little, but he's the one who wouldn't promote me no matter what.

"Jonin? Well good for you Mitarashi-san. Good to see that you've FINALLY began living upto your potential". He said stressing the point that he believed I was a failure.

"Ahaha thank you Hokage-dono, turns out leaving the land of fire was just what I needed to step into the big leagues. The leaf system practically smothered my rate of progression. Thanks for noticing though." I said back in a sweet tone.

His ancient eyelashes fluttered minutely showing his losing his grip in this conversation. Idiot~ you wanted to get into a dick biting contest with a woman? Guess old age has finally caught up to you ay Professor?

I shot him a smug look before drowning out the rest of the conversation. He was testing the waters there to see if I'd been "brainwashed" by Naruto or the kyuubi like Jiraiya suspected. Hopefully he got the message that I was just sick off this place.

Fast forward a few hours and it had gotten dark out quickly. The delegation was shipped off to a hotel so I chose to go hit up a bar. Eavesdropping on the civilians let me discern the best bar for ladies at the moment. Chances are Naruto has made his way there to start drinking.

I flashed through the village abusing the shunshin occasionally adding the affect of leaving behind a cloud. The yelling that followed my jumps showed off that it was a scented cloud that smelled like durians.

I arrived at {the wobbly wire}, is that supposed to be a play on ninja wire? Only basic bitches use that stuff. I pushed open the door and spotted purple and white hairs in a booth.

I smirked as I sauntered over there with a sway in my hips. Some of the kunoichi in the bar started paying attention to me. Some I recognised others are probably civilian bitches who slept there way into a promotion.

I found the booth occupied with Naruto who was animatedly talking about our journey too Kurenai, Hana Inuzuka and Yugao Uzuki. I spread my arms as the three women turned to me and squealed. Judging by how none of the others in the bar reacted Naruto must have put up some privacy seals.

I felt three pairs of arms wrap around me tightly and pull me into the booth. My friends had tears in their eyes as they welcomed me back. The Queen is back.