
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Stretching it out

Two months have past since Naruto last stepped inside his apartment. That night he ventured into one of the many training grounds and night fished for his food.

As he sat there over a rudimentary fire roasting and munching on fish he decided on his next course of actions. Konoha was over 46KM in size by his estimate and contained 127 public training grounds. Only so many were covered in the show but now he could inspect a village map and noticed some key characteristics based on each number.

After being sufficiently fed and having a quick nap he awoke at 4am and returned to the village. He ventured back to the area of his apartment only to freeze as he noticed several drunken shinobi patrons.

Some struggled to make it into or out of a brothel, some where puking in alleys and trash cans while the rest were KO'd. So Naruto went towards one of the ones he deemed totally unconscious and not likely to stab him.

Inside an alley he found a Tokubetsu Jonin fresh from his last shift of the week so he decided to get hammered with his friends. Naruto pilfered his weapons, his wallet and a C rank lightning jutsu called defibrillator jutsu which allowed someone to basically blast lightning chakra out of their hands. Amping up the chakra means a higher voltage so if Naruto did it he would have a lightning palm. This jutsu was a medical nin exclusive due to how dangerous it can be without proper control.

He also found some chakra paper, smirking he decided to test his nature. The paper split in two and then proceeded to crinkle into two soggy balls. So wind, water and lightning, excellent~. He could make a vanishing rasengan or a rasenshuriken in the future with these chakra natures. Who knows what a water rasengan would make, maybe a whirlpool effect that dragged enemies into it?

Naruto then went towards the academy, the place is right below the Hokage tower so has very little security due it being non important. Naruto walked in through the open door and went towards store rooms and the teachers lounges.

Inside the store rooms he found blunted throwing tools used for training and scrolls for D rank jutsu such as the replacement, clone and transformation jutsu along with minor elemental ones like a fire jutsu that starts a campfire or a wind jutsu that can cut branches. There was also a few training weights but they were fairly worn based on the loose threading and signs of wear and tear.

Using a curtain from the academy he rapped everything he wanted inside it like a hobo sack. Next he went to the teachers lounges and checked the drawers only to find them locked. Naruto coiled his tongue before he focused on his hand and tensed before clicking his hand again. He needed to condition himself to make his claws appear.

So he took one of the blunted Kunai and rammed it inside the lock before hitting it. Lock picked~ inside he found student reports which were fairly comprehensive as they included in depth analysis of students possible talents based on a variety of factors.

He also found a smokebomb fire jutsu, leaf style taijutsu manuals from beginner to advanced, ten different genjutsu reserved for the classes on the subject, trap making manuals, a calligraphy guide, tracking tactics for noobs, survival manuals, a list of training grounds and their features, the scroll for big head jutsu and lastly a bottle of alcohol labelled <for Tsubaki 💕 Mizuki>.

So this stuff is probably for advanced classes on electives which the original would have never received. Either that or prizes for ranking first in a respective subject or group. Naruto put the big head jutsu back and then looked at the bottle before smirking.

He carefully uncorked the bottle and took a swig downing half the bottle. Next he fumbled with his waist band before manoeuvring the bottle towards his junk. "Enjoy fox piss with your fiancé Mizuki" Naruto said filling the bottle back up to the volume that he has initially started with. He then corked the bottle and shakes it to make the liquids mix sufficiently.

He had basically gotten everything he would need to start training. He then chose to venture into the 44th training ground otherwise known as the forest of death. Arriving at the gates surrounding it he easily scaled them with his hobo sack filled with stuff. He felt like the grinch stealing Christmas.

Then he navigated his way through the forest until he found a boss spot near a water source. Hanging his belongings up high so no animals could get at them Naruto noticed that it was now morning. The sun glared into his eyes and illuminated his surroundings.

He grabbed Gama-Chan, proceeded to tape over his whiskers and went back towards the village. The merchants were awake and were stocking their wares so Naruto decided to splurge his new found income. That ninja last night came out to DRINK so he had some serious cash on him, bar stuff is expensive after all.

First stop was a ninja supply shop, he found a water proof tent that could last a long time. Basically he bought the Jonin tent that could be used in any weather and last long periods of time. The shop keeep was very happy to make a big sale first thing in the morning, Naruto made his day so he through in some camp friendly cooking tools for him.

Naruto internally laughed at how none of the villagers were giving him grief yet. They didn't know his hair colour had changed. Not blonde and has no whiskers means he's a valuable customer. Next Naruto entered an Akimichi health store and bought some supplements for body development and some calorie bars and ration packs.

Lastly he hit the open markets and picked up some meat and veggies that should do him a little while. He was a butcher in his life so he knew how to cook and Killua was trained to be a master chef by his family incase he needed to impersonate one or make a poisoned meal without ruining flavour. I'm not complaining about it.

Once he was supposed up Naruto made one last stop to Konoha's library, the lady at the desk just stared at him as he perused the aisles of books. Eventually he found the poisons section and found the book listing all the dangerous stuff found in each training ground. He spent a few hours there memorising all the info before leaving.

"Found what you were looking for Gaki?" Asked the librarian as Naruto made his way out. Thinking fast he changed his tone a little so he didn't sound like Naruto "Yeah, I was interested in the poisonous insects in the training grounds. My big sister made a joke about how one of them could leave their place and wander into the village."

The librarian snorted and smirked "don't worry about that, the Aburame clan gets paid a fortune to prevent that. Their insects patrol the areas and would eat any that left."

"Wow! That sounds so cool! Thank you for alleviating my worries." Naruto said with a small bow making the woman smile.

She waves her hand dismissively "run along now, your parents might be worried about you."

Mission success Naruto though as he went back into the forest of death carrying his supplies. He set up shop and began constructing a shelter for himself to facilitate long term training. Once he had shelter and food sorted out he cracked down on training.

Naruto basically began to abuse his healing factor over the span off two months. His first step was dislocating all the joints that Killua was taught to in his youth along with his flexibility exercises. They were agonising but Naruto had some pain resistance initially anyway. Using breathing methods and taking breaks in between allowed him to reduce his pain a lot more than Killua had at the start of his training.

The nine tails healing factor kicked in every couple of minutes repairing the damage. It made him hungry afterwards but then he'd just fish again. Of course he ventured into other areas to fish at different lakes and rivers otherwise he'd wipe out the local population with how much he eats.

After his flexibility training he'd start on running through his Katas. Killua was trained in the snake fist of his world which was focused on striking vital points in the body rapidly and poses extreme fluidity and flexibility in movement. The styles that could be compare to it on earth would be Li Gar, Wing Chun and Shequan Nanpai.

He compared his style with the leaf village styles he read about in the manuals and found his to be much better for himself so he stuck with following Killua's training routine at an accelerated rate. Healing factor for the win! Training with throwing weapons came after but they were honestly much easier than you'd think they were.

Naruto felt a burning desire to make his own Yo-Yo weapons. Perhaps he could over lap some ninja wire over a chakra metal yo-yo piece? It would conduct his chakra much better. Speaking of weapons he trained in using Kunai and then using kenjutsu.

He had purchased some bokken after the first two weeks in the forest but swiftly retreated once he felt some glares on him. Word had gotten around by that point, so he started training in the Zoldyck swordsmanship style which was remarkably similar to water style breathing from demon slayer just without the special effects.

Two months of travelling between trading grounds had let him find all the poisonous plants and insects he wanted. Taking them back to camp he'd prepare them properly for ingestion. His recovery time was phenomenal which made him praise the fox every time. Though the diarrhoea he'd sometimes experience wasn't pleasant it was worth it in the long run.

The animals in those training areas managed to serve as his training dummies and occasional food source. When he would be improving his poison resistance or his flexibility he would leak out killing intent driving away most animals. He had to keep his guard up which served as good mental conditioning. Most animals wouldn't come near him because his killing intent could project images, as a butcher he had taken a part a lot of animals including some rare game. So when an animal approached then visualised themselves on a table against a meat cleaver they'd tend to back off.

It payed off when a pack of hungry wolves attacked him. He showed the results of his training when he could snap wolf necks in the blink of an eye or carve them to bits with his new claws. Claw conditioning and body strengthening were the easiest thing for Naruto to do, he just shed the trees and stones as punching bags or weights. When he got stronger enough he just smashed a big rock to use it as his next weight. Though it made Him much hungrier.

Speed training involved blitzing around the environments of the various training grounds. Incorporating wall and tree walking made it so he didn't have to touch the ground. He learned the tree hopping technique himself by experimenting.

The scrolls made mastering jutsu a cake walk, they were literally written so a child could understand what to do. He first learned the henge or transformation jutsu. Then he improved upon it by pouring on the chakra that he has an abundance off to make a shell of chakra surround him when he transforms.

He walked past a few uchiha and hyuga and noticed them occasionally flash their eye powers at him discreetly. The fact that no malice followed those activations means that it was as functional as the fanfics described. Next he made the sexy Jutsu series though he couldn't do harem Jutsu immediately.

He has an amazing memory so he could remember the handsigns for shadow clones; ram,serpent,tiger or cross the middle and index fingers. Naruto could make a whopping three clones!

Yeah it isn't that good compared to the canon guy but he was six not twelve. Among the konoha ninja force three was pretty decent. Once he had three clones at his disposal he had them train in genjutsu and water walking.

Clones had a fraction of his chakra so they could manipulate it much better than he could with a full tank of chakra. Plus he didn't need to get wet~ side bonus was when they popped all at once his healing factor helped condition his body for the headaches. After three rounds of shadow clones popping three at once didn't hurt anymore.

After two months of training Naruto had completed all the study material he borrowed (stole) and was at a passable level in the Zoldyck arts. Most of Killua's childhood was spent on obscure skills like darts and music lessons. Not all of it was killing like he would have portrayed it to be, because his parents forced him to get good at hobbies he never really saw them as a means of escaping boredom.

His new training should move onto securing heavier weights, a proper blade, moving up to more dangerous poisons, improving the Zoldyck arts so he could hopefully remove a bears heart without being covered in blood, steal some better jutsu, look into fuinjutsu and iryojutsu and refill his supplements.

*growl* Naruto's stomach growled, he added getting some ichiraku to the list. He had tried the food of the gods and it was as hyped. Teuchi and Ayame also didn't treat him like shit which was a plus. Unless Ayame's spit was improving the flavour somehow? In the world of bloodlines Naruto truly believed that the ramengan might be a thing.

He chuckled to himself as he spooned a label of soup from the pot in his camp. As he slurped down some from his bowl he closed his eyes to appreciate the taste. His brows twitched before he put his fingers up and punches catching a senbon.

"OI! Kozo! The fuck do you think in my forest!" Shouted a scantily dressed woman adorning a skin tight metal mesh armour resembling snake scales accompanied with a tan coat. She looked like a peeper showing the goods.

"The snake witch and the audacity of this bitch! This is my swamp!" Naruto screamed back adding a Scottish accent at the end making the purple haired beauty pop a vein on her forehead, his tone annoyed her for some reason.

"Identify yourself or prepare to probed with a rusty Kunai" She hissed back.

"Don't threaten me with a good time sweet heart" Naruto shouted back. "Your like six!" She retorted.

"Doesn't mean this is gonna be any less fun" Naruto said as he placed the bowl down and jumped to his feet.

The woman then tapped the Kunai she was threatening him with against her chin in a contemplative manor. She then smirked "you know what? I concur!" And then she flung it at him.