
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Anko Mitarashi

The snake mistress swung her arms firing a variety of throwing weapons. Naruto identified senbon, shuriken, Kunai and what looked to be some small snake fangs.

Naruto reaches to his side and hoisted a rock he was using for weight lifting. *Tak Tak Tak* all the projectiles were either imbedded in the rock or bounces off. A quick sniff revealed that she had coated her weapons in poison, fortunately it was made using stuff found in the forest so they shouldn't have much affect on him.

Naruto leaned backwards before throwing the stone over his head at the direction of Anko. The woman was surprised at his strength, he looks to be about 8-9 years old in her mind but that was just the training speeding up his body development.

Anko smacked the rock with a chakra reinforced palm destroying it. The wreckage made a small dust cloud form. Anko performed four hands seals "Wind style fresh air jutsu" then exhaled harshly blowing away all the dust.

Where did the brat go? She questioned internally losing sight off the white haired boy. She felt a tingle at the back of her neck so dropped into a split in a feat fo extreme flexibility. Naruto had snook behind her and went to deliver a swipe with his claws.

He clicked his tongue before pushing towards Anko. Several clicks echoed out from Naruto's wrists, elbows and shoulders. "Snake awakens" Naruto's limbs became a blur and a hissing noise echoed out, most likely his claws cutting through the air.

Anko was shocked, this was similar to an attack from the snake fist. The one she was taught by her bastard sensei! Her face twitched into a snarl as she assumed a similar stance to Naruto before her hands blurred.

They traded whipping strikes from their hands for a few seconds resulting in a few cuts on each person. Anko was appraising his taijutsu in her head all the while avoiding several lethal blows. His style is similar to Orochimaru's but this one relies entirely on the body and not chakra bolstering. The clawed hands was another thing that differed because her sensei never displayed that.

The snake fist could be found in Konoha in a few high level taijutsu scrolls. Though they are much more difficult to acquire thanks to her sensei leaving. This kid either got his hands on one or he created his own version.

She looked at the camp for a micro second and put her deductive skills to the test. He's been training himself her for awhile, using rocks as weights and from the looks of it he's been conditioning himself using some method to enhance flexibility. For a kid that's a monstrous feat, even more so if he did it without a guide. Let's probe him some more and test his jutsu skills.

"Hidden shadow snake hands!" Suddenly Anko thrust her arm forward and unleashed several massive snakes. Naruto tried to crush several of their heads whilst retreating but one snakes around his arm and bit his bicep.

He drove his claw into it making it pop before he jumped back. Plucking a hair he wrapped it around the arm and tightened it. Some purple puss squirted out of the wound. Such decisiveness Anko thought before he made some seals.

"Fire style dragon flame!" Anko's chest expanded before she belched out a torrent of flames. Naruto crosses his arms to block his vitals and jumps backwards. He got some minor burns due to his quick reaction but he was knocked off his feet.

He rolled to get up but felt a bite on his neck, a smaller white snake sunk its fangs into him. "Yosh! Excellent work Mina-chan" cheered Anko in a sing song tone. She walked towards Naruto who fell on his face.

She smirked and internally thought 'this kid can easily compete with a veteran genin with his taijutsu alone. Probably doesn't know any decent ninjitsu yet. He never stood a chance against a Chunin like me. Tch I would be a Jonin if it wasn't for those council assholes.'

Anko reached for Naruto's face and froze when she heard a chirping. "Lightning style- lightning palm" Naruto shot up from his prime form and drove thunder coated palms into Anko's stomach. He frowned when she suddenly deformed into multiple snakes. A snake clone? Meh Itachi can make crow clones.

"How did you get up from that brat?" Hollered a voice from the treeline. Naruto turned and saw Anko squatting on a branch, he stared betwixt her legs and saw some mesh armour acting as panties. Nice!

"I'm immune to every poison in the training grounds" he said in a monotone. Anko tightened her eye brows together, not even some Jonin have that level of poison tolerance built up. That jutsu of his isn't like the lightning palm that I'm familiar with, it was more like an amped up defibrillator jutsu, I've seen a few of those in T&I but that was well beyond the standards. That taijutsu style and his medical knowledge scream Orochimaru, he's either a fan boy or an experiment.

She looked down at the boy "I'll ask you one last time to identify yourself." Her tone was much darker than it was before. Naruto frowned going over his options, he wasn't going all out and spamming clones because he wanted to test his combat skills.

"Naruto Uzumaki" he replied, Anko's eyes bulged. The fucking kyuubi brat was hiking out in MY forest, well I can certainly see why he's called a demon if he fights like this.

"Why are you here?" She asked in her interrogator tone. Naruto tolled his eyes "training and getting away from the asshole villagers. I honestly thought you were dispatched to drag me back".

Why would he think that Anko pondered reviewing what she knew about him. He had a bad rap with the village cause they think he's the fox. His fighting skills are lethal for anyone with their guard down. Anko dropped down from her spot and approached him.

"My name is Anko Mitarashi, it's my job to patrol and maintain this training ground. An academy student should not be in here." She said in a stern tone.

He scoffed at her "well that doesn't mean shit to me, I'm not in the academy." Not in the academy? "How old are you kid?"

"I just turned six" Naruto said in a proud tone. Anko would have dropped her jaw if she wasn't focusing on analysing him. How can he fight like that without any ninja training, he showed tree walking, advanced taijutsu and medical training.

"Where did you learn to do that and how long have you been here?"

He shrugged "I swiped some scrolls from the academy and have been staying here for two months. I enjoy the peace and quiet."

"Wait! Did you piss in Mizuki's anniversary gift? Two months ago someone raided all the decent supplies from the academy. Mizuki found his hooch was safe and gave it to his girlfriend. Every kunoichi in the village heard about how she spit taked all over him then dumped his ass hard." Anko said holding her guy from laughter.

"Hmph that's what he gets for wrecking my apartment. Place is a mess and the landlord never fixes anything. No hot water, frequent electrical shortages and in a village of ninja the fuck is a lock gonna do if it's not bolstered with fuinjutsu." Naruto ranted.

Anko rose a finger to make a point before she slowly lowered it. "Ok your place is fucked so you decided to live in my forest and train. Why didn't you go to the uchiha police?"

Naruto spat on the ground "those fuckers just turn a blind eye, ironic considering it's the stuff they whack off to." Anko had to stifle a laugh at the analogy.

"Still I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, this place is dangerous." Anko said but Naruto just gave her a 'really' look.

"This place is much safer than a village that wrecks everything I own. At least her the animals can't toss jutsu at me out of the blue. Plus there is more food here that isn't rotten, spiked or overpriced."

Anko hid her grimace as she had been on that end off the spectrum. It's gone now that she made a name for herself in T&I torturing people so they back off. She looked at the kid again, doesn't like authority or the village so taking him to my SO or the Hokage won't roll over well. The civi council hates his guts. Two months and no one came looking for him is proof of that. Either the ninja didn't care or the council covered it up.

Anko sighed, she can't help but make comparisons between Naruto and her sensei. The fighting style, the talent, the killer instinct, the willingness to work with poison. Yeah she can't leave this kid alone.

"Alright brat, seeing as I can't convince you to go home. You'll live with me from now on!" She announced. Naruto just showed a disgusted expression.

"I was already staying next to people without gag reflexes. Why would I go back to that?" Ok ouch thought Anko as he compared her to a whore. Gotta make some stuff to make sure he sticks around.

"One because your obviously dangerous so I can't leave you alone, two I can up your poison game with stuff not found in the training grounds, three I can get you more jutsu and four hot meals and water."

Naruto thought about it, he was making amazing progress on the Zoldyck arts but other than recreating Killua's narukami he won't be able to do much else without medical notes on a ninjas body. The poison stuff is also tempting and the hot water is striking a nerve for me. I want a bath that's not in an ice cold lake.

"Alright fine, but stop calling me brat and call me Naruto. Do I gotta pay rent?" Naruto asked as he began to pack up his stuff.

"Once you graduate you can." Anko said watching him work.

"Graduate? I'm not going to the academy. I've got better ideas." He said as he rolled up the tent at anbu speeds. Anko just enjoyed watching him work.

"Oh? What would those be?" She asked crossing her arms under her impressive chest.

"Simple, leave the village and go somewhere I'm not gonna he looked at with constant killing intent. Seriously everyone either wants me dead or to use me for some agenda." Naruto said packing away his food.

"Who would possibly want a shrimp like you?"

"Root" was all Naruto said which made Anko freeze in place. "They're disbanded" she said with a harsh tone while Naruto shook his head "And I'm the son of the hokage"

Anko frowned, shell check the orphanages later and see if any other kids went missing. That was there M.O according to her old Sensei.

Naruto finally packed everything up and into a bag before he unravelled a scroll. Storage scrolls are beginner fuinjutsu, once he leaves he could sell some to make cash. Anko was surprised for the umpteenth time at this kid.

He slipped the scroll into his pocket then walked towards her. "Alright let's bounce" before they blurred and tree hopped their way back to the village.

Naruto and Anko walked side by side towards the ninja apartment district. Naruto just looked forward while Anko listened to the villagers ramble. "Oh fuck the demon is back" "and he's with the snake slut" "maybe he's converted her" "we should teach that demon brat a lesson" "yeah he doesn't deserve any woman never mind a slut" "why hasn't the ninja killed them yet".

Anko was horrified at their statements, Naruto is getting it much worse than she ever got. They're openly planning to kill him! Why hasn't the hokage done something if everyone in the village hates him.

Naruto just looked up at her "I'm thinking of leaving this shit hole, can you understand why?"

She frowned "what will you do to survive if you did that". She asked, Naruto is much more intelligent than others his age and much more skilled.

Naruto shrugged "kill people for money, sell some off my fuinjutsu practice stuff, hunt some animals. I don't know but anything is better than staying here."

Anko didn't want to agree but she can feel the animosity towards him. The people are aiming it at her as well, should she convince him to stay. Then a light bulb went off.

"What about becoming a Hunter nin? They are rarely in the village as they chase down traitors"

"Yeah, no! Someone would leak my location to the other villages and say I have some intel or bullshit like that. I'd be dead in days. Better to just vanish from fire country."

Naruto continued shooting down her points all the way to the apartment. He entered and found that the room smelled like candles. The apartment only had a king sized bed in the bedroom. Anko turned to Naruto and said "you can take either the floor or bunk with me." She didn't really care aboht sex stuff all that much plus he's a kid.

Naruto was really thinking that moving out of the forest was a good idea. "First shower then food".

"Sure then we can get some dango!" "How about ramen?" "But dango is better". "Excuse you, ramen is tasty and cheap". "It's unhealthy". "So is dango"

This sparked the food debate between the two roommates. This would last for the entirety of their time in Konoha and beyond.