
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Red headed warrior.

I Naruto Uzumaki am now 8 years old and have reached chunin level in all areas that I can. The reasons for not surpassing that limit are numerous but the main ones are that Anko is still a chunin therefore doesn't have access to higher level scrolls, again I am 8 so I am still it physically fully developed thus I can't utilise taijutsu and kenjutsu that require a fully mature body, third is that if I move onto more destructive jutsu I will be discovered.

The belongings that I have gathered since moving in with Anko are mainly clothes or scrolls containing jutsu or training material. I do have a limited edition ramen bowl and some rare sake that I retrieved from the uzumaki family home. Everything I need and everything I want to take is safely sealed in a forearm tattoo that vanishes on command.

As I close the door to the Mitarashi apartment I can't help but think off the people I bonded with since my arrival. Anko for one feels like my girlfriend considering I had to cook and clean for her a lot, that and we spent a lot of nights in together eating junk food and watching movies. Everything barr sex, probably because I'm still physically incapable of it. She has shown peak levels of horny on occasion and a one night stand doesn't cut it for her anymore.

For you see, since my arrival into her life she's had to up her game so to speak. Through my insistence she began re training herself to be beyond what her canon counter part would. For one she went and passed the snake sages test that Orochimaru failed. The pedo took the test under Manda whose only benefit is being able to summon him. She went to the actual snake after asking her summons for directions.

Now she's learning the snake stealth, advanced taijutsu, venom series, snake sensory and bonding with the unique summons. I also helped her get some fire style jutsu courtesy of the bow deceased Uchiha clan. Mikoto informed us of a few of their caches filled with stuff. Anko also got help from her three friends like I did; Kurenai in genjutsu, Hana in Iryojutsu and yugao in weapons handling.

The four of them are top jounin level but don't climb the career ladder because of the respective councils. The civilian council has beef with Anko so they prevent her whilst the shinobi council prevents the others. Kurenai, Anko and Yugao are from civilian backgrounds so they can't have them overstep some clansmen. Hana is an heir so she can't be shown open favouritism without showing some merits which she can't do as a medic.

Sigh~ this village is retarded in multiple areas but what can you do? Oh yeah you can leave. Anyway those three girls kinda figured out I was gonna leave, they tried to talk me out of it but I hit them with the logic bat. Unfortunately they aren't as sympathising as Anko when it comes to my treatment from the village. They at least agreed not to mention my disappearance should I leave. Which is more than I could ask for.

Besides those girls the only people I'm close too within the village are the dango shop owner Fuji who I got to know through Anko. He's like her teuchi based on how he was the only one to serve her when she was at a low point. Nice guy sums him up.

Teuchi and Ayame are the only other people I care about within the village. They actually support my leaving, the reason for it however shocked me.

<flash back>

I was sitting in a back booth within Ichiraku's that they reserve for special guests who wish to eat without being disturbed. I inquired about it when I recalled some fanfic having an area like it. Turns out it existed! So how I chill in here and snack away when I'm not training. It's a good place to read in peace that isn't the apartment.

It was mid afternoon when I noticed the steps of the stairs creaking from some weight. Old man teuchi entered through the sliding doors before sitting across from me with an onigiri and some green tea.

He looked at me before taking a sip from his tea and we sat their in companionable silence. Eventually he decided to speak up "Naruto, I've noticed that you may be leaving the village soon".

I tensed at that before slowly looking at him with my white hair obscuring my eyes. I thought that I may have to kill this man, I really didn't want to do that.

He took another sip of his tea before he spoke again "Your probably wondering how I know that. It's because I've seen it before. Your mother Kushina had similar thoughts at one point."

That made me sit up and focus on him with rapt attention which made the old man chuckle. He then began telling a story

"once upon a time a young man ventured into the land of noodles to receive training in the culinary arts. That land was dedicated to all manners of cooking varying from sea food to instant ramen.

He eventually found a master after some time grovelling and floating from city to city. He learned under a ramen master who taught him his ways. One of the most impactful lessons he learned under his master was the story of the red headed warrior.

Before the land of noodles had formed a warrior garbed in red hair with swirls on his back and swords at his side ventured into the land. He cleansed it off banditry and chakra beasts alike. Venturing from town to town the warrior sampled the cuisine that was astoundingly better than food he'd tastes in other lands.

Eventually he stumbled upon a dish he would call his favourite. Soba, a simple dish but one the warrior was addicted to. The more he tasted the more bountiful the chef who prepares it became. Eventually it was discovered that when a member of the red headed warriors clan favours a food that food prospers for a period. Soba noodles became the national dish of the land of noodles because Uzumaki Shoto adores them.

When the boy learned of the story he tried to find an area where one of these red headed warriors would pass. He stumbled upon Konoha that had close ties to the red heads homeland which he couldn't venture to. So he moved their and eventually opened his restaurant and managed to serve one.

Her name was Mito Uzumaki, an elderly woman who stopped briefly in front of the store on a whim. She tasted the dish and found she liked it so he brought her young relative Kushina to taste it within a few days.

After that the store become prosperous as Kushina came frequently. The chef was happy to have someone to serve with all his heart. Eventually he fell in love with another chef and married her. A child came along not to soon after. The boy realised that he did prosper because of a red headed warrior."

Teuchi finished his tea before looking at Naruto in the eyes. "Once Mito passed and Kushina became the next host of the nine tails she was under constant scrutiny. It passed slightly when she started dating a blonde haired man but he rubbed me the wrong way. It felt like he was using her for something. Kushina had moments when she wanted to leave the village when she'd have arguments with the man but she always seemed to be mollified when the Hokage paid her a visit.

That girl was a close friend of mine and I can't help but be appalled at the condition her son was left in. If you feel it's better to leave you will find no scrutiny from me." With that he left me to ponder his tale which contained morbid undertones. Was this a dark minato world where he used my mother to breed a weapon for the village? Did the Hokage brainwash Kushina? Is the whole red head prosperity thing real? Probably because ichiraku becomes famous due to Naruto.

<end flashback>

I sighed again remembering that day as I make my way into training ground thirteen. In the apartment I left a shadow clone with enough chakra to last two months. I'm wearing clothes with a chakra suppression seal woven in that should obscure my chakra signature.

I blurred through the training ground that resembled a jungle eventually reaching its edge with a massive wooden wall reaching into the clouds. I checked a pocket watch that I'd crafted and found it ticking down to 11 which means the shift is about to change for the yamanaka sensors.

With an inhale I took off running before I weaves some hand signs. {water style water bullet jutsu} I fired off the c rank jutsu soaking a lot of the wall. This wood was created with mokuton to prevent someone scaling it with chakra. Wouldn't stop me clinging to water layering over the wood though.

With super human speed I had managed to run up the wall before hopping over the edge and falling into the brush of several trees. I looked up from my landing point and smiled about my new found freedom. Can't afford to waste it though.

"We better get a move on" hissed a female voice which made me release a Finn the human screech. My mouth was covered by a dainty hand so I licked it. I turned and saw Anko glaring at me.

"You left without me jackass, can't let you out of my sight."

"You? Your coming?! Why I thought you were loyal to the village. They'll think you returned to Orochimaru!"

She shrugged "I've decided to not give a fuck anymore. You certainly don't so why should I? Besides the thought of travelling the world with my foxy kun is much more thrilling than being prevented again in promotion."

I went to speak again "before you say what about the girls, they know and they approve. They want me to make sure you don't go off the deep end and do something crazy.... er than what you'd usually do." Said Anko as she cut me off.

I sighed in resignation, should have known encouraging her to learn sensory skills would have backfired on me. She pushed my shoulder and she pulled her hand away.

"So where first?" She asked with a curious expression. I first summoned a clone then popped it to let the other one in the village know to spilt his chakra and have it henge as Anko which means I now have one month rather than two to start my travels.

I hopped to the next tree and she sped up to my side as I thought about it. " I want to visit the land of Iron for improving my kenjutsu, the lands of honey and noodles to try their food, the land of hot water for their world renowned baths and to use their info network to recheck my data on Kumo, water fall and grass to check for some people and then eventually Kumo. How about you?"

"Hmmmm some of yours are good but I also want to visit the lands of flowers, swamps and medicine so I can up my poison game. The land of haze is also meant to be good for genjutsu specialists. I also heard Redaku he mentioned among the shinobi force once Or twice".

All sound good but we won't get anywhere if we don't speed up I thought before blitzing away through the tree line. Our visage would be obscured by an army of leaves with no one being the wiser about our departure.

//// A/N hello everyone, sorry I didn't write much this week. Basically I got my vaccine and spent the next two days in bed followed by a hard day at work that made me hurt my head in the blankets.\\\\\