
Hunter nin

Hi everyone, i would appreciate it if you popped over to my Patre on Smithsonian86_ and subscribed because the money would help em out greatly and allow me to continue delivering my content. This story has the mc gain the knowledge of Killua Zoldyck and be dropped into Naruto’s body. I’m planning on the mc leaving konoha at one point so stay tuned for that. Give it a read and I’ll try to deliver my usual humour

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Pro skater

Trotting up an old beaten stone oath was Naruto, he looks to have grown significantly compared to when he first arrived in this world. His gaunt and beaten appearance has been replaced with a lithe looking ten year old.

Naruto is now 7 years old, 14 months passed since he moved in with Anko Mitarashi and accomplished what he wanted to.

The Zoldyck arts have been brought up to the level of mastery he desired, his elemental and chakra training reached a plateau as has his iryo, fuin, doku and kenjutsu. He's easily at chunin level but knows better than to show off what he's capable of.

Anbu and Root have a routine observation on him which he can pick up on fairly easily. Chakra sensing is such a boon! Killua could sense Nen users only when they used Ren but he can sense chakra by releasing a pulse of his own.

Chakra sonar also has the handy side effect of blinding a Dojutsu user. Tested that out on some hyuuga he pissed off when he met Hinata and saved her from bullies then have her a pep talk.

"Y'know, if you wanna go far in life you gotta be willing to throw some punches." I said to Hinata after scaring away the six village idiots. She mumbled in reply "bbb but I d-dont llllike hurting people".

I nodded to her "you don't have to like it. If you give someone an inch they'll take a mile. You let people walk over you and exploit your kindness so you have to take that back. Keep an open palm for your loved ones but a closed fist for everyone else. You do that and you'll be just fine."

After I said that and left her things started changing for the hyuuga princess. She took my advice and started using her fists a bit more. Now she's nicknamed the moon tiger with how aggressive she got once she started seeing results. Though now I feel a gaze on my back every so often.

I shrug thinking about other people who've gazed at me. Let's talk about Hiruzen aka the third Hokage, guy wouldn't come near me. In my memories there was an old guy I shared fish with once upon a time but that was it. I'm not gonna complain about him not meeting me in person, I will however complain about the fucking crystal ball peeking in on me when I leave the apartment.

Thank Kami I figured out how to expand spaces like Harry Potter with fuinjutsu. Made myself a nifty little lab after I acquired some resources. Tracked down the Uzumaki household that belonged to Kushina. My blood opened the locks so I waltzed in, found some basic notes of uzumaki stuff like the chains, blood bite, kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, monster sized chakra control exercises and water ninjitsu.

Reading about my mother's life made me think that her whole rescue from Kumo nin was staged so they'd ensure her loyalty to the village. Some similar stuff happened to me every so often. A Good Samaritan offering a leaf exclusive merchandise like rare herbs that go perfect with ramen or a hearty supply of chakra metal only found in the land of fire.

Subtle shit designed to make me feel like the village was awesome, that it would be worse off to leave for any other place. Killua experiences the same thing on Kukuroo mountain, though giving him psychological training helped identify it.

Anko more or less gave up on convincing me to stay 6 months in. The reason was the Uchiha massacre with only four people surviving it. Sasuck, itachi, Obito and..... Mikoto Uchiha!!!!!!!

Yeah I kinda saved her and got her out of the village. Iryo training allowed me to repair the punctures lung Itachi gave her. I had a ten minute window to get to her body as Itachi bolted after torturing Sasūke.

I was in their compound smashing all the Sharingans before they could be harvested. I'm not having a Kurapika exist who can use every fucking ability in the world. I know Sasuke might not but whose to say Danzo wouldn't cultivate mangekyo in people and then implant those in his arm instead. Or shin Uchiha getting his hands on them for his clone army.

Back to Mikoto, I healed her up and took her to my lab. Root had distracted the Anbu surrounding the Uchiha compound so I could just take what I wanted and dip. After healing her I escorted her down to the Root catacombs that I'd discovered on my midnight walks.

Root have an Ant like tunnel system under the village, I sent some clones down there to pulse out their chakra and construct a map. Found 11 ways to get out of the village with four being through gaps in the yamanaka sensory wall.

Why would I heal Mikoto? I investigated her after I spotted her visiting my mothers grave. Basically Fugaku was a stereo type office worker husband who expected her to clean and cook but nothing else. I was suspecting her to become a cliche NTR case in the near future so I intervened by "bumping into her".

Rattle off the ol dattabayo/ dattabane to trigger some nostalgia to strike up a conversation. Got her to listen to my hobby, the only thing that didn't make me boast the village apart. Playing the guitar and recreating anime openings~

I made an acoustic guitar after months of hard work, villagers saw it and were convinced it was a wrecked Shamisen so left it alone.

Tokyo ghoul, fairy tail and one punch man stuff are my favourites to play. She loved them, after I healed her I explained the situation and told her to go hide herself somewhere in the world. She chose the land of vegetables cause no one she could think barr an Akimichi would head there.

So it was likely no one would see past the henge. Before she left she told me stuff about Kushina which made me have a genuine smile on my face. The village spread about how Itachi had taken her body, there was enough blood at the scene to prove she died.

Bet the old fuckers were annoyed about that. So other than jamming on my guitar or training I'd socialise with Anko. Everyone in the village had thoughts about me being the cause of the massacre for some reason. Something about me making less public appearances and Itachi being a guard for me frequently when he was an Anbu.

I just shake my head in exasperation, once I finish walking up the hill to the top of the Hokage mountain i perch myself atop the second Hokage's hair. I pull out my skateboard and look down spotting the ramp I constructed somewhere down there.

Other than music skateboarding has been a hobby I was happy to pick up. Anko tried it and slipped a disk in her back which made me laugh. She now uses my old boards as fire wood. I being humming born to be wild by steppenwolf before I step off the hair.

The wind behind whipping at my body as I descend rapidly. Adding a spin for effect I position the board under my feet and angle myself to ride off the curvature of where I'm gonna land.

Some earth jutsu I made Anko perform made some stuff that I can ride off and not die from a fall from that height. The sound off a board hitting concrete echoed out into the village as I connected to the ground seamlessly before being rocketed off the ramp.

My tailwind whipped several villagers in the face even knocking a few off them over. I just smirked as I manoeuvred myself around the obstacles (people) occasionally making things difficult for a few of them.

A lightning fast jab made me rip the legs out of some tables or steal some fruit. I was going too fast for them to get a read on my face.

I squatted down after exiting the market district then jumped with my board and twisted to the side. I began wall riding for a bit then used my chakra to make the wheels stick whilst carrying on the momentum. Watching a kid kick the wall whilst shading on it sideways must have been a sight.

A chunin called out form in front of me, yelling at me to stop and report to some councilman. I whizzed past him and slapped his head band down covering his eyes before jumping back down onto the road.

I continued street surfing through the village being a nuisance at high speeds before I eventually saw my stop. The village gate~ I began weaving hand signs before I turned around facing the mob of genin and chunin chasing after me to stop.

"Wind style gale palm" I shouted blasting some wind from my hands raising a dust cloud as I was blasted forward. Three... two..... one..... I launched into the air and kicked off the head jam off the village gate landing infront off the two guards. Izumo and Kotetsu, they looked at my unimpressed. One looked at a watch before monotonously saying "3 minutes 22 seconds, four seconds off breaking the record".

"Dammit! Fucking chunin blocked me off and slowed me down!" I yelled before kicking my board into my hands and walking back into the village ignoring the smirks on the guards faces. My time trials serves as entertainment for them so they happily pay attention.

They have a jutsu called eagle eye which they use to lookout for people coming to the village. Gives them time to send a message to the Hokage. Since I started my skate boarding and occasionally snowboarding during winter one of them would turn and watch me instead from the top do the gate.

I still don't know how the fuck I got under 3.20 I ranted as I henged into an old man carrying a bag of rice. The ninja pricks went towards the gate whilst I made my way back up the mountain to repeat the trial. I pondered over my past runs, wait? Was it when I was singing Kick Buttowski? I'll give that a try.

Turns out that theme song was the key to getting under 3 minutes 10 seconds.