
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 114: Setting up a Cinema on the Battlefield!

"Rider! Are you crazy? How is that possible? She just defeated a heroic spirit. Why should she become your subordinate?" 

Saber hadn't spoken yet, but Waver(Rider's Master)couldn't bear it any longer. He was naturally very satisfied with the strength of his heroic spirit Iskandar(Alexander the great), but the other party's reasoning...

How could it be so off-base?

"That's right, Rider. I'm also a king, so naturally, I can't be your subordinate," Artoria said, shaking her head directly. Of course, she couldn't just become the subordinate of a fool who came out of nowhere.

"Is that so? What a pity," Rider sighed helplessly.

Meanwhile, from the ruins, the figure of Diarmuid rushed out with a boom. Diarmuid is also a first-class heroic spirit. Naturally, it was impossible for him to be instantly killed by a blow from the Barrier of the Wind King's. However, at this moment, Diarmuid's appearance was very miserable.

"Saber, you are truly difficult to deal with. You don't give up easily... Your strength is truly amazing."

Diarmuid looked at Saber with a mournful smile on his face, seemingly indifferent to the wounds caused by the wind blades all over his body. The injuries on Diarmuid's body then healed automatically, like a movie rewinding, without leaving any traces at all.

In terms of the spirit's own healing ability, such a recovery speed was impossible. Obviously, Kayneth, who was currently hiding in the dark watching the battle, must have cast healing magic. Although he was very dissatisfied with Diarmuid's failure, he still didn't want to admit defeat easily.

"Oh? Lancer, you're not dead yet! How about it, are you interested in being my—"

"Not interested, Rider. I have my own master!" Diarmuid interrupted him directly. Although he failed, that wasn't a reason for him to join someone else.

"Saber, may I ask, do you... know me?" Diarmuid dared to confirm that there were absolutely no loopholes in his plan, but now he failed. The only explanation was that the other party knew him, and knew his treasures like the back of their hand.

"That's right," Saber said. "I watched an anime at a certain master's place, and that anime tells the story of our future."

"Saber, please don't insult my intelligence!" Diarmuid widened his eyes. "Although I was defeated by you, my mind isn't as off-base as Rider's. An anime that depicts our future? A knight should not lie!"

Islandar: "..."

Feeling offended, Iskandar looked at his master, Waver, beside him and asked, "Well, master, am I acting out of line?"

Waver replied, "What do you think? Besides, the point now is not whether you can act out of line or not, but... Saber, are you sure you are telling the truth? You are a heroic spirit!"

"I swear by my glory, what I say is true!" Saber directly revealed the secret of the anime. It's not that Saber didn't want to hide this secret, but the master who showed her the anime was someone whose identity she didn't know at all. Who knows what kind of conspiracy he has against her? So, it's better to reveal it now. "The master who showed me the anime must also be watching this battle!"

Saber's voice echoed throughout the street. Listening to Saber's voice, Rin and Alexander, who were secretly watching, looked at each other.

"What should we do? Should we come out?" Rin couldn't help asking.

"Let's go out. What are you afraid of? Are we afraid we won't be able to control the situation when we are together?" Alexander said, and then stepped out of the shadows with Rin.

"Saber, couldn't you have kept it a little secret for me? You exposed me like this. It really made me a little passive," Alexander joked. Seeing Alexander's appearance, all the heroic spirits turned their attention to him. Although Alexander looked good looking, he was not a heroic spirit but a human. At this moment, he was still smiling happily, as if everything in front of him was not concerning him.

"Alexander, you are indeed here," Artoria said, looking at the man in front of her. Artoria was smart. When she confirmed that the anime she saw was the real future, she confirmed one thing: this Alexander was definitely not an ordinary person. He may even be an extremely terrifying existence! He controls the future of the Holy Grail War. Can he control the entire Holy Grail War? 

"Tell me your purpose. I don't believe you showed me an anime where I fight Diarmuid just to lend me a hand."

"You're mistaken about this. I really want to help you," Alexander said helplessly. He really just came here to watch the fun, but somehow he became a figure like a conspirator! Since the excitement could no longer be watched, let's make this scene lively again!

"Alright, Rin, bring out the things you prepared."

"Sure," Rin nodded. With a wave of her hand, a dozen or so Hassans of all appearances ran out from the shadows. These Hassan clones directly surrounded all the heroic spirits in front of them. When they appeared, all the heroic spirits tightened their weapons, looking at each other with changed expressions. Could it be that the other party had prepared an ambush and wanted to catch them all here?

Diarmuid, the King of Conquest, and Artoria looked at each other. When the three of them were about to fight a bloody road, the Hassan clones in front of them made a set of actions that confused them.

"Serenity! Hurry up and arrange everything!"

"Hundred Faces, put the projector here!"

"Intoxicated Smoke! What are you doing!"

"Old Man of the Mountain's Followers! (The unlucky guy who was shot to death by Gilgamesh in the original book), where are you playing with the computer! This way, this way!"

Under the command of Rin, in the state of everyone's bewilderment, in just a few minutes, a small movie theater appeared!

[Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!]

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