
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 113: A Different Battle Of Spear And Swords!

Spears clashed and swords flew, shattering everything around them in the aftermath of their battle.

The combat between the two heroic spirits was intense, but Diarmuid, currently engaged in the fight, felt quite perplexed. What was happening? Why did his opponent seem to anticipate every of his attack, even evading with precision? And why was his opponent keeping such a distance from his red spear, his signature weapon? Was his opponent aware of its capabilities? Was this timidity befitting a heroic spirit?

In truth, Artoria was well-informed about Diarmuid's treasures, much to his surprise.

Not far from the clash, spectators had gathered. There was a caster with a blue beard who could discern magic, a large red-haired man enjoying the view from a bridge, a golden-haired magician in a green hat standing atop a building, and a man in a windbreaker aiming a sniper rifle from a distance, among others.

Rin: "Alexander, look! Diarmuid is really going at it! Although it's a bit different from the anime, it seems like Diarmuid is struggling," 

"Nonsense. After watching the anime, if Artoria can't handle Diarmuid, it would be quite embarrassing for her. By the way, where is Archer?" Alexander inquired, noticing the absence of her heroic spirit.

Rin proudly patted her chest and replied, "Oh, I sent him to assassinate Emiya Kiritsugu. Once we deal with that troublesome guy, victory will be assured."

Alexander was taken aback. "You... sent Archer to assassinate Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Don't you think Archer can't handle an ordinary human magician?" Rin retorted confidently, defending her decision to send her Archer on the mission.

However, Alexander sighed inwardly. He didn't doubt Archer's strength; rather, he doubted that Archer would actually go through with attacking Emiya Kiritsugu. So the idea of Archer defeating Emiya Kiritsugu was simply unfathomable.

Meanwhile, in the ongoing battle, Diarmuid executed his routine, feinting with his long red spear before aiming a fatal blow with the yellow spear in his other hand. The two combatants drew closer, and just as Diarmuid thought he had the upper hand...

At the moment when the two approached, the sword in Artoria's hand became invisible and softly appeared a continuously rotating wind pressure!

"Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King !"


Facing Artoria who suddenly appeared in front of him using the invisible air for a boost of speed, and facing her attack, Diarmuid couldn't react!


Swept by a huge tornado! Diarmuid's body flew tens of meters high! Then!! It hit the wall on one side with a bang! The building collapsed, and Diarmuid's body was deeply crushed. Buried in the ruins, I don't know when he will come out.


In the air, Kayneth's enraged voice echoed. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald was a man of great pride. He had invested immense effort into the Holy Grail War, yet his summoned Heroic Spirit was swiftly defeated, even after employing his cherished treasures. How could he tolerate such a situation?

"Hahaha! Wonderful! It's Wonderful!"

In the sky, a heroic voice resounded, followed by a thunderous boom! An ancient chariot descended from the heavens, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The dazzling light made it hard for Irisviel to keep her eyes open, but Artoria could see clearly. On the chariot sat a big, red-haired man with a slender figure in his arms. He gazed at Artoria with great interest, his eyes filled with admiration. After studying Artoria for a few moments, he nodded approvingly and praised her.

"Hahaha! You've defeated such a formidable foe, Saber. You're truly powerful. How about joining me and serving this king, pursuing the Holy Grail together, and enjoying the thrill of conquering the world? I have high hopes for you!"

[Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!]

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