
Hungry Traveler

A certain Pervert that has an extreme hunger for anime oppai's died in his sleep, pretty peaceful death. And reincarnated into an anime that has many heroines to breed, unfortunately for him he's a just a normal human that has no abilities but suffer hunger. Until he awaken something after his first kill. Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside of the MC Warning: This book is worst thsn MTL as this is my first writing Pandemic makes me feel bored. So bear with me.

MTLSect_GrandElder · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 06

[Mc 1st Pov]

The next day, i be grudgingly woke up as sun hit on my face while i'm sleeping peacefully.

I got off my bed and opened the curtain, because it's already useless anyway since he's awake.

I heard a sound of splashing water outside, i look down, i saw Sona and Tsubaki "It seems my choice to join her isn't wrong."

Though, at first i just use her to avoid a certain annoying red haired woman from annoying me, and free travel back at home.

I got out my room i don't want to laze around while they train hard this is just my habit in my previous life, welp it seems i still retain it. I went to the kitchen to check if they already cooked breakfast.

I didn't found any sign of cook food "Well time to test my cooking mastery, since i got it from the chef that can send us to heaven using his food while i'm still a lab rat. If i still remember he was called Heavenly Chef or something"

I started to prepare the ingredients, well i only gonna cook a menu that is good for breakfast.

My mind instantly focused on what i'm currently doing, i chopped the unions, and garlic symmetrically. When the oil in wok is hot i added the chopped garlic and onion.


[3rd Pov]

He's so busy that, he didn't noticed that and crimson colored magic circle appeared on the floor of living room. Sona and Tsubaki stopped their training, when they felt a familiar aura.

Upon arriving to living room Rias and her current peerage were already there.

"What brought you here, Rias?" Sona asked.

"You're as serious as always, but i came here to introduce the additional part of my peerage Kiba Yuuto my Knight" Rias happily stated and Kiba stepped in and bow. Sona is unbothered by it.

Rias noticed it and give an advice " If you're like that Sona you won't complete your peerage"

Sona sighed "I too have a new member, maybe he's currently sleeping"

Rias laughed "Sona, it seems your new member is lazy one"

Sona was clearly offended "Tsubaki, check his room and if he's asleep please wake him up"

Tsubaki nodded and left, but before she can go Snow arrived as his black outfit finish covering his body.

"We have a guest, i didn't expect it. Hello everyone i'm Adrienne Snow. Sona-chan's Pawn" he scan if Kiba were their he instantly saw him, he smirk "Oh! Isaiah what a coincidence we meet again"

Kiba's body shivered, when he heard Snow's word "Who are you? Why do you know that name!?"

Snow laughed "You seems to forgotten about me, then let me remind you where we met. Holy Sword Project does it rig a bell?"

Kiba expression become hideous "BASTARD! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" he summon a sword and charged towards Snow.

"Welp, come" Snow started to walk calmly towards the charging Kiba. Sona, Rias and the other were flabbergasted.

"Sona, does thst pawn know what he's doing!?" Rias spat

"I'm not sure but i trust him" Sona responded calmly.

When the sword about to cut Snow, but he just step sideway like the old man from Sekiro.

"Your sword is to slow" Snow constructed a katana from darkness, he started attacking Kiba wounding him lightly not enough to kill him.

Kiba kneeled on the floor bleeding 'Damn it, why did i lost!?'

"Your resentment is great boy, hm? You didn't remember me yet huh then, this one will remind you of me" Snow's body starting to emit a malevolent aura Rias, Akeno, Koneko legs went soft.

Kiba finally able to see the familiarity of the aura "Reiju Hyoudou! You're alive! How!?"

Snow retracted his aura back "Those guys are weak, their souls can't be categorize as appetizer"

Rias asked immediately asked Sona "Sona, your pawn already on par to Ultimate class devil"

Then she said "Sona, you give him to me. You know that i need strength to be able break my fate"

Sona didn't like where this going "No, i can't do it."

Rias now getting desperate "Sona, aren't we friends!? Help me this time"

Snow listened with irritated expression, and didn't hold back anymore "Hahaha! Girl, do you know that you're so pathetic. Instead of working your butt off ro gather strength to break your fate, but you did nothing. If you want be my king at least have 10% of Sona-chan's mind. Damn, you're more useless than Sakura, what bacause you rely on your Power of Destruction then, it's useless to you"

His harsh words hit Rias like being hit by a bullet train. She started to tear up, Snow look at her with cold face. Sona were caught off guard, of Snow's savage moment.

Rias felt so humiliated, she instantly teleported with her peerage Snow's playful expression surfaced "I wonder she use it, to get stronger or to still gonna bet for her luck"

Sona reprimanded Snow "Do you know that she's a little sister of current Lucifer?"

Snow raised his eyebrow "Her brother is a sis-con too? If he come knocking to this place i will beat him half dead. What Lucifer, if he's going to deal a Son of Lilith he needs more than that" he said proudly without knowing he leak a private information.

Sona immediately asked "You're the Son of Lilith? Impossible!"

Snow eyes popped out in shock "How did you know!?"

Sona look at him awkwardly "You just said it earlier, so i heard it clearly"

Snow facepalmed "Sona, let's make it a secret as it can't be reveal to the world yet"

Sona giggle "Earlier you were too arrogant but now you're scared"

"I can fight him, toe to toe though i will have some difficulty facing his power of destination"

Sona look at him sternly "So you're gonna lose then"

Snow laughed "No, i'm gonna win"

Sona face twitched 'Why did i got an arrogant guy"

Snow remembered his main objective "Sona-chan, breakfast is ready"

Sona was surprised but still nodded and went to dining table. After they disappeared he smiled.

"I was bluffing but if he took it seriously, then i need another power that were not from this world"

He opened his system window " I need to build a skill set that will have a good offense, defense, and durability

Maybe, Rimuru's place will do as there's many useful skills, were in there."

He's about to click Rimuru's world.


He accidentally clicked X-Men : wolverine origin



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