
Hungry Traveler

A certain Pervert that has an extreme hunger for anime oppai's died in his sleep, pretty peaceful death. And reincarnated into an anime that has many heroines to breed, unfortunately for him he's a just a normal human that has no abilities but suffer hunger. Until he awaken something after his first kill. Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside of the MC Warning: This book is worst thsn MTL as this is my first writing Pandemic makes me feel bored. So bear with me.

MTLSect_GrandElder · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 05

After he make sure that the certain red haired thicc girl won't be able to manipulate their minds even she did she'll fall in a trap as he place a devil's trap under Issei's bed.

Currently he's walking to 7/11 to but an ice cream. After he bought an ice cream he look to the window.

'It's already night huh... Better to go back now'

He went outside and merge with the shadow. He traveled the dark alley, he stop on his track as he saw a stray munching on a male human.

The stray look who disturb his meal "Fuck off! Devil Dog!"

Snow said with disdain "Heh.. Hahaha!! Stupid low life that only eats a low grade meat, have the audacity to speak in front of me"

The stray got pissed "I'm going to kill you!! DIE!!" the stray jumped towards him his sharp claws were aiming to his neck.

Snow didn't move, he just stood there waiting for the attack to land.

When the starys attack is about to hit, Snow casually grab his hand, and ripped it off.

The stray scream in agony as he hold his missing arm.


Snow approach the one hand stray "It seems my simple provocation, worked pretty well" he then kicked the strays face as if his head is a ball.

Not satisfied by it, Snow raised his left foot and without ang further hesitation. He stomped the Strays spine snapping.

Thr stray screamed again louder then before "P-please, spare m-" before he could finished his sentence Snow, pierced his head by a solid dark spike that shoots out from the ground.

Snow look down the fresh stray corpse and said "Disappointing, his will is so... so"

[Gluttony Activated]

Vitality: +32

Strength: +25

Magic Power:+ 110


Agility:+ 24

'Now, time for this corpse to become a mincemeat' he control the darkness and made it solidified with many sharp blades and shreded the corpse leaving a lump of meats.

Satisfied with his work he nodded, he stopped moving his head when saw that his clothes was covered in blood and muscle tissues.

'Ugh, i can't go back like this better to change my outfit' he took off every clothes, and controled the darkness to cover his body and shaping it a cool outfit.

He's now wearing a: Faux Leather Black Trench Coat, Tactical Fleece Jacket, Black Leather Gloves, Black Jeans, and Combat Boots for good mobility.

'This is good, i look like a badass secret agent'

After saying that went out of the alley and decide to walk instead of using shadow travel.

'Now, how did i able to proficiently control darkness, as if i was born with it wierd' he feel in deep thought, and snapped out instantly.

'Appraise' he appraised himself, to discover what mystery he hide.

Reiju Hyoudou (Adrienne Snow)

Title: Transmigrator, Gluttonous Madman, Son of Lilith

Vitality: 3299

Strength: 415

Magic Power: 11029


Agility: 492

Skills: Natural Holy Sword Wielder, Gluttony, Appraisal, Umbrakinesis, Master Swordsman, Master Alchemy, Master Blacksmith,Master Chef, Master Gunner, Mana Manipulation, Master Tactician, Demonic Power, Flight

Scanning the window for added skills, he saw it along with his title.

'Son of lilith? The fuck? If i' m correct she's dead for a while now,let's the description'

[Son of Lilith: Title can only be acquired by those people that were came from her lineage in short her descendants. Though only those who has a huge amount of her gene code were able to awaken the bloodline. To those who awakened their bloodline would have a distinct feature cross shaped pupils, black hair, and can instinctively use every abilities that she have. ]

Snow's mouth agape 'NO JOKE RIGHT!? Ahem! so hyoudou' s were her descendant but didn't awakened it due the lack of her gene? Well, doesn't matter. It seems, I have Plot Armor'


10:00 pm Snow got home, while Sona is standing on the outside.

"Yo! Sona-chan, are you outside?" Snow asked.

"I receive that there's a stray roaming around feeding on human" Sona replied without changing her serious expression.

"Oh! I met a stray earlier eating a human, he attack but guess what... He's weak i juat step on his spine he started to beg for mercy but i'm God, i humiliated him before killing him"

Sona gasp seeing how calm he is 'He didn't got affected by saying his name!?'

"Did you just say his name right?" Sona asked for confirmation.

"Yeah, if you're wondering how let's see... It's a secret of mine but i'll tell you soon" Snow said while smiling at Sona.

Sona sighed and didn't pursue that topic anymore "Where did you get that clothes"

"Oh, this i just created it from darkness" Snow lifted his hand and show her that it's just darkness, the gloves disappear and appear again "See... i look badass right?"

"How? Where did you learn it?" Sona asked she's intrigued by his power.

Snow smile mischievously "How do we put it, Sona-chan it's genetics. So if want a child that able to do this you already know the process"

Sona listen attentively, until he said second sentence her face went red and look away "Pervert"

Snow laugh at her reaction but he secretly took a picture "Such a cute reaction, you just stole my heart"

Sona's face become redder than before "Shut up!" storm off.

Snow smile awkwardly while scratching cheekk 'Did i go too far?' he also entered the house.


He stretched his body "Good thing today is not a boring day" he said as he went to bathroom to take a bath to remove the uncomfortable stickiness that he felt. He retracted his darkness, leaving him naked.

'Ugh, i don't like oily skins' He started, cleaning himself, he scrab every nook and cranny of his body.

After he finished taking a bath, he went to the mirror to see the changes he undergone.

He indeed see that his eyes isn't normal eyes anymore, he examine it closely. He conducted a series of test its really not an illusion and and he proven that its legit.

'It seem, not bad i look unique' he's now doing many poses with his ripped muscular body.

Then he bend backward "WWWWWRRRYYYYYY!!!"

He instantly got back up "I really love doing it"

He finally got out the bath and directly went to his room, but he stop at Sona's door.

"Good Night Sona-chan" he said and continue walking.

"Good Night too" Sona replied unfortunately, Snow already gone to his room so he didn't heard it.


I'm not good at romance, i think i'm forcing them. Please give me an advice.