

Why can't I image a sense of glory in a world that is consumed and connected within the viewpoints and perspectives of in not defined detail and analysis? Will my own viewpoints and perspective stream down to obvillon not intertangling with my own morals and values as if my own human needs are not beneficial to and useful? Are my own human needs and desires unable to be awaken due to the missing pieces of love inside of me will those needs occur to others without confusing such wants and needs as some sort of must but should be given cause of human decency?

Does human desires and needs exist in a world without human decency and morality

Was there human desires and intentions mistreated as manipulation and tactics used from his own species that he is disappointed in always? My own species need learn how to love and support each other without give up there morals and identity to selflessly prove to there own how they are better and more accurate to what a man is? Are my own species desires and values important to them or only important when what is being given is not served as respect and apperication for when that love and apperication is given to them they only value what it means to the ego and not what it means to there heart?

When will there heart and support open itself open and deliver the respect and dignity and value that will be value and supported by humans who understand how their own value is not owned to them but owned to how they wish to be perspecieve as a human?

What value do u seek that is egotistical and strategically placed in order to serve ur desire and value those desires and values will not be respected and loved if what u are giving is only despair and horrible destructions? Your own destruction is valued and cared not because how you perceive yourself but how they perceive what others have done to them by using them and showing how you are just not ready to be valued and respected? What kind of respect do u want what kind of love do u want what kind of value will you serve to the world that you destroyed within your own hands will they ever love and support you for how dangerous and monstrous you can be when u are not given what you desire or what you value inside? Will what you value shape into when you get everything you desire and need will you proclaim a victory and scatter the world with ego and distatsefulness cause you got what you needed and now have no use for others will you begin to wonder if I am really a man of morals and values and heart or am I just a experiment Will my own human self reach desires and love that appear as lovable and not skippable will my own human compassion seek others to value and respect me while not allowing them to reach there own values and morals without criticism? Will my own criticism be looked at as egoism and not respectable by others viewpoints and perspectives will such criticism be objected and not subjective to the morals and values I have claimed? Will the morals and values I contain hold selfishness and regret due to unconscious tactics played by my hand can my hand be served as a helpful way to love and support or will no one have the desire to form aspects about themselves worthy of loving their own nature? Is someone loving themselves while seeking other to love them is justified or is such love unavailable to humans around each other such individualism can't necessarily imply love is looked in from inside but without love for one another will love for understanding for other humans be lost? Love being lost in humans and lost from themselves could lead to more outcomes and affects from inside how they react and respond when love is being given to them can love be empty and sastfied when those who seem to not know how to love or be loved occur to blame how can I be loved when humans haven't find a way of love that is healthy and beneficial for both sides ? how can I love when humans have only buried and damaged other humans how can I love when what is being taken is not serious and not supported when what is constructed and being used is only used when it is valuable to them? What exactly is valuable to humans and what kind of value do they continue to satisfy what fulfilment do those who value each other or those who value one another or value what is only given what is valuable when it is important to them or who is valuable to your intentions if one's intentions aren't valuable to you or valuable to ones ego or ideologies. What envy and remorse shall ones true intentions contain when influenced by possible outcomes forbidding causes for his own regrets registering onto his morals and values? Perhaps ones value remains and vansish unleashing mixed signals for his contributions from his own deception clinging towards past savings and outlooks controlling what he actually means to form?

If Forming and searching to ones value and creating different signs to embrace what is meant and what is needed is he not required to Change and evolve or he is changing and evolving in unknown ideas and concepts not shared by the world he lives in? World shatters as he forsees certain puzzles warnings indicating some sort of lie in the shadows

Could these shadows inside of ones puzzles be saved and be changeable to progress a program that is healthy? If some Conceptually ideas get removed and some perform as we see how it is being showed to us and how some humans prove to remove in shadows and preform increasing chances of being unforeseen? Remembering certain aspects into the shadows and remembering certain ideas of notions from the shadows coming into shadows of past mistakes and shadows of Light for ones shadows for told policy of no mortal for ones mortal true meaning could become someone true saving?if Submitted onto closure of power closure of strength closure of identity closure of what it means to become a man worthy of giving love for ones who are human? None humans who not only inslaved by there own shadows by embraced by there own mind for if senses came through senses would come to real compassion and real understanding of who they are dealing with nor motivated by foolishness by motivated by heart What serves as good intentions and what serves as intentions designed as individualism and excellency some intentions being controlled and some intentions being miserable and entitled some intentions mistaken as love but manipulated due to lack of a soul? If your identity and character is being manipulated by other humans you shall only seek to be understanding but not justfying any dangerous messages be sent to you? If Existing in different identity doesn't prove your morality or prove your existence to be loved and cared by but setting examples of honesty and integrity and compassion there shall be those who will accept your heart?

Perhaps Corresponding in shadows and regret and misconceptions from society will only see your own personal agenda turn to programming language certain wording and distant self defense shall not be helped but will be misunderstood? What can't victims of society be loved and cared for if victims of society can't even tell u what is wrong with how they feel or not knowing how to feel due to chambers of households?

Households only allow tell you what previous generations to have told them which dosn't help causes of mis ideas of help and ideas of mis information told by humans around impressions without courage compassion and heart have guide for world is unknown to there own failures not understanding who they are none understanding to others needs desires or pain not understanding to humans due to selfishness and entilment for humans only have desires and ideas and control for others those humans are not needed in control but need to control what exactly they want to become for becoming a damaged soul who damages other is not in tacted with there emotions What kind of values must your individualism cause you to wonder if your decisions and ideas aren't meant to be taken as courage nor heart cause your meant to be a slave towards your own values what is there common thread of concepts not pointing towards a thin line that is progressing but pointing towards egoism and foolishness ?does your own egoism and foolishness prove to be worthy of remembering and correcting and forgiving if what you are doing is damaging to others rather then helping them are your ideas of helping only helping ur issues but not helping others issues due to lack of communication on both sides? Perhaps your ideas and concepts come from times of foolish humans and blizzare ideologies that don't fit in the realm of today's world for today's world is only in shape with they feel entillled nor feel understanding nor feeling capable of answering questions of human decency due to lack of not knowing what is around them and what it means to them? For if they aren't qualified to feel or understand should one try to save and qualify all or is that unnormal to unrealistic standards should ones heroism feel enslaved to it's own core that it must respond lightly but responds in pathetically nature?

Shall heroism be a identity or shall be a prize that is rewarded for it's job that it's done to help what is around should that heroism cause you to feel entitled towards love and care cause you feel you have earned it?

To be earned isn't a possible outcome by force nor should it be forced if your compassion and heart is there will someone notice or will someone not want to notice due to issues kept to themselves not communicating of any sorts or will u be the one to choose these humans to deal with cause you don't know what human love or compassion feels like to a soul u posses in this world Will humans ever learn to speak with expression and compassion misjudged their desires and strike to be more like those who have harmed and tormented are they justified in actions formed by inability to see situations for themselves and in matters that dont seem frightening? Will Such actions cause others efforts to be seen as less involving and less loving for if those are the cause and effect effort that no one wants but no one wants to be become effective however what is effective and what is necessary can be a brief of self reflection on ones true identity? What can someone true identity and character truly be if what is being said is used in misdrect fashion and manner that doesn't alline with true value and true morals in the grand scheme of things

As if different identity and different types of humans can exist but what must there be those who dont fit to exist in bringing happiness and love to others? Nonetheless ones true character and identity is clear in understanding and formulating bounds with each other that have meaningful actions that help one another but what type of human is desired and valued to become this way is this the way of what is indeed or what is only a dream of the subconscious inside of reality?

However what reality must I dream of in order to reach such ideas and concepts are they farfetched or egotistical or mind blowing nonsense where could ones true reality serve as if what is being shown is always displaying cowardly tactics would I be scared to encounter humans like these to make me feel better about myself or just make my own ego happy in whatever stupid plans it has in mind

If humans were to actually live this way for I am mere human living and viewing the world as I forsee what it does to me and my own reactions to what I have to be to become a hero a monster a creature or a human