

Perhaps ones true evil could be ones true grace as means to deconstruct what human beings can or can't be in process and accepting and embracing a human meaning and values unless those meaning and values prevent someone morals to degrees in hopes of forming hopeless connection not serving his own morals while not picturing how could these connections form if the humans he's trying to connect to won't even try to show who they really are to him could they behave and solve such lack of value or will a lack of value never be vauled if a human thall shall not speak is valued only when promised with emptiness correcting your morals and values to connect with those not knowing what could be human and what could nonetheless be a objective to ones lies and pain for we don't see the pain for how can we see pain from others who seek no control over themselves mustn't they use there own thoughts and emotions as mere tools to solve issues within cause no one in the world I live seems to forget out what can I become? What can I learn? Where can I evolve? How can I process myself through my own emotions and thoughts when I have yet to understand them myself? Where can I learn to be someone who shall learn to be a human instead of someone who hasn't known anything about who I am and what I mean to other humans around me? Somehow these humans around me feel more like experiments with no idea how to even survive with human desires and human emotions and human values and human morals cause no one sees how your potential as a human is endless supplying rules around my own nature as a critic who values humans who are worthy who exactly is worth what exactly is endless what exactly is reality around such ideologies and meaning corresponding and deciding to collapse of thousands of humans who may never even realize who they truly are if those humans who showed me who they are would I be sastified with what I have seen or will all the disappointment I have witness be trapped up in to my mind cause to sastfy a human is to make connections with that human will those want to connect to a mere monster Like myself

Will that monster be redeemed will that monster connect will that monster feel loved cause the monster will be misunderstood but the human inside is ready to embrace everyone's honest selves Thou shall not be so mysterious and obvious to what a human can or can't be in such regards to ones morality therefore being a lack of identity and ethics in a human character creating ideas and misplacments will not fit in these characteristics that so happen to be forgotten do such values prevent meaning to be aline with humans who's characteristics seem so empty and nonexistent is it there chocie to remain so uncareful in whatever state of mind that has only buried them do they choice to be unclear in potential inside of them that it is never even witnessed can there choices to be so unnatural be so cowardly or are they just unnatural to me because I have only seen humans who have not given me proof of worthiness proof of meaning proof of values proof of any morality proof of actual identity proof of any humanity cause to see humanity is to become humanity from within but my ideas of what humanity may become or may include maybe just a vision of some sort of Game meant to store up my own lack of understanding of who I want to care about vs who I want to critic vs who I want to be human and who I want to become then just nothing in the world of today additional who would like to be involve in creating there own morals values and humanity and morality somehow I believe no one around this world is capable of becoming something that I myself have lack of respect for cause those who seem like me also have traits that are below of what I call a human considering my own views and my own statements I know I musnt force anyone to become something they dont want to be cause I dont even represent parts of humanity and morals I would see as my own critic inside cause that critic from inside is wondering can I ever prove to be a human that calls other humans coward's can I ever consider myself a human for allowing my statements to be seen as foolish can I ever consider myself a human if I haven't even protected those that I have so called loved for myself or just loved to fill voids of lost of connection lost of love lost of intimacy lost of control lost of desires ones lost of humanity ones lost of true understanding cause if he was so understanding then he would always love those even tho they dont to seem to love him will a monster learn to critic what he can instead of what he only what's to see in shapes of forgotten connections and forgotten intimacy or wil such connections and intimacy find contentment someday What create monsters more then those who create monsters with no identity and meaning monsters with no morals and values monsters with no pieces of humanity monsters who haven't discovered themselves monsters who haven't reached peaks of noticing what is in there capability of a human does it serve no purpose to rediscover what can I become more then the monster that consumes me the monster that feeds the monster that cries the monster with emotions and thoughts that are realistic the monster that knows that those around him need his help to tame the monster to care for the monster to love the monster what makes a monster more then those who have affected the monster thrown away the monster buried the monster trapped the monster confused the monster destroyed the monster manipulated the monster from internal and external can the monster learn to become one in tune with self reflection does this monster need help does this monster need guidance does this monster need connections this monster must know how to connect with the monster and procces its thoughts and emotions in health ways and not unleash its disgusting behavior onto others for this behavior is in all humans that haven't realise that type of monster they have become and are scared of those who have only seen as a monster have only seen as horrible bugs being stepped when will the monster in humans be controlled when will those humans know the monster beneath them the monster that is waiting to seek others for there disaster the monster that only manipulates others for it's own gain of pathetic revenge what monsters must know what is the right thing to do and what is right for yourself and what is right is others or what could right for both sides that have no where to gain but appreciate and help each other instead of being slaved by egoism slaved by hatred and slaved of nonexistent ideas that don't mean anything if the monster you seen is inside then learn the monster and see if you are capable of more then being a beast of nightmares