
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted. Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind. All he has to do is prove himself worthy. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

Aoki_Aku · Sci-fi
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1266 Chs

Chapter 70 Change Is In The Air

[Carpe Noctem, this is Stalwart. I confirm that the bridge is intact. Recommend no light or infantry support at this time. Terrain flooded North of Bridge with increasing water levels.] Max responds. 

[Understood Stalwart. Light Support has been assigned an alternate route.]

Max isn't sure where they are all going, but he hopes that alternate route involves a helicopter. Radio chatter indicates that no fewer than three of the Cygnus shops crashed into the deep oceans, boiling off over fifty meters of sea level into the atmosphere. 

Forget seeing the rains end during their tour here, the results will likely be somewhere between a mass extinction event and a mythological planetary flood. Looking out over the shallow lake that was once fertile fields, Max can believe it. 

But they are also in the low land, and as such might be evacuated to higher ground when the waters make their defense point of no strategic value.