
Chapter 12 A Dragon who loves

"It's nice to take a break on a beach after defeat a God" I said to myself. "Life will get better soon and I have all these beautiful women who's behind me". "I will break my limits once more and more". "I will protect the ones I love, put down the ones in my way" I said looking at the moon. "Oh is the big bad dragon, Stargazing" said Rias hugging my back. "Yes, your big bad dragon is stargazing" I said turning around hugging Rias back. "You want to talk about it?" asked Rias. "Yes I have something to tell you". "You are a out standing King". "But that's what I'm not talking about" I said as I point at her heart. "Rias Love you for who you are, you helped me so much". "You broke my hard shell, that's why I will always love my little red bat" I said kissing Rias. "Nayamu I feel the same way" said Rias after breaking the kiss. "How bout we move to the bedroom to finish the night off" I said picking up Rias. "Yes I will love that" said Rias snuggling in my arms as we walk. "Rias you will always be my love that I will treasure in my heart" I said at the bedroom door. I slowly opened the door heading to the bed. Rias slowly rubbing her hands on my chest as I carry her like a princess. I sat down on the bed with Rias in my lap. I gently rub my hands over her chest feeling her heart beating so fast. I look in her eyes, to see a predator ready to devour it's prey. I was ready to deflower the princess at a moment notice. I was pushed down on the bed. Rias slowly mounted me as she lick her lips. A large chill with down my back, I as say "Rip my longsword". "What the big bad dragon afriad" said Ddraig. "Shut up" I said to Ddraig. "Hey Ddraig it's was nice meeting you, the time we had was fun" I said before I embrace Rias. Two hour time ship. "Rias, Let me take a break as I slowy get up" I said with a little pant. "No"' said Rias as she dragged me back into bed. "Noooo" i yelled out in fear. "I'm a fucking a dragon, Who defeated a god" I said to myself. Four hour time skip. I slowly got out of bed leaving a satisfied sleeping Rias. "Fuck my broadsword is life less" I said with tears going down my face. "It's so hard to think back to what happenen, I think I was drugged" I said walking out the room holding wall. "Ara Ara What happened here" said a Voice. "Please please let me live this encounter" I said slowly turning around. "Hey Akeno how are you doing tonight" I said with a hint of fear. "Nothing much just don't forget about me" said Akeno dragging me to her room. Five hour time skip. Leaving Akeno's room looking half dead and shaking legs. I slowly a making it to the living room. I slowly sat on the couch and grabbing the blanket before I past out. Dream World. "Hey Nayamu" said Ddraig. "It looks like you had a bumpy night" said Ddraig with smirk. "Oh Shut up, I should be ready to go in the next hour" I said with pride. "Oh so the big bad dragon just need to recharge his batteries" said Ddraig laughing. "Oh when was the last you had sex with your girlfriends or wife" I said. Everything with quiet. "Umm it's been three thousands years the last I remember" said Ddraig sitting in a corner drawing. "Do worry I want make fun have you" I said laughing. "Oh the dragon who just got raped" Ddraig shot back. "That hurt and it's was not rape" I said drawing on the ground. "At least I can get some unlike a dragon" I shot back. "Ah that's not fair" said Ddraig looking down at the ground. "It's ok, We still friends" I asked. "Yes" said Ddraig shaking my hand. The Next Day.

"Tsuki what the report the on the black cat" I said slowly rolling of the couch. "Oh the prisoner is awake but very quiet" said Tsuki. "Ok I'm on my way" I said picking myself off the ground. Slowly making it to the sub basement to talk to the black cat. "Hmmm I hope this is going to be easy as pie" I said. The road of life is a hard one, to endure. "Fuck me, even with god tier healing system of mine why it takes so long to stop the shaking" I said. "My stam is full but life is hard, good thing I won't have any kibs for a while" I said to self. "Nayamu how are you doing this morning?" Asked Koneka. "I'm doing fine, just slowly moving down the hallway that's all" I answered back. "Ok, just don't push yourself too hard" Koneka said back. I slowly disappear from the hallway with dread over my head, "Somethings need to be locked up" I said reappearing in the sub basement. "Oh, So how is your morning going?" I asked the Black cat. "Hmmm not bad, but you should have taken a shower before coming down here" said Black cat. "Oh the smell is getting to you, you want to help me out" I said with a smile. "Umm, you you trust me that much?" question the black cat. "Sure because your sister requested me to protect you, let you live here" I said. "Plus if you behave yourself, I don't mind training you" I said. "Also the rewards you can get for working with me in the long run" I said.

"Oh Kuroka your powers will be sealed for six months as punishment for leaving family" I said. "Oh your training will start after six months so have fun" I said putting a collar around Kuroka neck. "Why you put a collar on me!" asked a mad Kuroka. "Because you are a kitten, who needs to be a lesson" I said back leaving no room for questions. "Ok" said Kuroka looking at the ground with tears. "I will help you control your power, but you will make up the years you missed by being a sister" I said kneeling in front of her. "It's going to to be ok, It take time to heal wounds in the heart" I said patting Kurako head. "Life will not be easy for you here on out, Challenges make people grow stronger" I said leaving Kurako alone. "Was it the right path that I walked?" Asked Kuroka to herself. "Let my only sister down to protect from the evils, but looked like I failed in away" said Kuroka to herself. "So many paths to choose from, now I will walk in the light and make up lost time" said Kuroka will new hope. "Tsuki I needed you to build me a seal to block half of my power" I said sitting in my chair. "Oh yea we will make clones that will hold ten percent of power or more, we can't use humans because they will die in the process" I said. "I will find subjects, who can hold your power" said Tsuki holding a clip board. "The seal will have to go through multipled testing phasings to find the rigght one" said Tsuki drawing the device. "Oh I almost can you make a seal that I can use to location someone, because this little kid has been following Asia around" I said with anger. "No one will take away my family members, without getting my wraith" I said. I left the sub basement with Kuroka following suit.