
Chapter 11 Clash Of The Titans

"Oh yes it's time to defeat a god" I said. "Oh here hold this for me" I said to Rias. Handing her a black case. "What is this?" Asked Rias. "Oh it's a toy to try on you later" I said with smile. "Really you fucking tease, We are going to fight a God!" yelled Rias blushing red. "Just kidding, It's a gift from a Little Phoenix" I said wiping a tear away. "Ok I see ya'll there don't be to late" I said tranforming in a three headed dragon. "Wow I knew he was holding back in the spars, but this crazy" said Tannin trying to keep his cool. "What do you mean he was holding back?" asked Azazel. "I was only saw one head and four wings at most, in the spars" said Tannin. "Oh well I guess, he will break through he limits once more in this battle" Said Azazel. Flashback. "Oh Dragon don't hide from me" I said looking for Tannin. "Well fuck me" said Tannin catching his breath. "Just come out and fight me please" I said destroying the surrounding region. "Come on out!" I yelled destroying a lake in the progress. "Come on, I'll heal you after this spar like last one" I said destroying a forrest. "Look as the mighty have fallen" I said. "Fine, you fucking bitch!" Yelled Tannin coming out of hiding. "Thanks for coming out of hiding" I said thrusting a kick into Tannin's gut. Tannin coughs up some blood and dropping to a knee. "Oh it's ok" I said kicking Tannin into a mountain. "This shit is not training" said Tannin falling out the mountain. "This is a fucking beaten" said Tannin holding his left arm. "Oh you can still fight, can you?" I asked. "Yes" said Tannin crying in his mind. "It look like I won this time, Five to zero not a back streak" I said healing Tannin broken body. "Don't worry one of these days you get a win or not" said I. "Yeah right, I can tell that you was holding back alot of your power" said Tannin slowly getting up. Flashback Ended. "Those fights with him was a living hell" said Tannin nursing his ribs. "Oh this is the power of Nayamu" said Odin stroking his beard. "What a terrifying presence" said Baraqiel. POV Switch. "Fuck Fuck the plan is so fucked!" Yelled a angry Vail. "Why do you say that?" asked the Voice. "Because Bikuo mentally fucked right now and that pussycat got captured!" yelled Vail punching the wall. "We can still get Fenrir out of there?" Asked the Voive. "Arthur we will have to be quick about it" Said Vail calming down. "Ok that's easy" said Arthur. POV switch. "Hey Hey wake the fuck up!" I yelled at Rossweisse. "Wow the Valkyrie can ride" said Saji getting hit over the head. "Lol whipped" I said in my head. "Aaahhh this is boring, this bitch is taking forever to get up that crystal" I said laying down. Everyone sweat down looking at throw a tantrum about a fight. "Shut up you over grown reptilic" said a Voice from the Crystal. "Wow so the bitch finally wants to glace us, with your presence" I shot back. "Oh the lizard, who was throwing tantrum talking shit" said the Voice. "Don't make me come in here there, I'll fuck your shit up!" I yelled back. "Oh really like you can kill a God like me" said the Voice. "You know what Loki you are right I can't kill you" I said. "But that's not stopping me beatting the dog shit out of you" I said. "Enough!" Yelled Loki breaking the seal. "Oh you finally came out, You grew some balls" I said. "You what?, your going first". Said Loki cutting my heads. "Nayamu!" Yelled everyone watching my body hit the ground life less. Two minutes later. "That's was not bad of a cut from a bitch" I said cracking my neck. "Impossible you are some post to be dead" said Loki in shock. "No I can't die just yet, I want kids and become a God" I said. "Really" said Loki dead panning. "Ok then I guess, I will kill you again" said Loki. "Try me" I said charging at Loki. Crash big ass wolf hits me out the air. "This is some bullshit, where is liite red riding hood at" I said getting up for the second time. "You bitch, I want all your pets" I said looking at Finrir. "Don't worry I all ways take good care of my pets" I said. Charging a triple elemental blast at Loki. "That look dangerous" said Loki bringing up a magic shield. The blasted left the God out of breath. "Oh so the God is not Almighty, after all" I said smirking. "You fucking over grown beast, I will smite you down where you stand" said Loki. A sneeze was heard else where, "You ok Lord Zeus" said a maid. "No I'm fine" said Zeus sitting on his throne. Back to the battle. "Oh Loki you have to try to kill this dragon" I said swiping at Loki. "Shut up and die already" said Loki stabbing me in my arm. "You know that hurt a little bit" I said. I charged Loki bitting off a arm with one go. "Hmm not a bad taste to it" I said licking the blood off my lips. "It's needs a bit of salt" I said with a salt shaker. "Why you fucking dragon" said Loki charging ten of thousands of magic spells. "That's how you piss off a God" I said doing the same thing. Both the spells clashed, leaving everyone to take cover. The poor landscape was destroyed, leaving a large creater. "Oh Loki, I know you stilll alive and barely hanging on" I said shaking the dirt off of me. "Fuck, this impossible impossible" said Loki hiding behind a rock. Holding his right arm should be, if it was not eaten of by a lizard. "Come out and fight me or I will eat you, if I find you" I said letting out a roar. "Fine so be it hide like thd ant you are" I said releasing a wave of destruction power across the battlefield. "Fuck me fuck fuck" said Loki losing his mind slowly.

"Oh pity God, Come out and fight me like a God" I said. A sneezed DemiGod wiped his nose. Cursing the world about some unknown bullshit placed on his mind. "Loki you can still walk out of here with your life" Said Rossweisse. "It's not your fight to butt in, But I will let this bitch of a God walk away after I take his other arm" I said. "But Loki will bleed out, from blood lost" said a worried looking Valkyrie. "Oh that's what you think?" I said turning a head to the Valkyrie. "Yes" said a scared Rossweisse. "Fine I will stop the bleeding after I bit of his arm" I said looking down atthe Valkyrie. "Ok ok, please don't kill him" said Rossweisse with a hint of worry. "Oh Loki, it's not point of hiding" I said looking through a small lizard's eyes. "Nemesis come forth" I said summoning my snow white queen. "Yes Nayamu" said Nemesis looking away with a small blush. "I want you to bring me the God named Loki to me" I said with a hint of failure is not a option. "Yes" said Nemesis before flying off to find this God. I looked back down at the Valkyrie to see she was lost in the way of words. "Are you ok?" I asked lightly tapping her on, her head. The Valkyrie slowly take back to her senses. "Yea, I'm a bit surprised that you can summon an dragon" said Rossweisse. "Oh do you want to be summoned to my chambers" I said with a hint of backshots. The Valkyrie hit the ground red with a nosebleed supporting the look. "Wow" I said looking at the downedd Valkyrie. "We need a medic" I yelled, laughing my head off in the inside. "Nayamu do you have to be such a tease" said a Voice behind me. I slowly turned around to see Rias looking at me with fury in her eyes. "Yes, it's fun to be tease" I said whispering in her ear. Rias slowly hit the ground panting a little bit. "What did you do to Rias?" asked Sona. "Oh nothing but a promise" I said slamming my tail on the ground. I slowly layed on the ground waiting on the return of Nemesis with my prey. "What are you doing?" asked Sona. "I'm taking a break and Loki familiars belong to me now" I said back. "Oh ok" said Sona being a annoyed. "These the little king want a familiar or a bedtime spar" I said with a cheeky smile. Sona turned around looking away before saying "No" with red on her face. "Don't lie to yourself" I said closing my eyes. POV Switch.

Nemesis saw the rouge God hiding behind rock, Shaking in fear. Nemesis lands in front of the God and slowly started to freeze him over. "No No" said Loki before he was a block of Ice. Nemesis picked up the frozen God and started to head back. Nemesis started to day dream about the reward that she was going to get after completing this task. Nemesis body started to shiver with pleasure from the day dream. Nemesis snapped out of it after seeing the group come in sight. Nemesis calmly landed beside a half a sleep Nayamu. Nemesis put the crystallized Loki down on the ground, leaving everyone shocked. I slowly lifted up one of my eyes looking at Nemesis with a evil smile. Leaving Nemsis shaking in fear, goes to happen when they get home. "Oh my queen" I said kissing her neck with lust. Nemesis let out a light moan before disappearing in a blink of the eye. Every female in the area was envious of Nemesis. "Oh yea Loki can't use his magic anymore, I stripped him of his powers" I said with no fucks to give. "Why did you take away his powers like that?" asked the Valkyrie. "Why because he has no right to have them" I said with anger in my voice. POV Switch "This is some unholy bullshit" said Vail hitting his head against the wall. "Not only I can get Fenrir, The red Dragon has him" Vail said foaming at the mouth. "Weak" said a Black hair loli. POV Switch. "Oh Nayamu can you give Loki his powers back?" Asked Odin. "No I will not give him powers back because he has to find them" I said. "Ok let explain" I said. "Loki powers was taken away from him, but it can be restored by the heart" I said. "Loki have to find it himself to hold that power, but I caan also use that power" I said. Leaving everyone dumb struck. "Oh Nayamu thank you for saving the Underworld to today" said Sirzechs. "No problem, I'm just doing my job" I said bowwing my head. "Hope Ya'll rest up nicely after a job well done" said Sirzechs.