
Human Luna... Human Luna!?

*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* Growling under his breath, which is very weird considering the fact that I don't think humans are supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards me was a man; not just a man, he is the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' handsome man I've ever seen. "Mate," he said bringing me out of my reverie which made me realize how awfully close we were. Close enough to see his eyes which seem to be a glowing red one, 'very very strange' if you ask me but I still couldn't look away, I felt more like I was trapped in it. I looked around only to see that the other people around are now staring at me, with a little or maybe more contempt than I've seen in years. With that, I knew I was in trouble. Some of these people I recognize, some I don't but something felt off about them, everyone's eyes were also glowing brightly under the moonlight and that made me feel like I was in an occult. 'Probably 'mate' is something they say to the person they want to use for their occultic sacrifice?' I thought as I took in every one's appearance one more and with the way the hair on my arms stated rising with each face I saw, I knew I was kind of in trouble. 'I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much in the first place, if not for that I wouldn't have gotten myself lost in the woods' I lament internally as I look back to the 'man's' face And with the sinister smirk on this man's face, I knew I was a goner. 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully stumbled into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual like party for their Alpha so he could find his mate, a Luna for their pack. And quite unfortunately for her, he laid his eyes on her, confirming her to be his mate. At his uttering of his statement, she knew she was a goner.' Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers under the age of 17 are not advised to continue this journey. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a really mature one, take heed. I mean common, what's a good werewolf story without a very hot and passionate sex scene! Those creatures have everything heightened for them you know? So listen to me baby girl/boy and continue at your own risk. *** This story narration is in the first person's POV, but in some rare cases, it might change to third person (mine or you might just say the moon goddess since she sees everything and she planned everything). This is done because some situations are best explained from her side while most from Layla's side. And also, please note, English is not my first language so, therefore, I can't be perfect in it, mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but then I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll try my best to edit to perfection and that it won't affect the standard and sweetness of this book. In the hopes that you understand and have no complaints, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! And in case you wish to connect more with me and my children; IG: @adrac5977

Anony_Mous_1902 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

Standing still and being a gentle man

Third person's POV


Walking towards the room where he left Layla, Alpha Damien wondered how he's going to face her.

Honestly, no matter how much he prepares himself, he knows he can never be ready to face this lady.

After dismissing Xander around 7, he stayed for over an hour in his office just thinking about what to do when he sees her, how to explain her fate, how to explain what's going on and how to make her understand why he can't let her go no matter what.

He already sent one of his men to make a crew who would go to Layla's house to bring anything she might need from there and also they should make sure they are back before tomorrow's evening

He thought of her over anything and thought of what to do about his council members and their opinions

After taking a deep breath just to calm his nerves and wolf who's been hoping around ever since they were in a close range with her, he placed his ear on the door to hear what she was doing.

Hearing nothing but her steady heartbeat he decided to open the door and face his situation as it comes.

It's not like he has any other choice and he can't keep stalling their contact for too long.

Upon entering he saw a startled Layla and wondered if she was still scared of him.

Layla who has been lying down for the past one hour while secretly waiting for Damien got extremely shocked when the door to the room she was in got opened without prior notice.

She had been too lost in her thoughts to notice that a key has been put in the door and was about to be opened

"There is something called courtesy you know! And it entails you knocking before entering!" she said angrily as she stood up from her position on the bed

And not seeing any other thing except her exposed legs Damien replied "I thought you would know I was about to open the door since obviously there would be a rattle"

"Excuse me?" she said standing up and not noticing that her dress had rolled up a little bit too high

"Yes?" he replied while having a serious battle with himself and his wolf who wanted so bad to claim her right there and then

"Whatever, what the fuck are you doing here?" she asked but he couldn't reply, not when the only thing he heard was fuck and the only thing he wanted to do is just that.

While having a battle with himself, questioning how quick he was to lose his composure around this one female, Layla wondered if he went dumb suddenly

"Damien!" she said and immediately regretted it when she saw the color change in his eyes.

He couldn't bear the way his name sounded on her tongue, so good he wanted to hear it over and over but this time while he's bent her over and pleasuring her in the best way ever

It was an impulse, she went stiff almost immediately and wondered if she could ever get used to the fact that his eyes do change color to a brilliant red.

But still, she couldn't deny the beauty in his eyes and couldn't deny the heat that flew to her folds as she continued to stare at him

Feeling confused because he sensed her fear and excitement at the same time, Damien decided to move closer to her, and feeling rooted in her position, she stood where she was while seeing only his red and deep eye

Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, he knew if he moves any closer than he has, he would do the things he doesn't want to do yet but her scent was so intoxicating he questioned exactly what she was doing to him

"How was your day?" he questioned, hoping to take off a bit of the tension between them

"Fine," she said whispering, she felt like she had lost her voice and didn't know how to talk anymore, clearing her throat she questioned, "How was yours?"

"Fine I guess," he said and thought of what to say next

"Have you eaten?" she asked out of mere courtesy but that question tugged at Damien's heart

"Yes," he said smiling and fighting the urge to move closer and closer to her.

A sudden silence erupted between them after that, none of them knew what to say to each other anymore

"Ehrmm," he said while thinking of how to start a fresh conversation

"Probably I'll just come back tomorrow, I only came to check on you that's all," he said giving up on finding a way to make a conversation with her when he couldn't find the perfect topic

Hearing him say that, Layla panicked.

She doesn't want to stay alone in this room and she begged Emily to stay with her or maybe she can come with her to her house but she said no and that she should wait for Damien, that he would keep her company and do whatever she wants so seeing that he was going to leave her alone, she ran across the room and towards him.

"Where are you going?" she asked when she came in close proximity with him

"To my room" Damien replied

"I don't want to stay alone tonight, stay with me," she said blatantly without thinking of the way she said it, or maybe it could affect anyone's sense of thinking because it did affect Damien's.

It was like he heard an invitation to do the things he doesn't want to do yet and yet he couldn't say no

Layla knew that staying together in a room overnight is more than dangerous but she preferred that than to sleep alone in a room she wasn't used to, she couldn't bear the thought.

"Okay" he replied and that was the start of his internal struggle.

After some moments of awkward silence, Layla decided to break it "I'm coming" she said rushing to the bathroom.

Before she went, her arousal had heightened due to her dirty thoughts and her scent filled the entire place.

It took a great struggle for Damien not to touch her since they were in very close proximity and luckily for him she excused herself.

Taking off his shoes he went to sit on the bed

In the bathroom, Layla wondered what the fuck she was doing. She felt like she was fast-paced and everything was happening a little bit too fast.

She had already asked him to stay overnight with her without thinking but still, she didn't regret it, in fact in a place in her heart, she felt so happy he didn't decline her request.

Knowing she had been so wet earlier she decided to wash and freshen up, taking another bath she went back into the room while clad in only a towel to see a peaceful-looking Damien sleeping on the bed.

'He must have been so tired' she thought smiling before she entered the walk-in closet to get changed into the comfy nightgown Emily brought earlier in.

Getting back into the room she took her place beside him on the bed without second thoughts.

Feeling the bed dipped on the other side, Damien made it a mission not to open his eyes no matter what.

There was a special reason as to why he didn't sit up straight or open his eyes when she came back into the room.

It was because he thought, no, knows if he wants to survive the night, he better just pretend to sleep until he really does.

After minutes of silence and peaceful thoughts Layla slept off, and hearing her steady breathing Damien decided to open his eyes and get out of the room.

He doesn't think he could survive the night with this girl, not when she smelled so good and they were lying together on the same bed.

As he was about to stand up, Layla moved closer to him and put her arms around him and that made him go stiff, he couldn't move a nerve, the only thing he did was look around.

He was already getting hard with just her touch and he couldn't bear it.

He then decided to remove her hands which she placed innocently too low on his hips but then she tightened her grip on him and moaned out loud

"Hmmm" she moaned accompanied by an arousal scent so strong Damien knew he was done for.

He couldn't bear it, no, not at all.

Looking at her face he knew he shouldn't do anything, not when her actions were mere results of her dream but still it wasn't easy just standing still and being a gentleman

"Layla" he called aiming to wake her up and tell her to stop whatever is it she's doing but she didn't answer

"Layla!" he tried again and this time there was a slight stair in her posture and after a while, she turned her back to him which made him sigh in utmost relief

Standing up while making sure not to cause a stir, he walked to the door and looked back once more at his mate who's looking so innocent and peaceful, he longed to hold her in his arms and do the things he really wanted to do and before he could change his mind, he got out of the room.

He really didn't know why he was acting like a gentleman, why he's trying so hard to control himself and not do what his heart and body really desires but he couldn't stop himself.

Maybe because she's human and fragile, not as strong as the rest of them and also a woman.

A human woman is the weakest of all breeds and he just didn't understand why he has to get one as a mate.

Maybe because he was just too perfect and the moon goddess felt like he needed someone who's like a fine China at his side, he didn't know but then he knew he couldn't let her go.

He's already too attached in just a little period of time to risk losing her.

But then what would he do to change the heart of his fellow pack mate about Layla? How would he convince them that she's his Luna and the pack's Luna when he knows they are right, she's a weakling?

Our Alpha Damien keeps being a gentleman! I can't wait for his dominant side to come in play though, I mean common, even if he's trying to be cool, he's an Alpha and he's always the dominant one!

I just don't know if I'll be able to put him as a dominant and controlling male though, he might be towards his pack members but towards his mate? No, I don't think so.

Personally, I don't like controlling men and I'm writing my characters according to my spec.

But then I'll try my best to make him the best male you've ever come across.

Tell me if you like reading about dominant and controlling males!

PS: I don't, if I notice from the title the story is about a dominant male, I don't bother reading and if I didn't and I start reading and then I get to know the male is too overbearing and controlling while the female is a weak and abiding one, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I run!

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love!

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