
Human Luna... Human Luna!?

*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* Growling under his breath, which is very weird considering the fact that I don't think humans are supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards me was a man; not just a man, he is the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' handsome man I've ever seen. "Mate," he said bringing me out of my reverie which made me realize how awfully close we were. Close enough to see his eyes which seem to be a glowing red one, 'very very strange' if you ask me but I still couldn't look away, I felt more like I was trapped in it. I looked around only to see that the other people around are now staring at me, with a little or maybe more contempt than I've seen in years. With that, I knew I was in trouble. Some of these people I recognize, some I don't but something felt off about them, everyone's eyes were also glowing brightly under the moonlight and that made me feel like I was in an occult. 'Probably 'mate' is something they say to the person they want to use for their occultic sacrifice?' I thought as I took in every one's appearance one more and with the way the hair on my arms stated rising with each face I saw, I knew I was kind of in trouble. 'I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much in the first place, if not for that I wouldn't have gotten myself lost in the woods' I lament internally as I look back to the 'man's' face And with the sinister smirk on this man's face, I knew I was a goner. 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully stumbled into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual like party for their Alpha so he could find his mate, a Luna for their pack. And quite unfortunately for her, he laid his eyes on her, confirming her to be his mate. At his uttering of his statement, she knew she was a goner.' Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers under the age of 17 are not advised to continue this journey. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a really mature one, take heed. I mean common, what's a good werewolf story without a very hot and passionate sex scene! Those creatures have everything heightened for them you know? So listen to me baby girl/boy and continue at your own risk. *** This story narration is in the first person's POV, but in some rare cases, it might change to third person (mine or you might just say the moon goddess since she sees everything and she planned everything). This is done because some situations are best explained from her side while most from Layla's side. And also, please note, English is not my first language so, therefore, I can't be perfect in it, mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but then I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll try my best to edit to perfection and that it won't affect the standard and sweetness of this book. In the hopes that you understand and have no complaints, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! And in case you wish to connect more with me and my children; IG: @adrac5977

Anony_Mous_1902 · Fantasy
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142 Chs


Third person's POV


After minutes of walking drunkenly, Layla finally reached the said enchanting forest with the help of the full moon serving as a source of light in the dark.

Feeling like the forest was a bit exaggerated, she lifted the caution tape used to seal the entrance and bent her way in.

There was no way she could have known the decision to come out wasn't hers at all, it was all her 'subconscious'. A force of attraction which is all because of the part she had to play in a particular male's life.

"It's funny how there are no fireflies here tonight or were they ever there?" she thought out loud, feeling sad since particularly she wanted to see the 'fireflies' which was said makes the forest more beautiful at night but honestly even if she had, she wouldn't remember the next day since she was a walking possessed and drunk woman with only half of her brain working.

Walking deeper into the forest she was awed by the sight in front of her.

Flowers glowing in the dark and littered everywhere, the sight felt so magical to her and that made her so happy that she decided to lie down for a while and embrace its goodness under the soft glow of the moonlight.

After a while, she heard a rustling in a distance and she became alert

"Wait a moment, is the rumor true?" she questioned her drunk brain, unable to find an answer, she decided to move forward and find out herself.

The rustling she heard was just the night guard who was busy guarding the gate to the Bane Borders leaving his post to go take a leak.

By the time she got to where she thought she heard the rustling, she found nothing which was very weird so she decided to dig more into the forest.

Losing a bit of the alcohol in her system through walking, she thought back to what she was doing

"Why the fuck am I being so nosy?" she asked absolutely no one, but not having full control of herself, she moved further

All guards had by then moved into the city square getting ready for the moon rite.

The rite is performed every three years so their Alpha can successfully find his mate.

It is only performed by Alphas who didn't find their mate before ascending the throne which is very rare since almost all wolves have their mates close to them since birth and even if they don't, 'fate' brings them together by all means.

Encountering no hindrance other than flies and moonflowers, she made her way into the city.

Thinking she was still in the Cashville she knows, she wondered if the forest was just a lead into another part of the town.

Looking behind her, she saw how truly beautiful the forest was, it was a 'glowing piece of art'

Deciding to just find her way back home and take a good nap since she 'luckily' wasn't caught by the officials or animals, she moved forward in her 'journey'

After thinking a bit and hoping she chose the right path since her brain couldn't really direct her, she took the left path of the road.

After walking for a while she wondered if she was lost since she couldn't see any trace of houses or people around so she decided to turn back.

As she was about to turn back and take the other route, she heard people clapping and wondered what was happening

"Wait a moment, who are those? I thought we were on curfew, is it off already?" she questioned as her legs took her to where the noise was coming from.

With people facing their back to her at her front, she stood rooted to where she was.

"A party was going on and no one told me?" she thought, feeling betrayed "so I just thought they liked me, they didn't, they were only showing what they wanted me to see," she thought feeling bad

She started questioning why she trusted these people and loved them, why she even considered staying in the city.

With her thoughts still flowing everywhere, she didn't realize the people in front of her were now looking at her and among them was the male she belonged to.

As she raised her head, she saw him.

Growling under his breath, which she thought was weird since humans aren't supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards her was a man, not just a man but the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' handsome man she has ever seen in her life, just as it should be.

"Mate," he said immediately he got to her, therefore, bringing her out of her reverie.

She couldn't look anywhere else, not that she had to, she was being pulled by the mate bond which has been used to bind them from above, and here is where its work begins afresh.

She realized how awfully close they were, close enough to see his eyes which seemed to be glowing red under the moonlight, 'very very strange' she thought, but still, she couldn't look away, she felt more like she was trapped in it.

After another long second, she decided to look around her to see the people around staring blatantly at her with a little or maybe more contempt than she's seen in years and immediately, she knew she was in trouble.

It wasn't the people's fault though, they knew her scent was different and they knew she's human and none of them could have thought in a thousand years that they would have a human as their Luna.

It has never been recorded in history and they didn't think it could be.

Well, history is about to have a new page in it as the Alpha of the most popular and ferocious pack now has a mate, a Luna and she is a human.

Some of these people staring at her she recognized as they are from Cashville but most of them she doesn't but something was just off to her very curious mind.

Everyone's eyes were glowing brightly under the moonlight and that alone made her feel like she was in some kind of occult.

'Probably 'mate' is something they say to the person they want to use for sacrifice' she thought as the hair on her body started rising and she started feeling cold.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drunk too much and lost myself in the woods. I'm very, very sorry for interrupting this peaceful gathering but I'll love to go back now" she said and got ready to run for her dare life.

Because with the sinister smirk on this man's face and the way it turned her stomach and also made her heart skip some beats, she knew she was a goner.

All hail this particular moon goddess!!!

Trust me it wasn't easy finding a mate for this one particular Alpha and you'll find out why later on.

And just in case, tell me if you're single and in need of your mate asap, I promise to direct them to you as soon as possible ;)

Hope you liked it though, that's the main reason I'm here, to make sure to enjoy your time while reading my little piece of art.

Thanks for reading and much love!!!

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