

Huguel dealing every day with his loneliness is suicidal thoughts, Huguel is getting tired of society judging his mental problems, Huguel wants to change this, Huguel will change the favela forever

senhor_do_gamer1 · Urban
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35 Chs


Chapter 2

It was another busy day, with lots of customers coming in through the door at almost 3 p.m., meaning that Hugo would be spending at least another hour trying to serve his customers, which was usually his last shift before heading home. The first thing he noticed when entering the café was how quiet the place was. Normally he would hear a constant hum of chatter that echoed throughout the entire shop, but now everything seemed dead silent. As much as Hugo hated the silence, he had to admit that being in his own space was nice, he always enjoyed doing the things that he liked doing by himself. So he made himself comfortable behind the counter once again and waited patiently until the rest of his coworkers started to trickle in.

Ten and Jaehyun came in together, the blonde laughing at some joke that Ten had whispered loudly enough for Hugo to hear. Their relationship was new; they'd been together for close to 5 months already, and although he never saw them as his boss' family, he knew that they trusted him enough to be seen as such. Ten and Jaehyun made their usual orders, the latter handing the pink haired man a card before heading to one of the booths furthest from the entrance. Ten followed suit with a soft smile on his face, taking a seat directly next to his boyfriend.

After a few moments of staring off into space and wondering why there were suddenly so many people filling the cafe, one of the baristas popped her head out and called out to him.

"Hey, hey! Hugo! Are you free right now? I need help clearing tables!" The short girl shouted, making Hugo flinch slightly and looking back down at the tablet resting on the counter, scrolling through various customer service ads.

"Uh, yeah actually! I'm gonna be done in a bit, but it shouldn't take too long-" Hugo stopped talking as soon as he saw the look on the girl's face, a mixture of disbelief and anger.

"Oh no, you aren't! It's been three fucking hours, give yourself at least five minutes." With those words, she disappeared from her post and headed towards the employee parking lot.

"Fucking asshole..." Hugo muttered under his breath before rushing around his station to grab his backpack, slinging it over his body.

Hugo made his way outside of the café, making sure to lock the door behind him before he headed towards the employee parking lot. He quickly entered through the employee gate and hopped on the bus he spotted before running up to the employee parking area, panting heavily as he did so.

When he pulled up next to his van he unlocked it and climbed out, taking a moment to catch his breath before setting off for the nearest McDonalds. His stomach growled, begging for food, causing him to sigh and open the trunk.

The young man pulled out his wallet and counted his money quickly before pulling out his phone and dialing Jaehyuns number. After four rings he answered with a small yawn.

" Hey baby! I was just getting ready to send a group chat message to you guys, but it looks like it'll take longer than expected so we're probably going to have to reschedule our sleepover plans. I love you, bye!" Hugo said before hanging up and putting his phone back into his pocket, locking the van and jogging towards the worker's entrance.

As he reached the employees entrance he saw Doyoung, Johnny, Taeyong and Taeil all seated around their usual booth. As soon as he opened the door Johnny jumped up from his chair and walked over to wrap his arms tightly around the younger mans waist.

"Hey baby, how was work?" He asked quietly, planting a gentle kiss to the side of the smaller man's head, causing the younger to relax into the hold he had on the male.

"It was alright," He replied softly as he returned the action " I helped one of the older women find her dog