
HP: Uncrowned King

Theodore was born in an orphanage, growing up with an abusive headmaster and hating magic developed something inside him. Theodore turned into an Obscurial, follow his journey as he tries to find a way to end his curse.

CrownedCave · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Deda’s March

A sharp intake of breath was taken by a boy who was laying down in middle barren lands, Theodore who was looking up at the sky was full of confusion on how he got to the place he was.

"Hello?" the boy said while sitting up no doubt expecting an answer though it never came. The land wasn't spring like unfortunately it was hot and sandy which was quite unusual for Theodore to experience since he's never been in this type of environment.

"Where am I?" the boy said aloud to no one, instead of panicking he looked around. He spotted a building in the distance of the dry barren land and made his way towards it.

"Basilisk?" he called out and lifted up the leg of his trousers to see if the serpent was still in place but to his disappointment it was no longer there. Not thinking too much about it continuing on his journey to the building.

The closer he got to the building the worse the feeling in the pit of his stomach got, the feeling screaming that he needed to go far away as possible but, he also felt like the place was familiar in a way.

Soon Theodore arrived in front of the place and almost immediately realized why the place felt so familiar and so ominous at the same time.

"Wool's Orphanage." he said remembering what the back of the picture said, the large rusted brick building in the middle had cracked and busted out windows, upon closer inspection you could see that the large sign had some unknown stain upon it.

Theodore stood there looking at the building trying to inquire about why it gave him that feeling, When his eyes grazed past one of the windows he could see a little girl inside with a bloodied face to match the bloodied white garments that she was wearing.

But before Theodore could call out to her she disappeared, 'What happened to her?' he thought to himself taking a step through the entrance gates going to investigate the only life he had found in the barren land.

The first that caught the boy's eyes when he entered the abandoned place was the blood stained walls which were looking fresh, though the blood was fresh there was no noise going on throughout the building.

"I've got to get out of here." Theodore silently vowed to himself, in his quest of walking through the building he came to a stop between two hallways with no idea where either of them led to.

'Left or Right?' he contemplated but it wasn't a hard decision for the boy he chose the direction opposite of that which the girl he spotted in the window was and continued on his way.

Theodore walked through the halls slowly going to peep through the cracks of doors to see what he could find or if anyone was gonna burst out and sneak attack him.

He slowly opened the first door and a neat clean room appeared in front of his eyes, the bed in the corner was made properly like there wasn't an ounce of dust in the room.

There wasn't anything remotely off about the room so the boy turned around ready to make his way out the room when he felt something drip upon his shoulder, he touched the spot where the substance had fallen upon him and looked at in.

"Blood." he said looking at the red substance his eyes quickly shooting to the ceiling where there was one word written in big bold letters, 'Help.' it spelt out looking like it was written in haste.

Theodore's heart started beating fast maybe out of fear or maybe out of adrenaline but there was one thing for sure, he had to find a way out of the place. The boy walked out of the room and entered the one across from the one he previously entered.

The door creaked open and the only noise was the steps of Thedore's feet entering the room, this room was like the other room except for the body of a girl lying in the middle of the room with her limbs twisted in many grotesque ways with blood splattered around the room.

The boy was sick to his stomach at the ghastly scene in front of him, though growing up in a violent manner he had never seen something so gruesome in his life turning his stomach in ways he thought impossible.

The girl's face was frozen like it was in shock at what she had seen before she was at her untimely death bed but there was another thing that had caught his eye, something familiar.

Theodore stepped over her unnatural limbs getting blood on his over worn sneakers and moved the girl's hand off what it was covering. He slowly picked up the picture wiping the blood off it, his eyes widened in recognition.

Seeing his face once more caused his eyebrows to scrunch but not only his familiar face, it was the face of the girl who was almost unrecognizable now given her situation but he could tell it was her since she was the only girl with blonde hair


Before he could delve deeper into his mind about the girl, the ground below him started shaking and old oak roof began the collapse upon itself causing debris to fall on his head and in attempts to save himself to he covered his head and ran out of the room.

Exiting the room he sped walked down the hall towards the entrance not looking behind him until he heard whispers of solemn voices behind him. Though he didn't turn around dead set on making his way back he was still listening to their whispers and cries to him

"Why us?" the voices asked but he did not reply, he did not know what the voices were referring when they spoke, regardless he just wanted to get out of the building, soon he spotted the door and out of the building.

Thunder rung out in the distance and lightning flashed between the thick dark clouds in the sky which were hinting at the chances of precipitation that were more than likely coming.

Dead silence ensued the desolate blood filled field as Theodore viewed the massacre that no doubt occurred seeing as there were a pile of bodies sitting on top of each other.

Theodore couldn't even begin to process what was in front of him, his stomach was churring at the sight. He wanted to empty all his stomach contents on the ground but he could see the blood unnaturally inching towards him and getting closer by the second.

He whipped his head around only to see if he could make his way back into the building only to find it was not there, rain started to pour in the field. Theodore wiped the rain in his eyes and started to make out a figure where the orphanage used to be.

"Theodore." the limping figure called out, but he still couldn't recognize who it was due to the rain clouding his vision. Something was warning him against the figure but he couldn't risk being touched by the moving blood.

The closer he and the figure got the more the pit in his stomach caved in upon itself but he kept going towards the figure that kept repeating his name over and over again.

"Theodore, Theodore, Theodore."

Slowly the person became more and more visible and when Theodore was able to fully make out what he was seeing tears dropped out of his eyes relentlessly as he called out in a shaky voice.

"Dedalus?" he called out with hurt and shook lacing his voice, watching his brother march through the perilous winds and the torrid shower one arm holding the stump of what used to be there.

Theodore ran to his brother without a second thought but found that no matter how hard he tried to run he could not move. His body was still like a deer caught in headlights as his brother approached him.

"Why did you do this to us Theodore?" Dedalus asked finally stopping his march in front of Theodore who could now see his brother's rotting body in its full display causing immense heartache for the boy.

But Theodore couldn't respond feeling his body pulling itself out if the world he was in and back into reality which was no better than this.