
HP: The successor of the forgotten family

As time has passed, many years have gone by but one family of people has always remained unquestioned about its might and power. The family took the wizard world by storm with uknown powers that they used to conquer evry part of the world. Where had the family come from nobody knew but it was obvious that they came to conquer. .... After thousands of years the family that is rumoured to control death and life is in a much worse state than seen outside. With the passege of time, the ancient family of conquerors had naturally weakend over the years. With the coming of Grindewald and Voldy the family of crows was in trouble like never before. The family was froces to return to the shadows that they were lurking in many years ago. They hid themselves from all outside influence. Even their own subordinates didn't have a clue where they had gone. Gradually they had dissappeared from the light and hid themselves in darkness waiting for a chance to regain their former might and influence. After the defeat of Grindewald the family tried to return to great Britian where most of their former subordinates were but rather than working for us, they betrayed us and rebelled. The 28 ancient familys of Great Britain were like hungry wolfes, taking all our achievements and power that they could get. With their existence it was like our family had never existed and conquerd the world. With the rising of Voldemort, all chance of us regaining our power was destroyed. We had no choice but to retreat back to the shadows. This time we were even weaker and the future was looking dark. ... But suddenly after a few years news reached us that Voldemort had fallen, defeated by some little kid Potter. With the death of Voldemort it was time for us to show them why we were feared and make them feel retribution.

Theonedifferent · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The dying wish

After thousands of years the family that is rumoured to control death and life is in a much worse state than seen outside.

In a huge manor that resided on an small island a young kid and his dying grandfather were chatting.

If anybody else was there they would be completely terrified as the manor where they were resided in the dead sea, a sea that was was filled with magical creatures of all sorts that terrified all wizards.

It was even more terrifying than the north sea where Azkaban the wizard prison was built. The sea was so terrible that orginally the prison was planned to be built in the dead sea but later on it was built in the norths sea as all the builders and wizards that were sent there never returned.

The dead sea gained its name form the incident and become a forbidden area where no wizard dared to go. Only those that were at the end of their life dared to go there in search of opportunities 


"Victor, my youngest grandson I am sorry to leave this heavy responsibility to you and your brothers. The family has been almost completely destoryed and only a few members are left. Your brothers have already been sent to Hogwarts and you will have to follow suit to regain the familys former glory. I hope that at least one of you reaches the grandmaster so that our family can survive for an another 500 years and regain some of its former might," said my grandfather Austin Crow with a pained expression. He really didn't wish for his grandchildren to go to Hogwarts as they would have no protection while they were in the betrayers lair and the place itself was quote dangerous by itself.

Hogwarts had many more secrets than the secret room with the basilisk and the room of requirements. Afterall Hogwarts had been once used to school younglings of the Crow family.

Hogwarts had originally been founded by 5 members that were from the Crow family and the school was supposed to be the learning place for children of the Crow family. Some subordinates familys successors were also allowed to enter.

Now that it was controlled by rebels it had been completely reshaped. The school was supposedly founded by 4 random people that haven't even existed. Almost all knowledge about the Crow family had been destroyed so that nobody would know about the rebels pathetic past. The rebels are treated as nobles, calling themselves the 28 ancent familys. They are treated as if they were the noblest wizard in the world, talking about all that pureblood shit, meanwhile they themselves are just sidefamilys of the great crow family.

It wasn't like all of the 28 ancient familys had betrayed the Crow family. It was just that those voices were pushed down. Orginally there had been 32 familys but 4 of the familys that had publicly announced that they supported the Crow family were destroyed by the rebelling familys. There were still 2 familys that were subservient to the Crows. They were the Blacks and the Avery family.

The 2 familys members hadn't publicly announced their support and had survived the calamity coming their way. Still now that a hundred years had passed, both familys had only a few members still alive, the Black having Regulus Black, Sirius black and the Avery family having only a single successor Arabella Avery.

They would notify us hiddenly about the situation in great Britain and help us if we needed for example when members of our family went to Hogwarts their family name would be hidden as one of theirs.

" with you having reached the junior wizard rank you will be better than your classmates. You should try to keep a low profile and only show the surface level of your power otherwise those bastard rebellers might target you. It might cause you quite some trouble. As pathetic as they are, rhey still have some means. They still were once a part of our family and as such they have seen our spells and have greated counterspells. They are teaching them even in Hogwarts compulsory spells. Altough they have gotten more lax over the years, they still don't dare to ignore our long historyof conquer," said Grandfather with some anger. He was clearly furious about the action of those rebels. I can't even imagine the anger he must be feeling as he has been forced to hide his power to protect the family from destruction all these years. Grandfather was the current head of our family and had been keeping our family alive for the last 150 years or so.

He was suprisingly a half-grandmaster, at the same level of strength as Dumbledore the head of Hogwarts, who was called the storngest light wizard in great Britain.

Grandfather was probably even stronger since he had survived even longer than dumbeldore and with the Crows heritage something like great Britains knowledge that was old fashioned and rigorous could not compare to the Crows familys magic knowledge that had been gathered over thousands of years. Naturally with better methods and further accumulation I would expect him to be stronger. If I was him with all that strength I would never have been able to control my anger for this long and remain in this horrid place in the middle of the dead sea.

The island where the current Crow family resided was built by Crows as a last point of defence when the family was at its last straws. It had many kinds of herb fields filled to the bulk with all kinds of ancient herbs and magical plants. There were also many weapons and even thousands of wands so that the familys wizards would have the perfect fit. There was even a libary that stored all knowledge that the Crow family members had collected over the years.

This wasn't even 1 % of the past Crow family. From this it can be seen how powerful the family had been in the past.

"You don't have to worry grandfather, I will regain the familys glory and make you proud by reaching the grandmaster rank and maybe even going beyond and reaching the next rank,." I said with conviction on my child face. From my blood red eyes you could see the determination and readiness to fight for any opportunity that was given to me.

"You have always been the smartest and most talentedof my grandchildren, I hope that it will come true as you say," said grandfather Austin while trying to smile with his old old face. Inwardly he knew the chance was low as his youngest grandsons talent was equal to his own and even he had barely managed to reach the ranks of half-grandmaster. He had already reached the peak of half-grandmaster decades ago but reaching grandmaster rank still felt like a infintless chasm to be step over.

Grandfather walked with me to the coast of the samll island. There was a flying ship that had been created by one of my ancestors called Lillian Crow. The orginal flying ship could reach the terrifying speed of 1000 km per hour. It is quite costly to build one and as such we only have one left. It is starting to wear down only reaching a speed of 700km an hour. On the ship was already the headbutler that would send me to great Britains Hogwarts. Everything had already been planned, I would enter the school as the brother of Lillian Avery who was going to school also as a first-year. Her parents had died a few yeara ago fighting death eaters that followed Voldemorts orders. From that day, the Crow family had been taking care of her.

"Goodbye evryone, I won't dissapoint your expectations." I said while saying goodby to my grandfather, father, mother and uncle that could not leave the island as they had to protect the last resources that the family had left.

I enters the ship and it was time to go. I nodeed to the headbutler who started the flying ship and we headed off.

While looking down and waving I thought to myself," I will regain the glory that we had lost and those rebels will pay with blood."


I hoped you liked the chapter.

Give me powerstones.

Next chapter: the flight and arrival

Next Next chapter: The diagon alley

Next Next Next chapter: The train to Hogwarts