
HP: the star chaser

the story of a young wizard who chases the stars with his power

Henry_childdreamer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

first day at Hogwarts

Opening my eyes I noticed an unknown ceiling, sitting down and looking around I remembered where I was, it was my room that I had yesterday because I was so tired I simply changed my clothes and slept.

I looked at the alarm clock, it was barely 5 in the morning so I went to take a bath. One good thing about being in Ravenclaw was that you had a private bathroom and a shelf to put books.

I quickly put on exercise clothes and left the common room.

The interior is a circular room with a white stone floor, filled with arched windows that look out onto the school grounds, the forbidden forest, the lake, the quidditch pitch and the herb gardens.

Quickly exiting and descending the tower I walked to the room of requirement

I quickly found the painting of trolls dancing ballet so I walked around the door three times

'a place to exercise

A place to exercise

A place to exercise

Thus, a door appeared, which I opened without hesitation, the room was a large enough place to run.

It had some weights but no modern equipment

So training for two hours I left and headed to the common room

I answered the halberd question and there were already some people studying in the common room

I went to my room where I took a bath, changed into my tunic and went out again towards the large dining room although I had to ask the paintings to get there.

When I arrived Hermione was already sitting eating so I sat next to her.

"Hello Hermione, excited about classes?" I asked while serving me food.

"Of course Henry, I can't wait to start learning, especially with our competition, which I will win," she said excitedly.

"Good, but it won't be easy to beat me, by the way, about the secret room, we could go on Saturday since we will have it free."

"True, for a moment I almost forgot that, I hope you haven't lied to me" he said, giving me a slight look.

"Don't worry, I made sure it was true."

We started to eat but a prefect approached

"Hey, here are your schedules, Professor Flitwick asked me to hand them over, by the way, he's our dean, so pay attention in charms class."

Settlement and review our schedule

Most classes were with Hufflepuff

Today we had herbalism wings 10, defense against the dark arts 12, potions wings 4 and astronomy at night and the days after were similar

"Well Hermione, we've just finished eating and we're going to investigate the castle to find out where the halls are."

Said and done quickly we ate and began to investigate we still had time for herbalism

So we started going from the first floor to the seventh, checking where all the rooms were.

When the time came we headed to the greenhouse where the herbal classes would be given.

The class was interesting because although Hermione and I knew all the necessary theory, we did not have practical experience.

'It was interesting interacting with the plants and some Hufflepuffs, I guess Neville would love this class.'

Hermione and I received some points for answering questions that Professor Sprout asked about the plant. Due to my speed, I answered two and Hermione one.

Henry:10 Hermione:5

At the end of class we decided to go to the library to read books that we couldn't buy before until it was time to defend against the dark arts.

Arriving at the classroom 5 minutes before the time there were already some Ravenclaws so we said hello as we sat down,

Arriving at the teacher, the smell of garlic also arrived.

"goo-go-good morning gu-guys" like this starting class

'I have to say that if I stopped pretending to stutter I would be a good teacher.'

This is how the time passed this time I let Hermione answer two questions and I answered one to Even the competition

Henry:15 Hermione:15

"Well, I've tied you Henry, just wait until the end of the year and I'll win."

"There is still time for that to change Hermione so he who laughs last laughs best"

So we went to eat in the great dining room and back to the library.

'I guess after showing you the room of need we will study more in the library'

So it was almost time for potions class, I told Hermione.

"Well, it's almost position class, there's something I have to tell you before we go."

"Mm? Sure, Henry, tell me."

"Well, something I did before I got to the great hall in the morning was ask about Professor Snape, Apparently he doesn't like distractions during his class. He is an expert potionist who apparently doesn't accept mistakes,no distraction and above all it does not give points to other houses other than Slytherin."

"What!? That's unfair why wouldn't I give points besides Slytherin"

"Because he's your dean and because Slytherin has already won the year cup for 6 years so he wants to keep it, so he truce during his class?"

"Ugh fine but only during class"

It was time again we arrived 5 minutes early to sit and wait

Snape was just in time to go to the podium to give his famous presentation

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of making potions. There will be very little stupid wand waving here and many of you will doubt this is magic. I don't expect you to understand the beauty of a gently boiling cauldron, with its shimmering vapors, the delicate power of the liquids that slide through human veins, bewitching the mind, deceiving the senses... I can teach you how to bottle the fame, preparing for glory, even stopping death... if you are something more than the cork oaks that I usually have to teach."

So he quickly wrote the potion recipe on the blackboard although it was modified to be easier to make and more efficient

He explained a little about the function and got us to start creating it

"Hermione, you have to follow the instructions that the teacher put on the blackboard," I said whispering.

She just nodded because if the teacher wrote it that should be the way to do it.

I arranged the table where I had everything I needed and we started making it.

Professor Snape realized that he was adjusting and checking my workplace, I knew why I turned to look.

Although I didn't notice that a slight smile formed but very slight 'it seems this year there is someone decent who can understand the art of potions'

This is how I spent my time creating the potion with Snape hanging around the room. One thing I noticed was that he only approached the students who were following a step wrong, but he didn't tell them that they were wrong.

In the end he checked the potions and when he got to ours he simply said

"Barely acceptable but it is useful" he said and then continued I could see Hermione a little upset but I simply took her hand to calm her down, it seemed to work

Although I was happy for Snape's praise after all it was not easy to get it

So leaving his class we returned to the library waiting for the astronomy class

It was a boring class since it was just theory

At the end of class we went to the common room and said goodbye and went to sleep for the first day at Howards.