
HP: the star chaser

the story of a young wizard who chases the stars with his power

Henry_childdreamer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Anti troll preparations

October has arrived, Life has been going well although due to the preparations for Hermione's birthday I don't realize the consequences of her not being in the golden trio

Apparently the duel at midnight continued its course as in the original story but this time because Hermione did not open the door to Fufly the Cerberus they were trapped in the hallway

They got a 50 point deduction each, and while the Gryffindors didn't mind the night tours, it was when they weren't caught that

That was one reason why the twins were not hated since it was difficult to catch them on their outings and when they made their pranks.

For the dynamic duo, life has been difficult without Hermione to help them with their homework and work, especially with potions.

Although it is understandable why Snape acted like that after all if he were described as being friendly with the destroyer of his former master it would be that his role as a spy would be broken.

But continued with me and my talk with myself

October has arrived, there are exactly 30 days left until the arrival of the troll and I have to start preparations

Although during September I advance with Hermione in the most offensive magic, there is still a long way to go before being able to defeat a troll

But thanks to a practice in herbalism they showed us a plant which causes sneezing which would not be a big problem but if you inhale too much it clogs the respiratory tract.

I plan to bring some so that the troll loses air and with transformation make it fall on a transfigured stake

Although for that to work I need luck or have a spell strong enough to disorient him.

So I have a month to improve more in transfiguration and in spells useful for binding and disorienting since I would need a lot of magical power to be able to damage the troll with attack magic.

And so I began to prepare little by little, although of course the correct question is Why do I do it?

To which I would respond, I don't know since the moment I interacted with Hermione, the butterfly effect is at work, especially because she never met them and she didn't go to Gryffindor.

I am afraid of the concentrations of what will happen, that is why I prepare myself because if I was the one who caused everything to go to shit

At least I will make sure that the fewest people are affected by the consequences of my actions.

'I guess she'd be happy to see me trying to act protective again' a past memory came to mind.

It was me, but it was too long ago before I had a big family, a big name or even a friendship.

I was standing in front of a young girl, about 6 years old, at that time I was 10, my name was Jonn Morton, a shitty name for a shitty situation, I lived with my father, an alcoholic and drug addict.

He loved to mistreat me, something that I got used to a long time ago, but things were different that day, the day he tried to hit my sister.

"Try hitting her and believe me, the next time you start drinking you'll have to make sure she hasn't put poison in so you'll die, you bastard"

"Haha the little shit is trying to stop me, I'm the man of this house it's something you should have known a long time ago boy" he said as he pulled me away and hit me

Damn that day was hard but in the end it was enough to hit me, I don't know if it was because of my threat or because it affected his pride by opposing him but he never touched my sister after that

Leaving the memory I found myself lying leaning on the table with Hermione next to me in a fort of books.

She seemed uncomfortable so I picked her up from the fort where she was and put her to bed in the next room. I simply sat next to the bed and started reading a book about containment spells.

Although I also practice them for a few hours, The good thing is that the last class ends at 2 in the afternoon because it was Tuesday it was good it was barely 5 Hermione barely slept an hour so I'll just wake her up at 6

And said and done, she got up at 6, surprised to be in bed with me focused on the book.

"Containment spells? Why are you reading this Henry, do you plan to work as a zoolimago? "

" Hermione, you're awake, but it's not simply curiosity in case it's necessary for the future, and it's still too early to think about what I'll do."

Not true, if you plan to work in the ministry for example or like Aurora, it is good to prepare now so it is easier when you try."

"It is certainly so, although with your ability and intelligence I see you running for minister of magic."

"do you seriously believe it?"

"without a doubt, if you try, you already have a guaranteed vote and with your intelligence it is undoubtedly possible for you to win"

'I should think about how to support her to obtain the position of minister although that would take away her time with me.'

"Well, I have decided to aspire to be Minister of Magic. With our intelligence, it is possible, although it will be complicated. I have no doubt that we will achieve it."

"haha well I always love your enthusiasm, I guess I will have to be one of the strongest magicians that will exist to be able to protect the next minister of magic "

"I hope so Henry, after all you will be my right hand when I am minister so you will have to help me in case of an attack by dark wizards."

So with a new idea about what to aspire to, Hermione and I continue studying and practicing magic.


I will be away from home for a few days, so on Sunday and maybe on Monday I won't be able to upload chapters.

This is my first story that I have written so there may be errors in my writing or in my way of explaining situations or places

What is your idea about my story? Leave your comments and I will read them carefully.

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