
HP: The Secret Heir.

I get transported into the world of Harry Potter I am going to become the most powerful and influential wizard of the time.

confused4you · Movies
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59 Chs

Ch. 46 “I hate Paris”

Today we are going to Paris and who is going with us? Well, all the slytherins of the study group are going, then we got Luna's dad to agree, but Ginny couldn't come because she was going to Egypt to see her brother.

Coco got the permission to go, but Harry also tagged along, and he can be a bit downer. You may be wondering how Coco got her dad to agree?

Well, she said that Alyssa's and Hermione's parents will be there. Which was a bit of a lie although Hermione's parents will be there. Alyssa's parents won't be. The Odin security will be.

Yes, finally we have started to expand. Alyssa's mom came in handy with the legal stuff in Paris, and now we are operating in Paris as well. Although the setup is still new, the French Aurorus are eager to join. And the werewolves there are also very easily controlled.

So now that the nitty gritty was taken care of. I could finally enjoy the vacation to paris. And I intended to enjoy every minute of it. Because once I come back I have to start my Occlumency training. I will be taught by Daphne's teacher meaning her mom.

I was getting ready. I was wearing a purple turtleneck and a white suit. I also wore a silver chain. I was looking good. Then I walked over to the drawers and opened the first compartment. There was a small black box.

I picked that small box and opened it. It was the heir rings of Grindelwald and House. I looked at them and wore the house ring on my right middle finger and Grindelwald ring on my index finger.

Cotton came out of the sleeve and asked "You are finally wearing them father?"

I sighed and said "Why not, they fit me now and anyways, I am very secure about my position now. I now just have to wait a few more years and then… I am in Wizengamot.

And I have already gained some very powerful allies."

She chuckled and said "You made them powerful father…"

I smiled and said "I need to be as humble as I can. A head full of ego is of no use, you get it cotton?" She nooded and I petted her, she then went inside to sleep. I just hope she doesn't cause a fuss in flight.

I then picked up my suitcase. I didn't pack much, well I packed nothing, I was going to buy anything I needed there. I just bought my wand with me.

I then got into my car and went straight to the airport. I told them to meet me there. Alyssa and Daph went to get Ted and Luna, Oliva was coming on her own. Coco will be with her family there and I hoped that I wasn't the only one there when the Potters arrived.

As I reached the airport, I saw them outside and my fears came true. Potters were the only ones there. Coco waved at me and I smiled and said "Damn it."

I got out of the car and walked to them. Coco ran up to me and hugged me and James and Harry's faces looked as though they sucked on lemons.

I smiled and said to her in a low tone "Your Dad is watching."

She whispered "Let him."

I sighed and then I walked over to them and I said "Good Morning."

Both James and Harry said in a monotone voice "Morning." Lily looked at them and then she looked at me and said "Good Morning Jon, how are you?"

I smiled and said "I am fine, thank you for asking." I then looked at Harry and asked "Excited for Paris, Harry?"

He looked at me and said "Yeah."

James then asked "Have you got the tickets?"

I said, "We won't be needing them."

Harry was confused and asked "So then how are we going?"

I put on an assuring smile and said "We will be taking a plane, rest assured."

He was still confused and then the rest of them came. Xenophilus also came to see her daughter off. He has also been very busy with the paper and his magazine, which by the way is not an obscure magazine anymore, why aggressive marketing.

Then we walked into the airport and we were escorted to where the private plane was. It was a big plane that could host an entire football team.

Harry looked at the plane and was surprised and asked "We are going in this?"

I patted his back and said, "Yeah."

James asked "Who owns this?"

Coco smirked and said "Jon, does." He was confused as to why I owned this, but he didn't question it. Because of Lily's looks.

We boarded the aircraft. The parents said goodbyes. The flight then took off.

I was sitting with Ted and he asked "So how is work?"

I sighed and said "Everything is going smoothly but I will need your hand in that other project."

He asked "You still haven't figured it out?"

I said "Well, it is Alchemy. You know it a bit more than I do."

We were talking when Harry decided to join us. He asked "Can I sit?"

I said "Yeah." He sat down and Ted asked "So, excited for the trip?"

He said "Yeah, by the way how is your summer going?"

He nodded my head and said "It has been pretty productive, how about you?"

He sighed and said "I am just tired of my cousin, he is too annoying." He then went on about his summer, honestly it was better compared to the original treatment of the dudleys.

Then I asked Ted and pointed at Olivia "So any development in the area?"

He said "No, not really but we have been talking over the course of summer."

I said "Eh, don't be discouraged, you can do it, you just need to be positive about it."

I then looked at Harry and asked "Is there someone special Mr Potter?"

He said "No, no, no, no."

Ted said "One more no and I will believe you."

I laughed and said "You seriously don't like someone?" He shook his head

Ted then asked "How about Ginny? She is interested in you? Well, everyone is interested in you."

He said "No she is Ron's sister."

I said "So, what? Harry, you are his best friend, he knows you the best and you are like a very good person. I am sure he can look past this and be happy for you two…" Ted looked at me like 'really?' I am not that subtle.

Ted then had a sly look on his face and I looked at him and he still said "We have talked about us. What about you? Dark Wizard?" Harry looked at Ted.

I said "I think it is best if I stay away from that topic."

Harry said, "Why have you already made it clear where you stand although I don't like it, my sister is happy, so I think I am okay."

Ted had that evil grin on his face and I swear if he tells him about Alyssa, I will do something that I will regret, he then said "That is awesome of you to accept that. You have a huge heart Harry." Ted just looked at me and I kinda relaxed, I nearly doged a hudge bomb.

I then tried to stay off topics like this. We reached Paris in an Hour.

The guards from Odin were there to take us to the Hotel. They were here in a bus. We got onto the bus and everyone had their own rooms. Well, Ted and Harry were together.

Olivia, Luna and Alyssa, in one room. Victoria and Daphne in one room. I had my own room. I am not sharing rooms. And no one questioned it because I was paying for it.

I told them to rest up for today tomorrow we will go to Disneyland then we will hit the beach and no one is allowed to go around without security.

We then went to our rooms, I went to my room and went to take a hot shower. I was wearing a robe and called the room service, and ordered some double decker cheese burgers. I just wanted to eat something unhealthy. I was laying on my bed and then I heard a knock on the door and I thought they were fast.

I went to open the door and saw that no one was there and this is a 5 star hotel. I didn't think someone would pull this kind of prank, so I turned around and saw Coco sitting on my bed.

I walked up to her and asked "Why are you here?"

She smiled and said "I wanted to see our room."

I looked at her and said "Your brother is on this trip. He will flip out if he sees you in my room."

She stood up and walked to me and asked "Did you see me come into your room?"

I said "No, but it is just risky and what about others?"

She put her hands on my shoulders and said "And what about them?"

I looked at her and she said "Well, we have an agreement, so everything is fine." She then leaned in and kissed me. I held her from her waist then I started to introduce my tongue. She was surprised but then she liked it and also started to participate, her hands were scratching my back.

I then kissed her neck and I heard a muffled moan and I asked her "You are a bit more aggressive today, why?"

She then turned me and pushed me on the bed and got on top of me and kissed me and said "I got jealous of Alyssa and Daphne."

I then got up and kissed her and said "Maybe I should kiss them some more… or do something more."

She then looked at me and kissed me aggressively, my hands were roaming on her body. I kissed her neck and a soft moan escaped. I continued, I wanted to hear her more. Then someone knocked on the door. I stopped and she regained her senses and said "Must be the room service."

I said "Forget that." I kissed her.

She then pushed me back and looked at me and I said "Fine."

I went to the door and it was the room service. I got my burger and fries. I left it and jumped into the bed, but then Coco said "I am hungry."

I looked at her and asked "You want to eat that burger?"

She said "No."

I then asked "What do you want to eat then?"

She looked at me and said "I don't know." and I knew this was going to take some time. She then turned on the Tv and she was watching and I gave her options. We finally landed on crepes, but that was not before she ate some of my burger and fries.

After we ate I looked at her in anticipation and hope and she said "I am sleepy."

I meekly said "Okay." We then just slept. Well, she slept. I couldn't.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter. I finally brought cotton back in the chapter.

Thank you to all the people who voted.