
HP: The Secret Heir.

I get transported into the world of Harry Potter I am going to become the most powerful and influential wizard of the time.

confused4you · Movies
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59 Chs

Ch. 21 A kiss and a New stranger.

It's a few days before Holloween and we all know that this is the first time the basilisk will strike. I couldn't wait for it today was going to be amazing.

We were sitting in the library and all of them were doing their homework for DADA class. I had already done it so I was free to practice my own magic. I was practising a spell called 'le feu de la bête' it was a crimson red flame with an abyssal black luminous zone of the flame. The spell can burn anything you can think of it as an inferior flame of Fiendfyre.

And Hermione asked, "What are those spells that you are using?" She may have an idea as to what the nature of the spells are but can't imagine what it can do.

I asked, "You want to know more?" She nodded and I continued "You realise the nature of the spell right?"

She nodded hesitantly and now everyone was curious because the spells that I would practise had no mention in any textbooks. So they always wondered what kind of spells were they.

I would openly use my spells without any fear because I was not using it on anyone I was just practising it and Headmaster knew as to where I stood, so I was free to cast my magic as I pleased.

I then said, "Look at me carefully and do not use the incantation the spell is very dangerous and is a dark spell." Everyone was tense except for the Slytherins obviously.

I said "le feu de la bête" a small crimson snake came out of my wand and was Slythering in the space. The snake was a beautiful looking Bush snake with all its scales it looked beautiful.

I then contained it above and said "the spell is my small version of FeindFyre I use it to control the magic better. The spell can still kill anyone and anything it touches the concept of the spell is similar to FeindFyre but the scale is small, can be used for assassinations and other situations which require discretion."

Many students were now interested and were looking but didn't hear the incantation or the description of the spell. I then made the snake disappear many second years and third years thought that it was a party trick or something but those who knew which spell could replicate the exact same results were scared.

Hermione asked, "Why are you using *in a hush voice* Dark Magic?"

I looked at everyone and said "Hermione listen there is no such thing as Dark and Light it is just magic. How we use it is important."

She argued, "But it can kill someone."

I said "So can Reducto and that is "White" spell. "

Ginny said, "But there must be a reason as to why people shouldn't use Dark spells."

I said "There is a reason. Many of the "Dark" spells can pull you to the dark side. That is why you always need an Anchor to use Dark spells."

Ginny said, "What do you mean by an anchor?"

I said "It is someone you love or someone you care about. someone who can remind you as to who you were and someone who can keep you in check."

Luna asked, "Do you have an Anchor?"

I said, "I have and I am not going to reveal the identity of the said person."

Hermione asked, "So then we all need an Anchor to practise these spells?"

I said "No, for just practising it is not necessary but for using it. Then you would require an Anchor."

I said, "The world is a dangerous place and everyone is armed with a weapon if you are not able to defend yourself you will die." Everyone was now realising that my words were true. If an idiot had a grudge with you no one knows how that would end.

Victoria said "Enough with the negativity Jon. Now, everyone do not ask him about magic or he will go on another rant on magic theories and how we are not using magic properly."

I said "Yeah, we are not, do you....." my voice didn't come out.

Victoria used "Silencio, now will you be quiet."

I used my wand and undid the Silencio charm and said "No, I will not. And that was rude Coco." Hermione and others were confused as to how I undid the charm but the Slytherins were not surprised.

"How did you do that?" Hermione and others asked.

I said, "That is a discussion for another time."


(Slytherin Common Room)

I was sitting on the sofa with Daphne and we were drinking tea. There were few students doing their homework or were just goofing around. The nice thing about our space was that it was secluded so no one could hear you and it still had a nice view of the lake so perfect place to hang out.

I asked Daphne "Where is Victoria?" She was reading a book on transfiguration and doing some homework.

Daphne looked at me and said, "She is helping Olivia with Homework and you...are disturbing me?"

I said, "You haven't done it?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "No I am writing a Draft for your manuscript."

I said, "Okay not funny." I sat down and said, "If you want you can have my Homework."

She said, "I actually want to learn. So no thank you."

I said, "Okay, very admirable of you. If you have any doubt you can ask me."

She was then doing homework and I was just playing on my Gameboy. She then reluctantly asked, "Who is your Anchor?"

I said, "I think we both know the answer to that."

She said "I knew it. You are using her aren't you."

I looked at her and asked, "How am I using her?"

She said with hostility "When you said that every practitioner needs an Anchor and you already had an Anchor that means that you are using her as...as..."

I smirked and said, "Can't even complete the sentence now, can we? Yes, I am using her as my Anchor but it doesn't change the fact that I care about her."

She looked down and said "I am sorry. I never thought that I would get jealous of my best friend over a guy. I am pathetic."

I said "Hey, I am not just some guy. I am the Dark wizard with the charm of a Vampire."

She laughed and said, "You sure are full of yourself."

I said, "Want to make a bet?"

She looked amused and said "Alright if you can charm her to give you her homework. I will believe you." she pointed at Alyssa Bell. She was an American. Her Grand Mother is an Oil Tycoon.

She is filthy rich. She is a transfer from The lvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Also, someone who is not so approachable from the rumours we have heard.

I said, "I don't like that."

She laughed and said, "What are you chickening out?"

I said, "No, you believing me isn't enough." I then thought and said, "If I lose I teach you my magic."

Daphne said, "Wait really?" I nodded and she asked in speculation "What if you win?"

I smiled and said, "If I win I get a kiss." She was red as a tomato and I said "Who is chickening out now?" I knew she wouldn't agree to it but I heard "alright" I turned and looked at her.

She said, "If you win you get a kiss."

I thought This is not how I expected it to go. I said, "Alright then."

I walked up to Alyssa she was at the round table doing her homework on DADA and I said "Yeah his favourite ice cream flavour is Vanilla."

Alyssa had black hair and was a native American. Well her mother was and her father from England. She had an average height and clear skin she had a necklace and a ring that looked like an Heir ring.

she looked at me and said, "That is nowhere in the book."

I said "May I?" She nodded and I sat down and said "Well, to know his favourite Ice cream you need to go to the Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour with him."

She looked at me and asked, "You went with Lockhart for Ice cream?"

I said, "I owe the man a favour so gotta do what he asks."

She said, "Are you American? Cause you speak differently than the other people."

I said, "Well, I like American Movies."

She looked surprised and asked, "What is your favourite movie?"

I said "Breakfast club, Indiana Jones, Star Wars!"

She looked at me and said, "You like Star wars."

I said "Luke" and we both said "I am your Father." we both laughed

she said, "I can't tell you how lonely I felt in the past few months."

I said, "Well, you did transfer schools which is something that has never happened before. Can I ask why?"

She sighed and said, "My mother said that I was needed here. There is someone who is... supposed to be the saviour of my father and his people"

I said "That is very grandeur. Don't tell me someone in your house is an Oracle."

She looked surprised and said, "Yeah my mother." We then talked about movies for a couple of minutes and I helped her with the Homework quickly.

I then asked "Hey Alyssa I hope you don't take this the wrong way. But I haven't done my Transfiguration Homework can I take your I will make sure to give you the Homework next morning?"

She took out her homework and said "Hey anything for a friend. We are friends right?"

I said, "Obviously we are friends." I got up and I hugged her and said "Thank you I will not forget this."

I walked up to my corner and looked at Alyssa leaving. I then sat down and looked at the surprised look at Daphne's face and said "Now who is the charmer?"

She said "You are"

I then said, "Now for the due payment." She looked pissed and excited and nervous all at the same time and said "Fine!"

She then moved closer and said, "Close your eyes."

I then used a privacy charm it made the area opaque no one could see through. I said, "Why?"

She said, "Do you want it or not?" I closed my eyes. She moved closer to me. I could feel her warm breath on my face. she was close our heads were in touch she said "We shouldn't do this."

I said "We shouldn't ?" but no one moved away. she was about to kiss me but then she just kissed me on my cheeks. and I said "Hey?"

She said "You said a kiss you didn't say where?" she then got up and left in a hurry.

I said to her when she was leaving "The Lips were implied! This is cheating! I will get two in the next one!"

I then said to myself 'I will get you in the next one.'

Daphne ran towards the girl's rooms and was smiling uncontrollably she stopped in the corridor and touched her lips and smiled.


I was laying on my bed talking to Cotton.

She asked, "Father did the plan work?"

I said "Yes, I revealed to her that I was practising dark magic. Now I need more speculations to come my way so that I can be at the centre of it. More the speculation the better."

She asked in a sassy tone "And what were you doing with Daphne?"

I said, "I didn't expect that she would agree that I was trying to tease her." Cotton didn't look happy. I asked "What?"

She hissed and said, "You are cheating on Mommy."

I said, "Hey, I never cheated her, okay and besides you are going to have two or three moms now."

She still hissed and I asked her "What is my name?

She said "Jonathan Grindlewald House."

I said, "What is going to be my full name?"

She said "Jonathan Slytherin Grindlewald House."

I said "Correct, I have 3 powerful names. I will have marriage proposals so I am choosing someone now so that you and I can get to know them. Because let's be honest my plans are not really conventional even in the wizarding world."

She said reluctantly "Fine, I will try to like aunt Daphne more like a mom."

I petted her and said "Now that is my good girl. Now it is getting late and I am going to sleep. Good Night"


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I would like to ask if you guys want Hermione to be a part of Harem because I was thinking of pairing her with Draco and what are the standing on the Luna situation.

I also have a small update I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

Leonel, kyuu, avarret, Joshua, Lostday, ketogod, Darek, Druidpriest, Akagami, mad_scientist, Djkennyken, Sleepwalkerbr, NoghtDeNihil, Shadow, coolguy, sillyElk8, Melanthios, 97126205, Daoistpiesz2, techdude101, Ben, Ilovepussycat, Orchidchakma, Kaichen, Urukan, geeky, Meanpath, Bhuv, Kyle, Srfiih, cheko, Matthew, Mike, Cosn, Wali, Fissif, Rochirush, hallowwind, justchilling, LLP, Kcl, Toms, Jeebies, khazr, blankslate, knight wolf, lazyemporer, itaymars, Merlin, Jeebies, Carlos, somerandom, heftyfist, huoh, Alexnova, rushing, pirate, shiva, Distracted God, entityunknown, Comfycartel, Lastp, bikramjeetsingh, Kunden, Jeevm, moon, the lazy witch, Arkmediz, Norticerdo, Schlufti, Gotha, Madara, kaichen, jjbboxy, visiba, MarkuzBlack, Sabth, Redbrother, Isaac, armin, legendary otaku, Crow, Markuz, mim3k, Xth, Ghalos, Malakth, sheta, Qualquer, 9julio9, argana, drakull, argana, Santos Commander, readingdaogod, Neil, temmppo, RemuruT, senku, deisy, Darkseid, harsh, eclair, akash, Jacopo, Daoofmelencholy, varenya, animeluvmajics, Hades, dores, Rotonda, Theabsolution, DaoistBlanket, hearstealer, dantalian, Vl, Kai, themoonabove, Andrew, Aknok, Eternald, urukan, Eiviend, asesin, nightrei, asura, Fernando, colos, Robber, Drnassar, Morhane, Games, Sanket, Izro, Pratham, jeebies, Masterchief, Nashz, rf, legend of mask, haruto, clinicallymaniac

leave some comments it helps boost morale and please read the original book that I am trying to make The Chaos Wizard plz.

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