
HP: The Red-Haired Wizard (Paused)

A young man is reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter, as none other than Ronald Weasley, but make no mistake, the world is not as it is in canon, are Harry's parents alive? how did this happen? What this change could cause in the future... .-. .-. .-. A/N: I'm proud to say that this is my best fanfic, I was writing and at the same time having fun, something I haven't done in a long time, I honestly just ask that you enjoy it as much as I do, I don't consider myself professional and I may make mistakes once or another, but I will try to minimize errors, remembering that English is not my first language, and I am the one who translates

Worldofimagination · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


Finally the train stopped.

"Wait, shouldn't we be dressed in our uniforms?" Said Ron, as he looked at the two.

Everyone turned pale, they actually forgot!

Quickly grabbing their bags, they managed to change as quickly as possible.

If someone entered that compartment, they would see an economic scene of three desperate young men.

A few minutes later, I finally managed to disembark the train on time.

As soon as they disembarked they saw a half-giant waiting for them, with a lamp.

"Ò Finally! All that was left was the three of you!" Hagrid said, making everyone look at them, causing some discomfort.

"First years! Is everyone here? Follow me in order!" Hagrid said.

Taking them to a lake, where several small wooden boats could be seen.

"Only four people in each boat!" Shouted Hagrid

As soon as he spoke those words, Ron, Neville and Harry jumped into an empty boat.

As the boat sailed alone in the direction of Hogwarts, we could see along the castle, it was truly a spectacle, everyone was enchanted for a few seconds

"Wow..." muttered Ron, with a smile on his face.

Turning his gaze to Neville who was leaning over the boat looking out at the great river, Ron laughed.

"There are Mermaids in these waters, they say they enchant men with their beautiful music, and while you least expect it, they pull you to the bottom!" said Ron with a mischievous smile, making Neville shiver in fear.



"Be careful with the head!" Hagrid said as he passed under a bridge.

After crossing the river, everyone got down and walked towards a huge gate, where a stern-looking Lady was waiting for you.

"Professor Mcgonagall." Greeted Hagrid.

"I'll take it from here, thanks Hagrid." McGonagall said.

Turning his gaze to the students, "Follow me"

After walking up a long staircase, a few steps above the students, she turned around again.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, well in a few minutes you will walk through these doors and meet your classmates."

"But before they take their places, they will be separated into their houses, they are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

"As long as you are here, your home will be your family, your triumphs will earn you points, if you break any rules you will lose points, at the end of the year the house with the most points will win the house cup."

"The selection ceremony will begin in a few moments." she finished, as she turned around.

Not long after she left, about twenty ghosts just passed by the back wall. Pearly white and slightly transparent, they glided around the room talking to each other and barely looking at the freshmen.

Not long after, a voice with a proud tone was heard - "Is it true then, what did they say on the train?" Said a boy with blond hair, walking with confident steps.

"Harry Potter came to Hogwarts." Said the boy, as his gaze turned to us, more specifically to Harry.

"Harry Potter? Harry Potter?" You can hear several murmurs of children talking.

Standing in front of Harry - "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco, Malfoy" said Draco, specifying the surname Malfoy.

Looking to the side, more specifically at me, he made a face of disgust, making me reciprocate in kind.

"You must be Weasley," said Draco, looking at my hair.

"And you must be Draco, Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy." I responded with irony, I said his last name several times, causing laughter from the audience.

Draco looked away and back at Harry - "You'll soon discover that some wizarding families are better than others, you don't want to be friends with the wrong person." He said as he extended his arm for a shake.

Harry looked at the handshake, with a confident smile - "I can see for myself who the wrong person is."

"Pffff," laughed Ron as he looked at Malfoy's angry face.

Malfoy glared at Harry, and then his gaze turned to me, before he could say anything, Professor Mcgonagall returned.

Turning his gaze to everyone -"We are ready, follow me"

Entering through the huge doors, it was lit by thousands of candles that floated in the air over four long tables, where the other students were already sitting. The tables were set with golden plates and cups. At the other end of the room there was another long table at which the teachers sat.

Not long after we entered, a girl's voice was heard - "That ceiling isn't real, it was enchanted to look like the sky at night, I read about it in Hogwart, a story."

Hearing this I couldn't help but laugh, I also read this book...

We soon looked at the front of the room, while everyone was staring at us, honestly it was a little intimidating.

Interrupting my thoughts, a voice so singing.

Oh, you might find me a little attractive,

But don't judge me just by appearance.

I'll be happy if they can find it

A smarter hat than daddy here.

You can keep your black bowler hats

Your shiny satin top hats

Because I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat.

And I'll give ten to zero on every hat.

There's nothing hidden in your head that the Sorting Hat can't see

So put this in my head and I'll say:

Which Hogwarts house should they stay in?

Who knows his address is Gryffindor,

House where indomitable hearts live.

Boldness, cold blood and nobility. Gryffindor students stand out from the rest,

Who knows, maybe it's Hufflepuff where you'll live, Where its residents are fair and loyal, patient, sincere, unafraid of pain.

Or will it be wise old Ravenclaw?

The home of those whose minds are ever alert, Where men of great spirit and learning You will always find equal companions.

Or maybe Slytherin is your house.

And there are your true friends,

Cunning men who use all means to achieve the ends they previously collimated.

Come on, try it! You must not fear!

Don't get in the way! You will be in good hands!

(Even though the hats don't have feet or hands)

Because I'm unique, I'm a Thinking Hat!

It was noticed that Professor Minerva was a little irritated, as she was the closest to the "singer".

"Before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." Minerva said.

"- Welcome! - He said. – Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we start our party, I would like to say a few words: Goofy! Crybaby! Foul-mouthed! Pinch! Thank you."

"You understood?" Whispered Harry to me.

"No, but it must be something shiny." I whispered back.

No one will ever understand Dumbledore and no one was crazy enough to question him either, after all he was the greatest wizard in history.

"When I call your names, step forward, I will place the sorting hat on your heads and you will be sorted into your houses." Mcgonagall resumed, as if nothing had happened.