
HP: The Red-Haired Wizard (Paused)

A young man is reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter, as none other than Ronald Weasley, but make no mistake, the world is not as it is in canon, are Harry's parents alive? how did this happen? What this change could cause in the future... .-. .-. .-. A/N: I'm proud to say that this is my best fanfic, I was writing and at the same time having fun, something I haven't done in a long time, I honestly just ask that you enjoy it as much as I do, I don't consider myself professional and I may make mistakes once or another, but I will try to minimize errors, remembering that English is not my first language, and I am the one who translates

Worldofimagination · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Halloween and Tragedy

Hermione's POV.

Her days at Hogwarts were going great so far, she finally made friends!

Since she was a child, she has always had difficulty making friends, she is aware that she is a difficult person to deal with, perhaps it is her way of speaking that drives people away, or perhaps it is something else? She really didn't know.

Often just wanting to help, she doesn't understand why others don't see how fascinating it is to learn, she wants everyone to have this pleasure too, is that wrong?

But none of that matters now, things have changed and she is finally happy, Hogwarts changed her life, magic changed everything she knew, a new world opened up!

In Ravenclaw she found many like-minded people with the same thoughts, many students who, like her, love studying, and being one of the first years who gained the most points, she soon became popular in her house, everyone treated her well.

finally finding her place.

Walking down the corridor, she was heading towards the main hall, as a smile flowed across her lips.

As soon as she turned the corner, her steps stopped and her smile froze, she saw a figure that until then she had only read about, with an incredible nine meters tall, light green skin, Its feet have two fingers, both with giant nails, a troll.

She read about them, they are dangerously violent and incredibly aggressive, having unpredictable behaviors, comparable to giants. They are also incredibly low in intelligence.

Covering her mouth to avoid screaming, she walked slowly backwards, trying to make as little noise as possible, taking advantage of the fact that the beast was distracted.

But her troll soon began to sniff the air, as if smelling a different scent, he turned his neck and then his eyes turned to her.

"No!" Said Hermione as she began to run.

"Urgh!" The Troll roared as he ran after her, each step he took creating havoc on the ground, and his long legs moved quickly along the path, until he caught up with her with relative ease.

In a moment of desperation she ended up tripping over herself, it didn't take long for her to fall, already on the ground, she turned around and found the troll right above her, there was no escape.

"Please, someone!" Begged Hermione with tears in her eyes.

The Troll raised the club as high as it could, and struck at a surprising speed.





"Troll in the dungeons!" Shouted Professor Quirrell, as he entered the main hall.

"Troll in the dungeons!"

"I thought you should know…" he said as he passed out in the middle of the room.

It is not known whether it was because of the teacher fainting or because of the troll, but all the students in the hall began to scream and panic, especially the first year students.

"Silence!" shouted Dumbledore, raising his voice causing the hall to fall silent again.

"I don't want anyone to panic, well prefects take the students back to the dorms, teachers you will go with me to the dungeons."

"Gryffindor, come with me!" Percy said.

As I followed the group of students, I was in a dilemma - "It shouldn't be, I didn't badmouth her like in the movies, she shouldn't go to the dungeons right?" My thoughts were soon interrupted.

"Ron! I heard from the Ravenclaw table that Hermione is missing!" Harry said running towards me with urgency in his voice.

"Damn! Let's go!" I said as I ran along with Harry.

Arriving close to the dungeons, we could already hear the sounds of spells being cast, the sounds of battle.

"The teachers must be subduing the Troll, everything will be fine" I thought, as I got closer and closer.

The sound of battle stopped, Harry and I hid, we didn't want to be caught outside the dormitory.


"And now Director? What will we do? A student was killed…"

We heard Professor Minerva's voice, but it wasn't the stern voice we knew, she was... crying?

"We failed to protect the students, what we have left is to find the culprit and put an end to everything…" said Dumbledore while his face became paler than normal, his expression was one of disbelief.

"*Sniffle* such a young girl… you knew she was one of the brightest students this year." Said Minerva as she looked at Hermione's almost unrecognizable body.

"..." Dumbledore was speechless for a long time, he didn't know what else to say

"She had a bright future, she didn't deserve such cruelty..."

"I will find the culprit, please Minerva. Call the ministry, inform them and I will take full responsibility for what happened today."

"Hogwarts is no longer safe." Dumbledore whispered.

Ron and Harry, who were listening to the conversation, were perplexed.

"H-Hermione?" Harry said in a daze, coming out of hiding and walking over to the body.

"What are you doing outside the dorms? It's dangerous!" Minerva said, wiping away her tears quickly, when she saw Ron and Harry.

"Hermione?" Harry repeated without answering the teacher while As he continued to walk towards the body, several memories flashed through his head, flashbacks to the past, of the few moments they spent together.

He just couldn't believe it was all over, tears were streaming from his eyes.

Minerva, unable to bear the scene, hugged him - "I'm sorry, please son...go back to your dorm, we'll take care of everything." Minerva said with some difficulty.

"Damn! Damn! This wasn't supposed to happen." I thought, it wasn't supposed to end like this, it can't end like this!

I walked towards the teachers - "Could you tell me the time, Professor Minerva?" I asked hopefully.

"…for what reason?"

"Please, it's important."

Nodding her head in agreement, she Transfigured a stopwatch, it read 11:40 pm.

"I still have time!" I smiled in response, turned my back and ran away.

I walked to an empty place, where no one could disturb me, time was a dangerous thing to deal with, I didn't know what would happen if someone bothered me.

"Please, it works." I murmured, while turning the silver ring on my finger three times.

Soon my vision became blurry, and soon after it went white, forcing me to close my eyes tightly.

When I opened it again, I was already lying in the dorm, just after we returned from our night walk.

"Good!" I smiled in relief.

I'll do it right this time, I won't make the same mistake.