
HP: The Prince Of Magic

General self-serving harry potter fanfiction, op but not godlike and will possibly in the future maybe have romance not too sure ill try. First fanfiction ever so please don't judge too harshly.

Onso · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Inheritance

Solerean Peverell Emrys

Date of Birth: July 31st, 1977

Father: Micheal Peverell

Mother: Elizabeth Peverell (nee Jameson squib descendent of Emrys)


- The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell (Heir). Full Claim

- The Most Ancient and Royal House of Emrys (Heir). Full Claim


- Peverell Trust Vault (666)

- Peverell Family Vault (Vault 3)

- Emrys Family Vault (Vault 1)


- Mage Sense

- Mage Sight

- All-Speak (Blessed By Magic)

- Natural Occulemens (Blessed By Magic)

- Phoenix Healing (Blessed By Magic)

- Magic Talent (Blessed By Magic)


To say Girphook was shocked was an understatement he immediately signaled the goblin guards to notify Ragnok the goblin director of Gringotts of an emergency requiring his presence.

" It seems my concerns were unfounded young Peverell and Emrys heir"

"Thank you, may I see the parchment now?"

"Yes sorry child" Griphook replied as he handed the parchment to Solerean, "Now if you don't mind waiting here for our leader to arrive, an heir of house Peverell alone is a matter needing of his attention since House Peverell is a Most Ancient and Most Noble House, but house Emrys is royalty in the magical world, there has not been a member of house Emrys in over 500 years"

Solerean shocked replied "Royalty?! erm it's fine I don't mind waiting, I have a question since I am the heir to both these houses is there a way to get emancipated? I would rather not have anybody holding power over me as my magical guardian"

"Yes since you are the last member of the main lines to both of these houses you are qualified for emancipation though I do recommend you get in touch with a good law wizard you might be able to trust since as soon as people find out there is a young Emrys without a magical guardian many people might try to use you for their own gain"

Solerean remembered that in some fanfictions Ted Tonks, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's father is a law wizard so he made a mental note to get in touch with him in the future.

Suddenly the doors to the inheritance room opened as many goblin guards entered the room followed by an elderly-looking goblin.

Ragnok Spoke, "What is the matter here Griphook that requires my attention?"

Griphook proceeded to take the parchment from Solerean and handed it to the goblin leader. A few seconds passed as Ragnock read over the parchment then spoke

" You were correct to call for me Head Teller Griphook this is unprecedented, not only a Peverell heir but an Emrys heir after so long." Ragnok turned towards Solerean and continued " This is an official welcoming to Gringotts bank your grace, as the last prince of the Emrys line it is our honor to have you in this bank created by our fellow ancestors."

Solerean was shocked, "Fellow ancestors? what do you mean?"

Ragnok replied: " Gringotts was founded by Ragnok the first with the help of Merlin Ambrosius Emrys, Merlin was the one who convinced the muggle King Pendragon and the wizards and witches of Camelot to sign the treaty allowing Gringotts to be created, his vault was also the first vault in our bank, it has been collecting interest since the vault was first founded".

"Really? is it possible to see the vaults now?"

"Sure, but first you must wear the heirship rings in order to become the official heir to both houses, now I must warn you as soon as you put on those rings magic will judge whether you are worthy of becoming an heir to said house so be careful"

Ragnok had some of his guards fetch the rings, once they came back he handed Solerean the Peverell Lord ring first

"If the Lord ring accepts you, you will become emancipated in the yes of magic and officially become Lord Peverell, if it does not then we will try the heir ring"

Solerean took the ring in his hand it was a black and silver band with an oval-shaped emerald in the middle and the deathly hallows sign inscribed into the emerald. As soon as he put it on it seemed as if time itself seemed to stop as the ring judged him worthy until the ring flashed green and fitted itself comfortably onto his middle finger.

"It seems that the Peverell ring has judged you worthy congratulations Lord Peverell, now it is time for the Emrys Lordship, for clarification while House Emrys is a Most Ancient and Royal house and is considered royalty there is not much of a difference from Most Ancient and Most Noble houses other than more seats on Wizengamot as well as on the board of Hogwarts. The main difference is the magical abilities of house Emrys and the other magical houses. Here is the house Emrys ring"

Again Solerean took the ring and saw that it was a gold and blue band with a round-shaped white diamond in the middle and a phoenix inscribed into the diamond. When he put it on it seemed as if magic in the room started to sing, after a few seconds the ring glowed and fitted itself onto his ring finger.

"Congratulations Lord Solerian Peverell Emrys on gaining your Emrys Lordship, now let us proceed towards your vaults"