
HP: The Prince Of Magic

General self-serving harry potter fanfiction, op but not godlike and will possibly in the future maybe have romance not too sure ill try. First fanfiction ever so please don't judge too harshly.

Onso · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Second Chance

?: Huh?

?: Where am I?

?: Why is everything so damn dark?



ROB: Welcome to my domain, firstly I regret to inform you that you have passed away, not by truck-kun as my personal preference of delivery into the afterlife but passing away in your sleep is good too, at least for you it is.

?: I am dead?! In my sleep no less? Why? How? I was mostly healthy, I didn't get to say goodbye. Are my parents Ok? How is my brother?

ROB: Well your passing in your sleep was kind of my fault, see an old man living close to your home was supposed to pass in his sleep but because of a mistake in communication one of our shinigami took your life instead thus ending your life early. Also do not worry about your family we will make sure that they live comfortable lives as a way to partly make up for how we wronged you.

?: That's good I guess, so what I am I doing here then?

ROB: In order to make it up to you some of us here decided to give you a second chance of sorts, based on your file here it says that you like many different series including One piece, GOT, AOT, Mushoku Tensei, Harry Potter and more what would you say to being Isekai'd to one of these worlds?

?: You're serious? Really? Do I get to choose?

ROB: Yes you will get to choose the world you will go to, as well as how you look, and lastly some "Protagonist" gifts.

?: Holy SHIT! Ok erm straight up no to GOT and AOT the horrifying aspect of both shows is way too much for me, One Piece would be fun but let's face it, while I like the idea of getting strong and having a devil fruit, there is a lot we still do not know about the world government and what the One Piece is and exactly how strong some of the characters are. I guess I choose Harry Potter, I like the idea of magic, and while it is still dangerous what with the death eaters, Voldemort, possibly evil or at least manipulative Dumbeldore, it can become enjoyable.

ROB: Noted. Now What would you like your name to be and how would you like to look?

?: I want to be a part of the old extinct and powerful families and I definitely want to be a half-blood in order to be powerful, how about Solerean Peverell Emrys. I want to look like Gilgamesh from fate but with blue eyes not red and be at least 6ft tall.

ROB: Ok 2 things first of all you will have a body looking like Gilgamesh you will not have any of his actual strength just as a clarification. Secondly, your parents will not be there to raise you, your houses don't exist in the original plotline, I can make it so that your father was of The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell and a pureblood, while your mother was a muggle-born descendant from the squib line of Emrys. They lived in America before the war but both died to death eaters before Voldemort's "demise". Now let's talk about your special gifts, you are already gaining quite a lot from your name alone, the natural magical talent, natural occlumency, mage sight, all-speak (the ability to speak all languages including animals), mage sense, the Peverell bloodline (which FYI will originate from the 1st brother), the Emrys bloodline, which is blessed by magic itself. The last gift you may receive is a familiar of your choice.

Solerean: Ok, just to be sure what abilities will I get from the Emrys bloodline since it is blessed by magic?

ROB: A large amount of magical power and talent, equivalent to Merlin himself, you will be stronger and faster, you will be able to heal extremely fast (think Riser Phenex healing type from DXD), the aforementioned all-speak, mage sense, mage sight, and lastly the ability to be a natural occulemens.

Solerean: Damn ok, then is it possible to have something like a royal phoenix as a familiar? The ability to flame anywhere and heal loved ones when I need to is way too good to pass up.

ROB: I cannot give you a Royal Phoenix familiar as they are seen as gods to magical creatures but I can give you a white phoenix which is generally more powerful than say Dumbledore's phoenix.

Solerean: Neat, thank you so much for this chance!

ROB: No problem, one last thing what year do you want to be born in?

Solerean: I would like to be in 1977 so by the time the goblet of fire happens I am in my 7th year.

ROB: Ok, FYI you will be seven years old when you wake up in your new world, make the most of it and enjoy!