
HP: The Origin of Magic -ON HIATUS-

Our MC wakes up in a world he has only read about in stories. With no idea how he came to be there or if he can go home, he will traverse a new world filled with endless possibilities, untold dangers and maybe, just maybe... he'll unearth a few secrets along the way. *I do not own the "Harry Potter" franchise or any of it's many affiliated works. Nor do I own the cover pic to this fanfic.

Endless_Crow · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: A Mother's Rumination.

Dumbledore was sitting in his study inside of Hogwarts. It hadn't been long since he had returned from the Avery Mansion… with someone in tow. Sitting across from him, was none other than Bellatrix Black, who had graduated from Hogwarts only a month ago.

Bellatrix had been waiting for him upon arrival and he could tell from her expression that she was quite angry, although that was hardly unusual. She had always been a troubled child, so it didn't surprise him to see her at Tom's side. Clearing his throat, he spoke to the silently glaring Bellatrix.

"To what do I…!"

Bellatrix didn't even allow him to finish.

"Why does he look like 'him'?"

Stroking his beard, Dumbledore replied.

"Young Avery, you mean?"

Her eye twitching, Bellatrix screamed out her reply.



Sighing to himself, at witnessing Bellatrix's display of anger, Dumbledore responded.

"Both 'he' and young Avery are… connected."

Her eye twitching again, Bellatrix nearly began cursing the old man when he failed to continue. Wondering whether the old fool had gone daft, and still not having the answer she came here for, Bellatrix nearly drew her wand in rage. Drawing in a deep, calming breathe, Bellatrix grit her teeth and spoke in a harsh whisper.

"What does that mean?"

Still stroking his beard, Dumbledore spoke once more, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Bellatrix… there are things about 'him' that I cannot say."

Rolling up his sleeve, Dumbledore used his wand to reveal three shining strings surrounding his wrist.

"A vow was made, and until it's terms are fulfilled… my silence is assured."

Bellatrix knew what those strings meant. They were evidence of an "Unbreakable Vow" being made. It was a magical oath made between two wizards, one that ensured that any who broke it faced the ultimate consequence. Death. Tears streaming down her face, Bellatrix spoke again, in an emotionally exhausted tone.

"Why… why did he trust you so much, old man?"

"I was there, right by his side… so why… why you?"

Rolling down his sleeve, he rose from his chair, then Dumbledore walked around his desk. Standing before Bellatrix who rarely wept, the old wizard conjured a cloth, so that she might dry her eyes, before speaking in a knowing tone.

"Until I laid eyes on young Avery, I often asked myself that very same question."

Looking up at him with questioning eyes, Bellatrix continued to listen to man she thought a fool.

"Although the vow prevents me from sharing what I know of 'him'..."

"It doesn't hold me to the same terms, when making a suggestion regarding young Avery."

Sitting on the edge of his desk, Dumbledore leaned forward with a sly smile on his aged face.

"Five years Bellatrix."

"You should watch Avery from afar, for five years."

Leaning back, Dumbledore continued.

"If you have not gained the answers you seek by that time… then I will break my vow."

Bellatrix didn't trust Dumbledore, but she did want answers. If she had to wait for five years, then so be it. Nodding her head, she rose to leave. Soon after, while standing in front of Hogwarts, she pulled out the handkerchief that Avery had lent to her.

Reaching between her breasts, she pulled out another that was identical to it. The only difference between them, was that the one she kept between her breasts had bloodstains marring the clothe. Holding it tightly, Bellatrix uttered a single word before apparating away.



Sitting in a flying carriage, Alistair's mother, Ailsa Avery, was looking out the carriage window at the landscape below. She was lost in her own thoughts of the past week. Upon waking in the hospital, she sought out her son. She found him asking one of their House-Elves an odd question. One that Ailsa herself had believed him incapable of even considering.

Ailsa loved her son, but his mental capacity was something she had often been disappointed by. After speaking to the healers, however, she realized that it might not have been his fault. They told her of what her husband had done. Using the Imperious Curse on his own son. Ailsa knew that he was a monster, but such a thing was unthinkable, even for her.

'How was I so blind?', she had thought.

The healers told her of the memory loss, as well as the potential repercussions that may occur because of the curses long term usage. The only thing they hadn't been able to explain was what broke the curse in the first place. Alistair had clearly been acting under his own will when he had attacked his father. It wasn't until she spoke to Saxx, who Alistair seemed to trust, that she got her answer.

The little elf told Ailsa of a moment that had occurred months prior. Of Alistair witnessing his father strike her. Saxx described it as a "change" overtaking her son. As if… he was suddenly awake, after a long slumber. He went on to describe Alistair's intelligence, praising the boy for his wisdom in seeking aid from others.

'To think he went so far...', she thought.

Saxx had also told her that Alistair was intentionally acting like a child. Although, after consulting the healers… she believed that this was likely due to Alistair not being certain how to approach her due to his memory loss. The healer's had suggested she occasionally test him, try and jog his memory. And even though Alistair himself, didn't seem to realize it… his memories were returning.


Alistair had just arrived at his new home in "Cokeworth", a large town in the "midlands" of England, Great Britain. It was a dingy town, with a rank smell coming from the nearby river. It was unbefitting of a family such as his, but it was perfect for Alistair's plans.

He and his mother needed a place to hide… and Alistair, needed a place to "grow". He wanted power and here, he could obtain it. Well… in a way. Looking around, he saw the despair that had set into the townsfolk, as plan, after plan, began forming in his mind.

"Oh...look Alistair, there is someone your age for you to make friends with."

Hearing his mother's words, Alistair tried not to visibly scoff at the idea. Looking over to where she was pointing, however, his eyebrows rose. Standing there, was a young boy, who, like his mother mentioned, was roughly the same age as he was. What surprised him however was that he recognized the boy.

'Bloody hell… it's baby Snape!'

I had the day off and I this idea was stuck in my head... so I wrote another chapter. Enjoy!

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