
HP: The Origin of Magic -ON HIATUS-

Our MC wakes up in a world he has only read about in stories. With no idea how he came to be there or if he can go home, he will traverse a new world filled with endless possibilities, untold dangers and maybe, just maybe... he'll unearth a few secrets along the way. *I do not own the "Harry Potter" franchise or any of it's many affiliated works. Nor do I own the cover pic to this fanfic.

Endless_Crow · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: An Uncomfortable Conversation.

After Dumbledore left St Mungo's, Alistair had checked on his mother. She was sleeping soundly, while most of her injuries had healed. Only the most severe of her injuries remained. He had been worried when the healers wouldn't give him any information regarding her condition. Walking back to his own hospital bed, he spoke.


With an audible "POP", the diminutive, little House-Elf appeared beside him. Scurrying to catch up to Alistair's walking speed, Saxx hurried along behind him. After the pair had reached the hospital bed, Alistair spoke once more.

"Is it done?"

Saxx nodded his head, speaking in a hushed tone while looking up at him.

"Yes, young master."

"Saxx placed the letter."

Hearing the House-Elf's reply, Alistair smiled, before responding.

"Then everything turned out for the best… even if it didn't all go as planned."

So long as the letter he forged was placed in his father's desk, then the Avery family would have a new head come daybreak, as his mother would inherit control of the vast fortune locked away within the wizarding bank of "Gringotts". Well… what his father hadn't given to Voldemort, that is. Sitting down in the armchair next to his hospital bed, Alistair continued.


The House-Elf straightened up after hearing his name called, something about Alistair's tone made him apprehensive. Thinking that he might have done something wrong, Saxx quickly responded.

"Ye… yes, young master?"

Looking down at the nervous House-Elf, Alistair noted how much he wished he didn't have to do this, but he'd been wanting to have a conversation with the small elf for a while now, but as he hadn't actually possessed the authority to do so, he put it on pause for later. And he felt that while sitting here, it was as good a time as any. In an uncomfortable tone of voice, Alistair spoke.

"How long have you served my family?"

The small elf's eyes darted about in slight confusion, still nervous for some reason, Saxx gulped, before replying.

"Two… two-hundred years now, young master."

Nodding his head, Alistair spoke in a very cautious tone.

"Do you not yearn for more?"

"Are you truly satisfied with simply remaining a servant?"

"Do you not wish to be free of such constraints?"

With his father dead, he could free Saxx, the right was his now. He would have simply done so without asking, but Alistair knew what serving their masters meant to the House-Elves. Still, he couldn't help to view the matter as slavery at worst and indentured servitude at best. Perhaps because he hadn't been born a wizard… or because he was originally a black man in America, Alistair had a very hard time understanding how any sentient creature would be able to tolerate living in servitude to another.

It wasn't that he wanted to change the world, or anything like that. It was just, that the more he thought about the House-Elves situation, the less it made sense to him. And the less sense it made, the more irritated he became. Sighing to himself, Alistair watched Saxx's response carefully. He stood stock still with a forlorn look in his eyes. A few minutes passed by in silence, before Saxx spoke in a shaky tone.

"Youn… young master… did Saxx do something wrong?"

Shaking his head, Alistair gently replied.

"No Saxx, you've done nothing wrong."

"In fact… you've done everything right."

Saxx looked downright hurt by this point, responding with tears in his eyes.

"Then why is young master asking these things?"

"Saxx is a good House-Elf!"

The little fellow was clearly upset. Alistair knew this might happen, but he still had to ask.

"Yes Saxx, you are a very good House-Elf."

"So good in fact, that I would say you've earned your freedom."

"Should you desire it, that is."

Looking into the eyes of the now heartbroken Saxx, Alistair continued.

"And that's what I'm asking you Saxx…"

"Do you want to be free?"

Saxx was distraught at the question, clinging to Alistair's clothes, begging him not to free him. He had expected such a reaction… but expecting something and seeing it, were two very different things. And to say that Alistair found the little elf's reaction to be extreme, would be an understatement. Reaching out to touch the little elf's head, Alistair spoke in a comforting tone.

"Alright… alright, Saxx."

"It's okay."

"It was only a question."

"It's your choice… I won't force you."

Seeing Saxx calm down after a few minutes, Alistair sighed before continuing.

"That said…"

"If you wish to remain in service to my family, there will be some changes."

That caught Saxx's attention. Alistair paused, before carrying on.

"From now on, all House-Elves in service to House Avery will receive a monthly stipend."

"Additionally, they will be provided with tailored clothing… no more wearing rags."

Maybe it was his new station, as heir to the House of Avery, but Alistair despised what Saxx was wearing. Sighing again, Alistair spoke.

"And Saxx…"

Wiping his nose, Saxx responded.

"Yes, young master?"

Looking down at Saxx with a stern gaze, Alistair spoke once more.

"You are a servant of the Noble House of Avery..."

"So, make certain to walk with your back straight and your head held high."

Removing his hand, Alistair dismissed Saxx, but not before asking him to inform the other Avery family House-Elves of his decision. Once Saxx was gone however, Alistair covered his face with his hands. That was more difficult than he expected. Shaking his head, while slouching in the chair, he voiced a complaint.

"Merlin's beard, that was exhausting!"

Placing his head on the back of the chair, he heard a pained laugh sound out from his righthand side. Looking over, surprise and relief crossed his face. Standing there, was a slender-built woman with blonde hair and sea-blue eyes, which were not unlike his own. He recognized her immediately.

"Mother… shouldn't you be resting?"

In response she walked forward and placed her hand on his cheek, before speaking in a light Scottish accent.

"I am fine, Alistair."

"I am more worried about you..."

Looking towards the spot that Saxx had been standing, she continued.

"You've just chosen a difficult path, after all."

"Treating the House-Elves in such a manner… not many will approve."

Looking back at him, she continued.

"I do hope you realize that."

Frowning, Alistair responded.

"Do you think I was wrong for doing so?"

His mother gave him a curious look, pausing before replying.

"No… it is just… you have changed."

"Perhaps it means you are beginning to grow into your own person."

"You would not have been able to consider such things otherwise."

Alistair cursed himself, wondering if he acted to differently. Smiling, his mother spoke again.

"But that's enough of such talk."

"If you're feeling up to it, why not accompanying me to the tearoom, I'm quite parched."

Lost in his own thoughts, Alistair absentmindedly nodded his head, before responding while offering her his arm.

"Of course, mother… the tearoom should be on the fifth floor."

Although Alistair didn't see it, his mother shot him another curious look when he told her where the tearoom was. She was quite intrigued as to where this new side of her son was coming from, he was a bit on the "dull" side from what she remembered. Wondering if the perhaps the blow to his head had knocked some sense into the boy, she took the offered arm and walked alongside Alistair to the fifth floor.

NEW CHAPTER!! YEAH!!! I wanted to get the whole "House-Elves" are slaves thing out of the way early, so for those of you complaining later on... that's why. Enjoy!

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