
HP: The Necromancer

One ordinary day at the supermarket, a cashier was surprised when a peculiarly dressed man appeared at his door. The man inquired about why he hadn't responded to a letter from the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. ------- Note: Other than translation, everything belongs to the original author

keep_smiling29 · Book&Literature
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54 Chs


For Hogwarts Quidditch fans - regardless of house - this is a very important weekend. In addition to the scheduled match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, there will also be a rematch between Gryffindor and Slytherin this Saturday.

Dumbledore has been so busy recently that he hasn't seen anyone once in five days, but he still attended the game at the insistence of Professor McGonagall.

"Sometimes people have to accept failure." He sighed. "Sometimes, just a small deviation will bring completely unexpected consequences. Fate, Minerva, always heads in a direction that people cannot predict. ."

Professor McGonagall said firmly: "Not this way. Not because of a suddenly crazy broom. If you don't attend - if you don't agree with a rematch - I'll let Wood talk to you. You really deserve it Look at the way Wood is yelling at Severus and Mrs. Hooch. This is the first time in all my years of teaching that I have seen a student who looks like a fire dragon."

Dumbledore smiled tolerantly: "Okay, I will go, Minerva. You know, even though I am an old man, I still want to preserve my hearing for a while."

On that day, Dumbledore was dressed up and sat in the middle of the stand. He wore a set of bright purple wizard robes, which were almost as grand as the opening dinner.

"It's been a long time since I've watched Quidditch live," he said cheerfully.

However, his hat was too big and too high, completely blocking Professor Flitwick who was sitting behind him, so that he had to use magic to bend the tip of the hat down, and the brim of the hat also hung limply. It made his outfit look more like a nightgown.

The game is still narrated by Lee Jordan and supervised by Professor McGonagall.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw played very cleanly - Anthony finally saw what a game without fouls looked like - but the audience was obviously a little half-hearted. Gryffindors and Slytherins were taunting each other across the pitch, scrawling various words on the sheets with paint. Various "Slytherin thieves", "Trash Gryffindor", "Cry your nose, Potter" and "I'll beat you all over the ground looking for snitches" floated over the stands, almost drowning out the few "Ravenclaw, "The Eagle Soars" and "Hufflepuff, Climb the Great".

Gryffindor was slightly better in the linen battle. Their paint tubes can automatically write insults on sheets without them having to think about how to fight back.

Anthony heard that the Weasley brothers had played a small role in it.

"It's just a product trial for customers, no illegal magic is used." They said when they distributed free paint to Gryffindor, "Oh, be careful. It has not been fully adjusted yet... Yes, just like this, some paint tubes It might explode."

Filch was out of breath this week.

Not long after the start, Ravenclaw's seeker caught the snitch in front of the headmaster.

"Your purple robe makes the Golden Snitch look very obvious," she said cheerfully. "I recommend everyone wear purple when watching the game."

The frustrated Hufflepuffs were amused by her. The two teams exited as Jordan congratulated Ravenclaw on their victory. The blue and yellow uniforms are mixed together, replaying today's game.

After they left, someone immediately came over to clean the place. The Gryffindor and Slytherin teams were doing final checks in their respective lounges. Even before they came out, the audience in the stands were already yelling at each other.

Hermione frowned as Ron squeezed an entire tube of auto-swear paint onto the giant sheet in front of them, but she said nothing.

"Shit Letlin go to shit!" Pigment quickly wrote.

Hermione's brows were so tight they could kill a fly.

"That's a typo," she said.

When shaking hands before the game, the two sides were more tense than in any previous game. Everyone's hands were turned white, but no one wanted to let go.

"Okay, I hope there won't be any more trouble in this game." Mrs. Hooch said sternly. "Once you find something wrong, please ask the captain of each team to immediately signal to me to suspend the game."

The silver whistle blew, and each team immediately rose into the air. Lee Jordan commented: "Another game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, we saw it last week - Angelina got the Quaffle first, good, we really saw it Got it—Slytherin defended—Weasley brothers covered—Angelina faked around—beautiful!"

Angry, Angelina smashed the Quaffle into the Slytherin post. The Quaffle was as fast as a Bludger, and the Slytherin goalkeeper didn't react at all.

There were boos in the Slytherin stands.

"Did you see that, Henry?" Hagrid clapped his hands and said loudly, "As long as Slytherin doesn't cause trouble, we will definitely win!"

Ron said grimly: "It's hard to believe they won't cause trouble."

He was right.

Harry spent most of this flight flying at low altitude. Slytherin's beater tried to hit the Bludger at him, but it was always deflected away by the Weasley brothers who appeared out of nowhere. Finally, they even started to chase Harry's broom, trying to knock him down with their bodies, but Nimbus 2000 nimbly dodged left and right in the air - suddenly, there was a flash of golden light, and even Anthony saw it.

"Is it a snitch?" he asked, pointing over there. Dumbledore's purple hat really makes this yellow gadget stand out much more.

Harry found out too. He lowered his body and immediately rushed towards the opposite side.

Slytherin's Seeker was closer, but he didn't see it. He didn't realize what was happening until he noticed Harry flying rapidly in this direction and the spectators in the stands screamed.

He immediately started his broom and tried to stop Harry. No matter where the Golden Snitch was, as long as Harry couldn't fly over... But Harry rolled skillfully on the broom and bypassed his obstruction——

Everyone stared at the little golden snitch with bated breath.

boom! When Harry touched the Snitch, a very muffled and small sound of landing suddenly came from the court. If it weren't for the fact that everyone in the stands was too nervous to make a sound, Anthony might not even be able to hear it.

Amidst the cheers, Dumbledore immediately stood up and stared at the ground in the middle of the stadium. Anthony followed his gaze.

"Oh my God," he muttered in shock.

The captain of Slytherin was lying limply on the ground. His broom lay on the ground seven or eight feet away.

Mrs. Hooch rushed over.

"Broken ribs!" she announced. "Get someone to notify Madam Pomfrey! I'll take him to the school hospital!"

The team captain who fell to the ground, Marcus Flint, had a smile of victory on his pale face.

"My broom is out of control..." he said while coughing, "In case of emergency... the results will be invalidated."