
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Book&Literature
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115 Chs

Chapter 105: Hesitantly

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Last I heard, he told me that he was going to be living in France for a few months with his uncle to learn French before his term at Beauxbatons. I haven't heard from him after the Incident though. Haven't really had the chance to write either."

Harry frowned. Ron had frozen as soon as Terry's name was mentioned.

"He misses us you know," he said, just as much to Ron as to Hermione. The resentment Ron was harboring towards Terry for something that wasn't even his fault didn't sit well with Harry.

"Things will be different now," Ron replied, his tone lined with chill, "Really different. He's going to go to school in France and with Hogwarts being closed, we have no idea what's going to be happening to us."

Hermione glanced at Harry, her expression one of worried concern, before she asked, "The newspaper said you got Dean's… his body out of the Chamber. What happened to him after that?"

"Dad said that the DMLE is holding him for the investigation period," Ron piped in.

"Shouldn't he be released to his family?" Hermione asked, "They must be in so much pain."

"That's what I said. Dad told me the DMLE is afraid that if she wants to cremate then they might lose evidence permanently. Or at least that's the official reason,"

"It sounds reasonable. I guess," Hermione muttered.

"When will you be released?" Harry asked Hermione.

"They're running a few tests on me to make sure that the Mandrake worked as it should have, but they think I'll be out by tomorrow," Hermione replied as she picked up the newspaper and looked at it again.

"This says that we'll be transferred to a new school. Do you have any idea where?" she asked with a curious frown.

"It's not really official yet is it? But if we're given a choice then I'll choose Beauxbatons. Nick and Ellie have land in France." Harry replied.

"I think I'll do the same. Plus we have someone we know there. It'll be easier to fit in." Hermione said musingly, before asking, "And you Ron?"

"Same I suppose. It's closest to home," he said grudgingly, before looking at his wristwatch. He hesitantly added, "It's been over an hour. Mum must be waiting for me outside. I can tell her to come later if you want me to stay."

"Oh no, its fine," Hermione assured, "Go. I'll see you later,"

Ron gave a nod, before standing up and turning to Harry, "It was good seeing you again. Floo over to the Burrow sometime."

"I will Ron."

And with that, Ron left, leaving Harry and Hermione alone. Harry leaned back into the chair, closing his eyes. He knew what was coming.

"You saw it didn't you," he heard Hermione say.

"That newspaper article you had in your hand? I did," he replied, not opening his eyes.

"You're not angry?" she asked after a pause.

"No. A bit disappointed, a bit sad, but not angry." And much to his own relief, he knew that it was the truth.

A year ago he would have flipped at this. But he had grown. He had changed. In light of all that had happened… being angry over this seemed trivial and not worth it at all.


Due to self-reflection and understanding, take +1 Wis!

The silence after his reply lasted a few minutes.


Harry opened his eyes and looked into hers with a half-baked smile, "Because you made a mistake. A justified mistake. Then I forgave you for it… because I can't lose another one of my friends."

She did not say anything for the longest while, instead staring at him with an odd mixture of pity and wonder on her face, before leaning over and grabbing him in a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime Hermione," he said, patting her back, "Anytime."

After that, they spent time talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company for a while. Mrs. Granger brought them some food from the cafeteria above, and before he knew it, another hour had passed. He had to take his leave, promising to come visit soon.

He walked out of that room feeling lighter than he had in the last week. Jogging down the stairs, he headed out of the hospital through the glass window, walking straight across the road to the indoor tea shop across the street in which Nicholas was waiting for him.

A soft chime rang through the wood-paneled walls of the quaint little shop as Harry opened the door and walked in, locating Nicholas reading a magazine on a table by the corner. He walked over and slid into the chair in front of him.

"Did you enjoy your tea old man?" he asked.

Nicholas put down his magazine and peered at his face for a second before smiling. "I did. I'm glad you are feeling better."

Harry didn't know how to respond to that. He'd been careful not to worry his guardians too much, so the fact that Nicholas had noticed his unrest was… disconcerting. And so he simply nodded in response.

Soon, Nicholas finished his cup of tea and they paid for it before heading back out into the cold air of the crowded street outside.

They walked for a bit, talking about things of no real importance, like why St. Mungo's was founded in a busy Muggle street and whether this tea shop was better than the one in Diagon, before they found an out of sight alley and ducked into it.

Harry grabbed onto the offered arm before the duo twisted out of existence, smoothly and silently apparating to the front door of their apartment.

Finding his footing, Harry let go of Nicholas's arm and knocked on the door. The lock clicked open, and Harry turned the doorknob, leading Nicholas into the apartment.

He had barely locked the door behind him, when much to his surprise, he heard Nicholas ask, "Albus? What are you doing here?"

And sure enough, it was Dumbledore, sitting on the living room sofa across from Perenelle. The old Headmaster turned and looked at them just as Harry noticed that Perenelle was staring at a paper in her hands with a horrified expression.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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