
HP: The Grand Magus {A Gilderoy Lockhart SI}

Gilderoy Lockhart… What type of words do you imagine when hearing that name? Fraud? Liar? Swindler? Or even a Good For Nothing, Incompetent Buffoon? The Professors during his Hogwarts tenure mentioned that he has above average potential, but he was utterly too lazy. Why was this the case and wasted his potential and made a fool of himself? Yet, what if? This was not the case and he was more skilled, competent, and even a force to be reckoned with? A slightly above average person died mysteriously and the next he knows, he became Lockhart. ????: W-WHAT?!? I’M GILDEROY LOCKHART?!?! For this Lockhart will become greater than the cannon.

Dao_8teh · Book&Literature
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A Trip to the Library and going to the Playground

Several months later…

-June 5, 1967-

Gilderoy's POV

Finally! After a bit of begging and pleading my parents for to get me some books to that I will enjoy, they finally relented and they're now currently preparing us to go the public library for my very first time. Unfortunately, my sisters cannot come with due to them attending primary today.

My mum and dad dressed up in their outside clothing, while I wore a simple short sleeved blue striped t-shirt, brown leather shoes, and a light tan khaki shorts.

We got outside and went inside the car.

We are inside and waited for my mum to take the drivers seat. She has decided to drive the car today while my dad is sitting right beside her. I was just sitting behind them at the back, unfortunately this car didn't come with seatbelts and so I did ask my dad to make me a makeshift version of it that will hold securely. He was a bit confused until I showed my very Crude, rough sketch of the seatbelt.

Even then, he took approximately a week to figure it out on the installation and after a few trial and errors, he finally installed it in the car. My dad is only an architectural engineer, not a design engineer.

You might be thinking, why did ask your dad to painstakingly add the addition of a seatbelt if you've got a health regeneration buff? Well, I'm just being more cautious for I want to not have any major injuries as of right now, I also haven't experimented much on the limits of my regeneration and recovery time. Ideally, I really don't want know how long to recover after a car crash at age of 3 1/2.

The only things I tried to do were scrapes, scratches, and sprains. Mostly on my hands and wrists as well as my ankle. I have determined that as of currently, I can recover from those minor injuries around 2.5 faster than regular healthy child. In fact my health regeneration is good enough for me that I barely get any minor sickness other than an occasional flu, which only happened twice for me.

Regardless, I am pretty happy with what I've got so far, I recently tried to a bit of exercise that is possible for a 3 year old. I mostly run around the backyard or play hide and go seek with my sisters, they're pretty fun to have around but sometimes they annoy me. No matter what, they did help reignite my inner child and learn to take things bit by bit when I feel like it.

I tried to do some squats but I only manage to do at most 5 squats per day, not everyday though as I don't want to overwork my body. After every workout that I able to currently which is running, squats, and jumping jacks I usually stretch my body or do some light yoga that I could feasibly remember from my previous life, which I learned from high school PE class.

As for my progress on my magic, I can do some levitation on some objects like eating utensils or my pencils. The heaviest thing I can levitate is a couple books. I can project small light with a palm of my hand and turn it off. That's pretty much it. I can only Lumos, nox, and Wingardium Leviosa, I tried to other spells but either I don't have sufficient power or I haven't properly learned how to cast more spells. Either way I probably should ask my mum If she has any magical books or if she's willing to teach me.

After the car has started and the engine roaring, I tucked in my seatbelts and we drove off the neighbourhood and onto the main city. After around 15 minutes of driving, we arrived to the London Library.

"Wow, This is it! My first time going to this place.

As my dad opened the door and nearly started sprinting towards the until I heard…

Dad: Whoa! Kiddo, slow down or you'll hit someone.

"Okay, I'll slow down."

My mum also got out the car while also making sure that she'd closed it. My mum has never really been to a lot of places in muggle London, so this her first time going in this particular place.

Mum: So this the place where the muggles go to read and research information. As she muttered.

Dad: Don't you have something similar in your world?

Mum: Oh, no, we don't have public libraries in Magical Britain. We have bookstores but they really count as you to pay for them and you can't borrow books from them.

"Mummy, Don't the mages have libraries?

Mum: Mages? Also to answer your question many families have their personal libraries but it's mostly private.

"Yeah, Mages. I wanted a plural form for magical people as just saying wizards and witches seems to unnecessary to me."

Mum: Whatever works, Gil.

Oh yeah, my mum has been calling me that nickname since for a while now. Still would've Roy though. In any case, I went to the entrance to the library and dad help me opened the door. When I went in it was a marvellous sight, rows of shelves filled with hundreds if not thousands of books across the ground floor. This has library has several floors and various other rooms for different purposes like reading and art.

My parents and I checked in with the checkout desk and I registered with this library. We promptly went to the elevator and pressed the 5th floor to look at the literature section. After a little while, the elevator door opened and I started to sprint a bit further to look around the area.

I looked around the various of shelves to find some books that I'm interested in. After almost an hour later, I found some J.R.R Tolkien books, C.S Lewis, and a couple H.G Wells, I wanted some Isaac Asimov or George Orwell books but my mum said no! And he barely tolerated me getting H.G Wells books. I borrowed the Lord of the Rings series and Chronicles of Narnia while only getting "The Island of Doctor Moreau".

Apparently there is a limit of how much books you could borrow and you have to return them within 3 weeks. I carried 2 out of 3 books of Lord of the Rings while my dad carried the rest. During the past hour my mum was checking some books and she curiously ask me about who is J.R.R Tolkien. I briefly told her about his books and gave her "The Fellowship of the Ring" to read as the starter. She didn't read the whole thing but she started getting the gist of the plot and actually started to like it and told me she wanted the rest when we go back home.

I doubt she would like C.S Lewis as she's not particularly fond with Christians but I don't know. My dad talk to librarian at the checkout and got all the books checked out. We got into car and place my borrowed books into the back carseat adjacent to me.

We were about to go home until they got the idea to visit the park.

Dad: let's visit the park.

Mum: A park? But why?

Dad: It will be good for us and good for Gilderoy as he cooped in the house.

"Hey! I go out."

Dad: But you haven't really gone outside around the neighbourhood.

"Fair enough, I was just a bit scared"

Dad: Nothing really much to scare you if you're in the neighbourhood.

My mum drives around and found the nearest park, she parked the car and we got out. Unfortunately, the park doesn't have a playground to play in, only just trees, benches and some pathways. So we decided to take a light stroll, looked around the scenery and the promptly sat at a park bench. I have some nice conversations with my parents.

"So mummy, what's your life like in the wizarding world."

Mum: Well Gil, I lived a fairly privileged lifestyle as I grew up as a pureblood. I lived in a nice manor with my parents and I was the only child. We may have some land and property but it mostly fell into disuse after I left. My family use to be more powerful and influential amongst pureblood families but we lost a great deal of it in the last few centuries.

"Wait, why would the lands fell into disuse? And what happened?

Mum: I ran away, since this kind of behaviour is down right embarrassing for the pureblood community and I think I'm disowned.

"Disowned? Why are you disowned?"

Mum: I disobeyed my parents. I recently graduated with good marks and wanted to become a healer. As soon as I got home, I heard glimpses of my parents talking and talked about marriage prospects. You see, in the pureblood community arranged marriage is a very common occurrence, so I wasn't surprised nor opposed by it. I didn't really care except that my potential husband respects my choice and independence. Until I heard "Travers", he was the guy who was a couple grade above me and his reputation was abysmal and there were rumours on many thing about especially how he views and treats women. I knew that I didn't want to be his wife and be treated horribly, so I had to do something. I barged in to the room and tried to persuade the both of them to cancel or choose any other candidate. Unfortunately, they were both stubborn and we got into a big fight. In the end they did not relent and told me to follow this or else. I went to my room and cried because of that, after letting out my emotions. I have decided that I must do what I have to do, I ran away. I grabbed everything I physically can carry and fled in the middle of night. I rented a room in the Leaky Cauldron and I applied for the apprenticeship as a healer the next day.

"So you are disowned for getting out of a bad marriage."

Mum: I imagine so due me being disobeying them. So yeah, it would reasonable to do so as my family has slowly fallen off their prestige and me marrying into another noble pureblood would help alleviate some of the loss prestige and to regain some of it.

"Wait! How did mummy met daddy?"

Mum: Well it is a bit of a sto-

Dad: Let me tell you the story as mummy already told a bit of her side and what about my side.

Dad: Your mummy was getting out of her work-shift and she was tired. She was walking home one day and she accidentally bumped into me. I was getting out of a bar and slightly drunk so I was walking until I bumped into her, she nearly fell down and I quickly caught her. I may blurted out something embarrassing to her and I then saw her grabbing a stick and said something in Latin.

Mum: I was trying to obliviate you!

Dad: Anyways, she unfortunately didn't know that I have something that prevented that and it failed while she tried to do it multiple times and she said another spell and it also didn't work. That when I realized that she was a witch and she didn't know that I'm a squib that also came from 2 generation of squibs. I'm a third generation by the way. After that the debacle, I told her the truth and she looked a bit more disgusted.

Mum: I thought you were a regular muggle at the time! As she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought daddy was a muggle?"

Dad: considering it was dark outside and started to rain, I offered her to stay at my place for the night and dry off a bit. She could've refused right then and there but she accepted, though she told me that this one night and were not sleeping together. From there it evolved into friendship, then lovers, and now we're married with 3 wonderful kids.

"That's it? there has to be more than that."

Dad: that is a story for another time.

After that, we got off the park bench and went inside to the car and drove home. I am quite excited to read my books!

I tried my best to build up my character a bit but I don’t know, I hope you enjoyed. If you have any ideas about my story? Comment it down and let me know.

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