
HP: The Flawed Icon

A Lord who once held the anchor rune, the lord who once led the golden order. A lord who was frustrated by his weakness and stole other's strengths for his own, his very ambition forever tainting him. The Lord once known as Godrick the Golden, now Godrick the Grafted... Has died. But Ah! A new chance! A new world! A chance at redemption! ... Or is it? (credits to quietarcher for the cover art)

Basil_Grower · Video Games
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12 Chs

First class in transfiguration!

Turns out the brutes from the movie weren't actually that bad!

They were a little slow, yes, but they were also pretty nice and respectful.

Gregory had a hobby of drawing and sculpting, which he usually did with heavy, magical variations of clay.

Vincent was a very poetic kid, with a lot of experience in reading and writing poetry, this was apparently because his mum was a very intellectual woman who read him to sleep with poems.

That rumor about the two being dunces, whilst partially true, was only just partially true. It seemed as though whoever made this rumor that the two families were shallow must have been really good at it considering it had haunted the two families for generations.

However his room for three was often left with only him inside it, it was required for the two boys to be at Malfoy's side at all times, answering to all his whims. They were good kids, just in a bad situation.

*Ding Dong*

A small enchanted bell one of the boys had brought started dinging loudly, and annoyingly. It was charmed to ring whenever the boy in question, Vincent, had a lesson to attend, however since they were all in first year and attended classes together as a whole, it accounted for all of them.

Deacon was ready for whatever was necessary for him to do, he didn't know what his wand was exactly good at, since the old creepy guy in the wand shop barely explained anything about it, just something about fooling appearances, so illusion magic? But there are so many different kinds of illusion magic, there are charms, wards, and a lot of stuff connecting with arithmancy but math was complicated enough, let alone magic math.

His robes were always clean, and there was a constant smell of lavender that came from it. His hair was as tidy as it could get, unsurprisingly now that he could shower properly, and for an extended amount of time, his hair was not as greasy as before when you could just slide your hand over his hair and have it covered in human oil.

His wand was in his pouch, and his transfiguration book was nowhere to be found, but eh he could just ask for someone to share theirs with him.

Having gone through all the things on his checklist for his very first day at Hogwarts attending lessons, he set out from his dorm and hiked his way through the castle towards what he hoped was the transfiguration class

The classroom in front of him had an open door, and right on the desk, there was a petite little tabby cat. It was so cute he could pet it, but there was only one thing this teacher could be.


There it was, Ms McGonnagal in the flesh, staring at all the students with her trademark strict face, ready to either pass out knowledge or judgment. To be honest, she and Professor Snape always had some kind of grim demeanor for whatever strange reason, It was a strange trademark for the Professors of either main house as Deacon recalled Slughorn had a rather interesting face too.

"Welcome to your very first class of Transfiguration"

"For all those who have no concept of transfiguration. It is a very systematic and exact discipline, working best for the more scientifically inclined mind, and as such, it is considered very complex work. Transfiguration is a subject that requires no extent of creativity, and only your firm and decisive will"

"Though, with experience, one can have infinite possibilities with transfiguration"


Ms McGonagall twirled her wand in a choreographed fashion, as the desk behind her had turned into a pig. With another twirl of her wand, it turned back into its previous form, with everything in its previous place.

If transfiguration had such possibilities then Deacon could do anything he wanted! He could turn rocks into frogs, birds into glass, and more, the question was, however, is his wand more suited to such work? After all, no one told him what a wand made of rosewood was more attuned to, the same could be said about the rougarou hair.

"Today you will be transfiguring matches, into needles. It is the simplest form of transfiguration and takes the least amount of practice."

"It requires a light circular twirl, whilst speaking its incantation which has been written on the board for you all"

On the board there was an incantation written in simple Latin, "Vera Muerto" 

With his simple words alone the matchstick on his desk gained a slight and barely visible, silvery sheen. It was only his intent that was brought out by his words, if he used his wand too then...

He twirled his wand in a sort of circular fashion and spoke the phrase and the match didn't explode like Seamus Finnigan's did on the other corner of the room, and it didn't succeed immediately like he hoped it would, but it became sharper, and the wood became metallic.

It was a needle in all but name, it was still not exactly a needle but it was getting there.

So it appeared that while transfiguration was not his best friend, it was also not his worst enemy, it was at best a close aquiantance. 

Another try was all it took and his match had become more needle-like than before, but until he could finish the chants and the smooth moves for a third time, a bushy haired girl with a know-it-all aura surrounding her, had made her match into a sharp needle aand with eloquent designs nonetheless.

Of course Ms McGonagall was ecstatic and gifted ten points to Gryffindor, but this was interesting, as this hadn't happened in neither the books or the movies from what he knew. Maybe his presence in the wizarding world had made a ripple effect but that wouldn't be right. 

He hadn't done nearly enough to elicit too much of a change did he? He only swindeled some girls on the train and befriended two brutes who were lacking in the looks department.

Maybe it was the system? 

Usually, in these fictions with a system there is a reason behind it, sometimes with the goal of causing chaos, being a hero, or just to entertain some higher beings and considering how overpowered his system was before it declared him unworthy, it was probably the last one.

Or he at least hoped it was the last one.

Any great outer beings out there? Yoohoo?

"Congratulations Mr Butch for finishing the assignment before the rest of the students! 5 points to Slytherin!"

Oh yeah he finished the needle too. That was nice.


Gonna finish this chapter and make another one during one of these weekends, but then I'm gonna disappear off the face of the earth for a while (I'm going to rob a bank to pay for my tuition)

Wish me luck with some powerstones if you can. Or even if you can't, just send me some blessings

Basil_Growercreators' thoughts