
HP: The Demon King System

Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. This system rewards him for causing chaos and breaking school rules, leading to a period of unprecedented liveliness at Hogwarts. Dumbledore acknowledges, "Every student should break a few rules in their lifetime, but Wayne... please try to exercise some restraint." McGonagall adds, "I always thought the Weasley twins were daring, but I never expected Wayne to surpass them in bravery!" Snape exclaims, "Azkaban! He deserves to be sorted straight into Azkaban!" Voldemort proclaims, "Forget about the Children of Prophecy. My only desire is to kill Wayne Lawrence! Right away!" Wayne raises his hands in a helpless gesture and explains, "I'm just doing System missions!!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 Chapter Just a Translator and a Reader

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9. How Can One Trash Can Be Enough? Watch Me Do Good Deeds Without Leaving My Name

After taking a taxi, Wayne returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

The bar owner, Tom, was impressed by Wayne, a cute little wizard, and offered him a free glass of butterbeer before leaving.

Tom explained to Wayne that his butterbeer was non-alcoholic, as he didn't want Wayne to think it was real wine. He mentioned that the best butterbeer could be found at Three Broomsticks, made by Mrs. Rosmerta, and shared a personal anecdote about ordering two glasses of wine there.

Wayne was taken aback by Tom's intoxicated expression and fell into silence.

Once Wayne finished his glass of butterbeer, he stopped listening to Tom's rambling and headed to the patio with a smile on his face.

Here we go, bro!

Professor McGonagall had informed Wayne that the trash can was under a permanent sticking spell and couldn't be moved. Although Wayne didn't have the skill to remove the spell completely, he believed he could still contribute to the wizarding world.

He took out his wand and pointed it at the wall.

"Repaired as good as new."

The stone bricks that required grouting were quickly restored to their original state.

However, Wayne furrowed his brow.

"No, it's too new. It stands out too much."

"Repairo, Scourgify!"


After much effort, Wayne completed the task.

The entire wall appeared clean and newly laid, making it impossible to identify the correct entrance.

Realizing that a single trash can wouldn't suffice for the busy Leaky Cauldron, Wayne decided to create more. With people coming and going daily, the business was thriving.

"It's just a trash can. How many times does Uncle Tom have to take out the trash in a day?"


By casting the copying spell, Wayne created several identical trash cans and placed them in front of the establishment.

Satisfied with his work, Wayne nodded.

Though he wasn't yet proficient in the copying spell, these trash cans should last a month.

That should be enough.

With school starting in a month, there wouldn't be as many young wizards frequenting the Leaky Cauldron.

After accomplishing such a feat, Wayne decided not to mention it to Uncle Tom. It was ingrained in him to conceal his achievements.

Stepping forward to enter Diagon Alley, Wayne suddenly froze.

"Damn it, which brick was it?"


After much time and effort, Wayne eventually found the correct brick and entered Diagon Alley with a slightly dejected expression.

"Well, that wasn't very lucky. I didn't expect to encounter trouble so soon."

As Wayne walked on the cobblestone road, he cursed himself for not thinking things through and getting carried away, nearly causing a mishap. Compared to when I came a few days ago, Diagon Alley has become livelier, with a crowd of people gathered in front of a shop. Wayne also leaned over and saw that it was a Quidditch boutique. In the most prominent window display were three broomsticks, accompanied by a large poster.

"The new Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick is now available. It features the most advanced acceleration charm, braking charm, and a comfortable seat that hugs your hips, allowing for seamless flying in the sky," the poster announced.

Next to Wayne, a wizard was examining the broom's specifications and making comments. "The acceleration is five percent faster, the deceleration and shock absorption effects have increased by five percent, and the top speed has also increased by five percent. This improvement is rather underwhelming, it's like squeezing out toothpaste," he remarked.

A wizard in a purple cloak sighed, "Who allowed the Sweep series to disappoint? Comet Company hasn't released a new product in ten years, leaving Nimbus as the only option."

"Even if the improvements are small, it's still a step up from other brooms," another wizard chimed in.

Listening for a while, Wayne decided to enter the Quidditch Boutique. While many people were gathered outside, few seemed to have the intention of buying. Broomsticks held a similar status in the wizarding world as family cars. With Floo powder and Apparition available, many wizards were content with owning just one broomstick, regardless of its speed.

Aside from Quidditch players and affluent individuals, not many people would bother upgrading their brooms for such slight improvements. Wayne glanced at the price on the nameplate – five hundred galleons. While he didn't consider it overly expensive, wages in the wizarding world were generally low. Earning seventy or eighty galleons a month, Mr. Weasley's earnings were a testament to this. Two thousand galleons for the Nimbus broom was already considered expensive. Although Wayne could easily afford it, he decided to think it over and left, reasoning that he could always buy it later if he enjoyed flying lessons in school.

Leaving the Quidditch boutique, Wayne made his way to the nearby Tuofan clothing store. The last time he visited, he had only purchased the three plain robes required for school. However, wearing the all-black robe made him feel like a walking giant bat, prompting him to buy additional robes in different styles to avoid clashing with Professor Snape.

"Welcome! Is there anything specific you're looking for?" greeted the owner of Tuofan Clothing Store, a well-maintained lady in her forties who exuded charm. She smiled warmly upon seeing Wayne enter.

"Hello, madam. I need some school-appropriate robes," Wayne replied politely.

"Very few young wizards come to me for clothing. Come this way," she said, leading him further into the store. The landlady found it interesting and linked her arm with Wayne, and the two of them entered the small room.

Half an hour later...

"Eighty-five Galleons for Change, twelve Sickles, little guy, you can just give me eighty Galleons," the landlady said, smiling broadly and satisfied.

It was indeed a luxury store in the wizarding world.

The money was not wasted. All three pieces of clothing were fixed with dust removal charms, waterproof charms, and fire protection charms, which saved a lot of trouble.

After giving the proprietor her home address, Wayne clutched his wallet next to his kidney and left.

The money was wasted. Counting the last purchase, more than half of the two hundred galleons were gone in the blink of an eye.

Wayne could only go to Gringotts and withdraw another five hundred galleons before starting to scan the goods.

At the Ink Stationery Store, he bought three quills made of devil bird feathers. They were nothing special, just pink and delicate, but they looked nice.

Slug & Jiggers Apothecary was where he bought a lot of processed potion materials.

Hogwarts has great benefits, and the school provides materials for potions classes.

But Wayne had to buy them himself when making and practicing potions in private. He couldn't be like Potter, who just went to Snape's office when he needed something.

In other words, if Harry Potter could get away with it, anyone else would have to endure Snape's torture.

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